To Day, The Inn!

Leave it to the government to slow down progress!

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The rain had stopped for a while, so we went to the garden to check on everything.  The first stop is the rain gauge.  We expected more than half an inch, but it speaks the truth.

1/2 inch, so says the gauge!

Our veggies are beginning to grow.  The baby cauliflower was the first one to show signs.

Cauliflower is rich in vitamin C, which is good for skin, healing, and gum health.  It is a cruciferous vegetable that helps prevent colon cancer.  Cauliflower means “cabbage flower” because it is a flower that has not fully developed.  Cauliflower is related to broccoli, Brussels sprouts, and cabbage.

The cauliflower is beginning to show signs of growth!

Be patient, Grasshopper; you will soon grow up!


We have all sorts of lettuce underway, ranging from Butter Lettuce to a red leaf variety. There will be many salads in our future.

Amazingly, these little guys enjoy the water and the cold!

Mary checks out the back forty to see how the grass is growing and decides when to cut the grapes back.  We estimate February first for a severe haircut for all the grapes.

Professor Green Thumb at work!

While walking around the pool, Mary noticed some roses heavy with dew.  She decided to test out the new macro lens on her iPhone 15.

Mother Nature is magnificent!

Now for the macro-lense picture!

It’s too bad the sun isn’t shining bright; the dewdrops would have been shining brightly.

We went inside, had our coffee, and messed around in the office before getting ready for Girls’ Night Out.  I selected my shirt and got some remarks from Mary!


I suggested we make a fruitcake, and Mary found an excellent recipe!

Making A Fruitcake:

1.  Go to the crafts store.2.  Purchase one or more bags of dried fruit, some plaster of Paris, brown paint, and a disposable cake pan.3.  Return home.

4.  Unwrap the dried fruit, carefully fold the wrapper inside out, and place it at the bottom of your trash can.  Better yet, send it through your personal paper shredder and use it for insulation in the attic.

5.  Mix the plaster of Paris with water and pour into the disposable cake pan.  Place dried fruit on top, gently pushing in so it looks “baked” in the “batter.” Let dry.

6.  Take your “fruitcake” out of the disposable cake pan.

7.  Cover the top, bottom, and sides with brown paint, avoiding the fruit.

8.  Wrap your “fruitcake” in festive, colored saran wrap and finish with a bow.  I like using red wrap because it gives a warm glow to the “fruitcake.

“9.  Give your “fruitcake” to someone you want to impress.  When they lift it, they’ll say, “Wow!  You must have made a rich fruitcake!” Don’t forget to smile and say, “Oh, it’s Paris-style fruitcake.”

10.  Don’t worry about someone trying to eat your fruitcake.  Nobody actually eats fruitcake … that’s just a rumor.  Just so you know, the dried fruit won’t go “bad” because it has the same preservatives as Twinkies, which have a shelf-life of about 237 years.

We grabbed a quick lunch at the Elks and caught up with friends, then headed to Corona to pick up Bob, Robin, Kayla, and Nick.

Merry Christmas all!

It was a 30-minute ride to Corona from Santa Ana, and we arrived just in time to visit and jump back in the van, and head to Riverside.

Grab a coat, it might be cold!

We had to stop by their family Christmas tree and go searching for new things that were added this year!

What do you get when you cross an archer with a gift-wrapper? Ribbon hood.

Mary loved that tree!

We got to the Inn just in time for our 4:00 pm reservation at the Italian Trattoria.

The hotel is a magnificent structure.

We had a great meal and enjoyed a $200 bottle of champagne at a perfect table in the enclosed patio. From there, we could observe people bustling back and forth while doing their shopping.

I remember asking my mother, “Can I have a dog for Christmas?”  She answered, ” No you can have turkey like everyone else.”


Ah, youth!  It’s too bad it is wasted on the young!

Bob and Robin are a delight to be with on any occasion!

Kayla and Nick seemed to enjoy the evening.

Why was the snowman looking through the carrots? He was picking his nose!

Always a smile! (What are they up to?)

Of course, we always enjoy any occasion where we are together!

Love that girl!

We went to the galleria and walked around for quite a while seeking treasures.

One could spend hours inside this four-story building.

Mary did find a treasure, a wrap dating back to the 1940s.  It was a perfect fit!

Looking good!

From the antique store, we walked back through the hotel before finding the Grey Ghost and heading for home.

Enter with care!

