Day 8 – School Is Over At 1:00 PM

Hawaii: Day 1 | Day 2 | Day 3 | Day 4 | Day 5 | Day 6 | Day 7 | Day 8 | Day 9

After a week, I am getting into this Hawaiian thing!

Dang, I made it to the buffet, and the Chief Omelet Maker, COM for short, greeted me with another of his specials.  This delight contained a generous amount of cream cheese!  I plan to hide the bathroom scales when we get home.  Maybe Scout will bury them for