Driving home was easy, and we dropped off the kids before the incoming rain. We made it home by 9:30 pm and watched a Christmas movie with Henry Winkler.  Summary:

Corporate analyst and single mom Jen tackles Christmas with a business-like approach until her uncle arrives with a handsome stranger in tow.

When I think of Mary!

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Christmas Is Coming In Just A Few Days!

The day started at 6:30 am, even before the sun was up.  We got up and went to the kitchen to kickstart our day with coffee.  Suddenly, we heard Scout coughing, and he couldn’t stop.  We were worried, so we took him to the vet.  Scout always manages to make things interesting!

Even though we had to leave at 11:30 am to be at the Elks for lunch, we took a spin in the garden to ensure everything was ready for the predicted downpour this afternoon.  All seemed well, except the lemon tree was weeping.  It was so loaded with fruit that we picked some and made lemonade!

This little guy will need some serious support after the fruit is picked!

We went VFR to the Lodge and met up with Bob and Bill.  Keeping with our diets, we did not have any alcohol but did indulge in chili and a salad.

We got to the Lodge at 11:45 am and went to our assigned table.  We asked for a picture of us to prove we were here.

Keeping with our diets, we did not have any alcohol but did indulge in chili and a salad.  I had hot tea as my cough was coming back.

We keep the lights lit in case Santa needs to have us guide the sleigh in the next few days!

Bill sent us a picture of opening his first Christmas present – a towel for cleaning glasses and PC screens – in the mountains outside the Lodge.  OK, I used my new AI-enabled background remover!

He was happy to get the new rag!

We departed the Lodge at 11:40 am and went to Mary’s doctor in Newport Beach, arriving just in time.  It took her about an hour, and I used that time to call the Branders about Christmas dinner and made some other essential calls.

While surfing the web, I found a perfect present for our neighbor.  A Lego Ham radio set!  I tried to find it on Amazon, but it was not available!

I think this is not real!

From the doctor’s office, we went to VFR to Mary’s gym appointment, dropping her off at 2:45 pm, and then I returned home.  The breeze was going quite strong when I drove up, and the flag was kept in the proper spot so I could get a picture of it waving in the wind.

The flag needs to be a brighter red!  It says:   Merry Christmas from Mary and Paul!

When I picked Mary up from the gym, we ordered Christmas dinner at the local Chinese restaurant called Yang Ming Gardens.  Yang Ming was established in Orange in 1994 and relocated to Villa Park in 2020.  It’s a tradition to have Chinese food and watch the “Christmas Story” movie.

We have enough food now to feed an army.

They will deliver the various dishes we selected at 9:00 pm on Christmas Eve.  It will go into the fridge until Christmas Day, and with a bit of help from the microwave, we will have a great Chinese dinner.

Remember… “Tra Ra Ra Ra Ra, Ra Ra Ra Ra… BAM”

Note: When I found this image from the movie, some idiot labeled it “racist.”  What has happened to our country?

We left Yang-Ming in heavy rain and took refuge at Rockwell’s three doors down.  We had a glass of wine and Caprese salad, in line with our “diet.”

Who is hiding behind the menu??

We found a new item!

The Caprese salad was beautiful and quite tasty!

Did You Know?  Caprese salad is an Italian salad made of sliced fresh mozzarella, tomatoes, and sweet basil, seasoned with salt and olive oil.  It is usually arranged on a plate in restaurant practice.  Like pizza Margherita, it features the colors of the Italian flag: green, white, and red.

The salad is named after the island of Capri, where it is believed to have originated. Two common stories about its origin include it being an homage to the Italian flag or “in the 20th century to appease the palates of vacationing royalty and important politicos”.

Mozzarella is named after its specific production process. In Italian, the verb mozzare refers to the way the curd is hand-stretched in strips and then cut into balls. The term ‘mozzarella’ first appeared in Italy in 1570 in a cookery book by Bartolomeo Scappi, chef to the papal court.

The colors were amazing.

We decided to go to Jan’s house as she was lonely, self-imposed!  We shared a glass of wine with her before making the one-mile journey home.  She will be joining us on Christmas Eve or Christmas Day, one way or another.s

The rain had dissipated by the time we got home.  We got on our night clothes and headed to bed to warm up.  I took Scout the Wonder Dog out for his pre-betime piddle.

We are lucky to have each other!

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Hang On! The Grinch Might Steal Our Christmas!

It was a typical day in Whoville; we were aroused at 6:00 am by Scout, The Wonder Dog, asking Alexa, “What  is the weather going to be like today?”  He wanted to go outside to tinkle without rain.  When Alexa said, “Rain this afternoon,” he laid back down and went back to sleep!

“Wake me up later, Dad!”

Scout informed us of his fabulous fur, which keeps him warm in all sorts of weather!

Snow?  What snow?  I am as warm as can be!!

We covered the Christmas boxes as rain is predicted for the next few days!

Christmas boxes are covered by waterproof tarps so it can rain all it wants

Today, we have chores and errands before we get prettied up and head for the Royal Khyber for dinner and the  Seagerstom to see “The Grinch.”

Mary and I talked this morning while she cooked and cleaned the spa.  She often reminds me how close we are and that she can confide in me!

We drained the spa this morning, and Mary went inside and cleaned it before we refilled it and turned the heater back on!  We hope it warms up by tomorrow morning so we can use it before the heavy days of Christmas are upon us.  While she was inside, I cleaned the spa cover.  We make a great team!

Rubba-dub-dub, I am scrubbing the tub!

I found new filters for the spa in the He Shed, which looks well organized for a change!!  Since that was the last set, we ordered two more to have on hand.

The “He Shed” is looking pretty good!

Bonnie was here yesterday, and she thought that by using her magic, the spa would clean itself.  It did not work, so we had to use our friend, Manuel Labor!

Bonnie tried to clean the spa yesterday using an old witch’s trick, but it did not work!

Mary is so thoughtful; she brought me a Christmas present early!

I hope it comes with a dictionary of new swear words!!

It’s 4:00 pm, and we are off to South Coast Plaza for dinner with Amy and Joe before the show at the Segerstrom Theater!  There was no traffic on the freeway, so we arrived too early.  We decided to grab a drink at Antenello’s next door!

Our “Barkeep” was delightful!

We took her to the East Coast to see some snow!

“Baby is cold outside”

Knowing that Amy was nervous about the Indian food, Mary found Brussels sprouts on the bar menu, and we ordered them to go for Amy.

We walked to the Royal Khyber and got there before Joe and Amy.  We told the owner and general manager about Amy’s dilemma.  We asked if they would heat them and serve them to Amy as an appetizer, and I would announce what it was.  The plan worked beautifully.

Amy and Joe made for a delightful evening.

We were both lit up for the evening.  I changed my light to multi-color because when they flashed red, three cars stopped and let us by!

Mary did her soup and salad while I went for the lamb vindaloo, heat level ten!!

Amy tried the butter chicken and pronounced it was terrific!

We flashed everyone!

To get into the season, we thought about Christmas trees and snow!  Poof!  It happened.

We enjoy our family and wish Robin, Colleen, and Michele were here!

It was approaching 7:00 pm, a bewitching hour, and we jumped in the Silver Fox and dashed to the theater only two blocks away.  We can’t take pictures during the performance, so I got these from the online advertisement, but they are identical to what we saw.  Brilliant colors and lots of action!

After the performance, we returned to the Royal Khyber to retrieve Joe’s car.  Then, we were on our way back home, but the temptation of Ace’s Bar and Grill led us to Chapman.  We stopped and had a glass of wine before finally heading home.

We hijacked the jukebox and played Christmas songs until we departed.

We are being good, very, very good!

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Monday And Christmas Is A Week Away!

We know how he feels!

We woke up at 7:00 am and got ready for the day.  Mary went to the gym to start her morning exercise routine while I dropped by TJ’s to get lunch for our visitors.  After completing my errands, I returned to the gym to finish my assessment with the personal trainer.  I aim to reach my goal of 185 pounds through morning workouts with my trainer.

Anthony, My Trainer!

Scout has two little friends down the street, and they sent him a musical Christmas Card this morning.  We played it over and over.  Now, Scout wants to make one!

We expected Bonnie and the kids around lunchtime; they made it at 12:25 pm!    They will be visiting us for a couple of hours before we are off and running again!

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We had pizza and lasagne, but we were prepared; we also had mac and cheese, just in case!

Mary received a butterfly house as a Christmas present.  We will find a suitable place to put it and welcome the butterflies.

Did You Know? – Butterflies don’t sleep like people do, but many species rest in groups, a behavior called “roosting.” Some may pause for just a night, while others roost for the entire winter season.  Roosting together helps protect butterflies from predators and preserves energy for long migrations.

Everybody was excited!

They decided they wanted to go into the swim spa, and we thought that a great idea as they would sleep all the way home.

We kept the spa at 95 degrees, so it was perfect!

After they left, we went to Home Depot and purchased a large tarp to cover the empty Christmas boxes on the patio because we were expecting four days of rain.

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Christmas In Denmark!

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We were invited to Charlotte’s home to celebrate this evening.

These are traditional Danish apple slices called aebleskiver, which are ball-shaped bread dough with a texture similar to pancakes. Although their name is not very descriptive, they are a popular comfort food in Denmark during the long winter nights, especially in the run-up to Christmas.

While some people choose to add a piece of apple or prune to the middle of the dough halfway through cooking, it is optional. These delicious treats are usually served with jam or fresh fruit and a dusting of icing sugar.  The crust is similar in texture to European pancakes but with a light and fluffy interior similar to a Yorkshire pudding.

harlotte had the magic touch!

She prepared Gløgg, which is a hot and sweet mulled wine that is popular during the Danish Christmas season. Many Danes enhance the flavor and potency of Gløgg by adding schnapps or rum to it.

Charlotte has been a family friend for fifteen or more years and remains an avid golf player at Old Ranch.  We played with her quite often, and I credit her for making me an average golfer – that is a compliment!  She taught me how not only to play golf but to enjoy golf!

We departed with James about 8:00 pm and headed for home after a fantastic evening.

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I Be Older Than Dirt!

On December 16th, 1944, at 4:03 pm, I was born.  Now, 79 years later, I look forward to reaching 100 with my beautiful bride.

I was born and raised in this tiny 1,200-square-foot home in West Los Angeles.

Even without freeways, it was probably a 16-minute ride to the hospital 80 years ago!

See All The Photos On Our Website

We worked in the garden this morning.  Mary trimmed the roses and planted the remaining flowers in the upright planters.  I tended to some tasks, including applying mulch to the vegetables and fixing the weather vane.

The Dudas arrived at 3:30 pm, and we went to an English restaurant called “The Five Crowns” in Corona Del Mar.  We would go here for my birthday for many years as my son, Mutch, loved the place.  Since his passing (and COVID), we didn’t go, but tonight brought back memories and the desire to repeat the experience in the future.

A Fixture in Corona Del Mar since 1965.

We are ready to enter and go back in time to Jolly Ol’ England circa 1700!

Christmas is the only time of year you can sit in front of a dead tree eating candy from socks.

She dressed to the occasion!

Bob and Robin had never been to the Five Crowns; it was an experience!

For you math wizards, “What is the first derivative of a cow?  A prime rib.”

First timers!

Their specialty is Prime Rib, and tonight’s 23 oz cut was fantastic.  Mary and the kids opted for smaller portions.

Why is Christmas just like a day in the office? You do all the work, and the fat guy in the suit gets all the credit.

OMG, it was the entire cow!

We had the carolers entertaining this evening, and I asked, “What Child Is This.”  The sounds were incredible.

Dear Santa, this year, please give me a big fat bank account and a slim body.  You mixed those two up last year.

Dinner was terrific, and we finished off with a chocolate souflé.  I do NOT want to see the bathroom scale in the morning.

Christmas is a special time of year when your whole family gathers together in one place to look at their cellphones.

In one word, “Stuffed!”

To continue our tradition, we walked through the gardens at Roger’s Garden, about three miles away.

Mary and Bob led the way; Mary’s lights were helpful in the dark garden.

Inside the Christmas store, decorations were everywhere.  It’s too bad we have no more room for decorations.

Made from bangles, bobbles, and beads… Oh My!

We headed home to have a nightcap and dive into desert #2; Robin and Bob brought a birthday cake when they came over earlier!

I had a great dream!

We talked to Scout for a while before crashing.  He regaled us with stories about how he chased off a gang of elephants who tried to get into the vegetable garden.  He was spellbinding in his descriptions!

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Party Hopping Again!

I got the spirit and decorated the tree!

It’s five in the morning, and the roosters haven’t even started crowing yet, but Mary is already up!  I was up a few minutes earlier and got the bathroom warm courtesy of the ceiling heater.  She got presentable, and I drove her to her gym appointment.  It was really cold this morning!

We laid down in the snow and watched the penguins dance back and forth!

Upon my arrival, Scout eagerly awaited to go outside. I then completed yesterday’s Daily Diary and started today’s.

At 10:00 AM, we visited my doctor in Orange. The visit took 15 minutes, and my PSA was 0.0, indicating that the cancer is gone.

Upon arriving home, my spouse and I changed into our festive attire and drove to Melanie’s Restaurant in Seal Beach to attend a party with some of my previous colleagues from Boeing Corporation. Since I retired almost sixteen years ago, I’m uncertain whether I’ll be able to recognize anyone there apart from some of the “old farts”.

See The Details On Our Website

After Melanie’s, we zipped down the 22 to the 55 and then to the Elks for a great evening with Iris, Will, and Robin.  The menu was fixed, but our waiter said they had ten prime ribs in the back; we took two of them!

See The Elks Party Details On Our Website

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Off To The Races; We Are Party Hoppers Today!

Zoom, and we are off and running!

We have to get Scout ready for Christmas and have a busy day ahead of us.  First, we plan to visit the doggy hairdresser so that Scout can look his best for the guests joining us during the holidays.

After that, we will attend the “Girls’ Night Out” event at the Elks Lodge in Santa Ana.  Later, we will be heading to Aces to attend the El Modena Teacher’s Christmas Party.  Finally, we will attend the Packard International Club dinner in Santa Ana.  It’s going to be a hectic but exciting day!

See The Website For More Details!

Just before we left for our trip, the doorbell rang, and it was a gift for Mary from Paul!  Although I had considered getting her a “Risque Mrs. Claus” outfit, I think she would look amazing in this dress.  Plus, if I get a Mr. Santa costume, we could audition for “White Christmas.”

Mary will be the Bell Of The Ball!

We finalized plans for this weekend’s dance at the Elks, which was beautifully decorated for the holidays.

Why is the alphabet in the North Pole different than the standard alphabet?  The North Pole’s alphabet has noel.

Mighty handsome!

Mary took Santa’s seat briefly before we departed for Scout’s hairdresser to pick him up and watch him sache around the house, wiggling his behind!

A perfect fit!

After Scout arrived home and shared his stories, we freshened up and went to Ace’s Bar and Grille on Chapman in Orange.  We met up with some new friends who are teachers at El Modena High School.  We have a single glass of wine because another stop is planned this evening.

Tiffiny and Steve greeted us at the door.

We left at 4:00 pm with the intention of visiting the Packard Club in Santa Ana.  However, Dianne called and informed us that David was moving slowly today.  As a result, we decided to come back home and went to TJ’s as we were running low on wine.

I love those Packards.

This shop has everything!  So, if you have a rear-end problem, this is the place to be!

David told stories, and Dianne, Mary, and I chowed down on Mexican food.

We enjoyed a small Mexican meal and a glass of wine while visiting friends and listening to stories of yesteryear.

Just us.

It was a friendly crowd this evening.

We were pooped out by the time we got home, and Mary tried on her Mrs. Claus dress, and we planned out tomorrow’s logistics.

Mary plans to spread some Christmas cheer by visiting the “Old Folks Home” to spend time with the elderly.  Mary is VERY considerate and puts the mistletoe where the gentlemen can see it at the Old Folks Home.

Today was enjoyable despite the traffic.  Life is more fun with a partner who serenades you while zipping along at 5 miles per hour in bumper-to-bumper traffic.

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Wednesday And On The Run Again!

Times Change!

If your electric car runs out of power on the interstate, do you walk to a charging station to get a bucket of electricity?

I woke up at 6 am, drank coffee, took a shower, and headed to the gym. I have an “interview” at the gym today, which Mary gifted me for Christmas. She wants me to join her, and if I do, I’ll be able to achieve my goal of reaching 185 pounds by March 15th.

To ensure my success, I will carry “To-Go Boxes,” order iced tea instead of wine, and stay away from the candy jar by at least 6 feet at all times.

After the gym, we headed to  Imperial Jewelers to get some goodies looked at for insurance purposes.

I have been doing business with them for almost 35 years!

We got everything done and learned some things along the way.  From Imperial, we raced home, thinking the entire way it would be easier with Santa’s Sleigh, having a sandwich Mary made earlier, and then got ready to depart for Newport Beach and the 115th annual boat parade.

Join Us On The Big Website For All The Pictures

We have a table on the bay so we can dine and watch the boats float by.

We headed southwest to the legion at 3:00 pm because of the expected traffic going to the parade.  We walked for a while before going inside.

Mary is a member of the American Legion due to her eight years of service in the US Army.

Post 291 was founded in 1924 by a group of thirty World War I veterans who were residents of the Newport Harbor area. They held an organizational meeting in the quarters of the Balboa Chamber of Commerce. The group elected as their first Commander, Raymond Hitchcock Brunswick.

We are on the water!

We departed the house at 3:00 pm in order to get parking at the Legion.  It was an excellent plan, and we drove right up to the building and parked.

Why does Scrooge love Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer? Because every buck is dear to him!

We were electrified this evening.

Karyn, Mary’s neighbor for years, joined us this evening.  She was a hoot!

How do you help someone who has lost their Christmas spirit? Nurse them back to elf.

Time for a drink!

The Christmas trees inside the building were decorated with a patriotic theme!

What’s red and white and falls down chimneys? Santa Klutz!

The Clauses at play!

I was surrounded by beautiful ladies this evening!

Did You Know? Newport Harbor is more than 3 miles long and extends into the Back Bay. The bell buoy marking the harbor’s entrance is at 33 35.06’N,117 52.69’W. This broad entrance channel is formed by two jetties marked with lights flashing green (6 seconds) on the west jetty and flashing red (4 seconds) on the east jetty.

What do you call a broke Santa Claus? Saint-nickel-less.

Red is the designated color!

The boats are starting to line up!  The parade begins formally at 8:00 pm and run around the entire bay.

Frosty was looking good!

The boats floated right by us; it was a delightful evening.  We lost count of how many boats there  was in the parade this evening.

They were making good time!

We left for home at 9:30 pm, with Karyn driving as I had one extra drink. Thank you, Karyn!

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Doctoring Day! It’s What Old Folks Do!

We can sing anything!

At 6:30 am, I woke up and noticed that my left eye was too perfect – I could see dust in the corners of the room!

Mary and I have an appointment with the doctor in Los Alamitos today.  We plan to stop by Miss Vicky’s house to check on it.

Before we departed, I took Scout out for his morning constitutional, and it was freezing!  I heard a “yelp” and discovered our baby was in distress!  Scout has learned his lesson!

On our way to Los Alamitos in the Silver Fox, we stopped at BEVMO and picked up a bottle of purple gin for Ginger, the surgical scheduler. They asked for my ID when I bought the booze; wow!  I had no idea I looked so young!

After that, we headed to Mary’s doctor, who coincidentally was also Sue’s and Robin’s doctor.  While Mary was in her appointment, I asked Vicky to join us for lunch at the Fish Company at 11:30 am.  Unfortunately, Mary’s appointment took longer than anticipated, and we didn’t arrive at the Fish Company until 12:10 pm.  This left us with only twenty minutes to order and eat before we had to depart for Long Beach.

Vicky suggested that we order food; she could bring it to her house, and we could get it later after my surgical appointment.  Problem solved!

After that, we headed to Long Beach for our 1:00 pm appointment.  It was a Mohs procedure, which meant we had to wait an hour after the surgery to ensure the borders were clear.

I am ready!

This surgery involves cutting away thin layers of skin. Each thin layer is looked at closely for signs of cancer. The process keeps going until there are no signs of cancer. The goal of Mohs surgery is to remove all of the skin cancer without hurting the healthy skin around it.

Take some of the fat also, please!

Fortunately, everything looked good, and I was then stitched up.  The doctor suggested Mary, an accomplished eye surgeon, remove my stitches next week since he will be gone.

We informed the doctor about Scout, the Wonder Dog, and his cookie tray adventure.  The doc said he could remove the decorations, but using Scout’s innate ability to lick himself would be more cost-effective.

Scout has been naughty!

After hurrying away from the doctor’s office, we went to Vicky’s house, where the atmosphere was lively.  Bob was putting together furniture, Juan was taking down Christmas decorations from the garage and putting up outdoor decorations, and Vicky was supervising everything.

We heated our lunch in Vicki’s microwave and dined at her new table while discussing next week’s activities.  We hope they join us on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day!

When we departed just before sundown, we went to Old Ranch and had a bowl of soup and a glass of wine.  We visited several old friends and chatted with the barkeep who I recognized from the Yard House in Long Beach.

Old Ranch was decorated for Christmas!

We sat at the bar since we were just going to have a bite to eat and a glass of wine so others could have good seats next to the windows.  Mary had the chicken tortilla soup, and I had the Old Ranch chili bowl.

We were enjoying each other’s company!

When we got home, Mary went off to finish the last thirty pages of her current book.  I went to the mailbox, retrieved the mail, and then worked on the Daily Diary!

We got Colleen’s family Christmas picture!  The “Greats” are looking great!

Our Great Grandchildren with Santa

Colleen’s family!

Goodnight All!

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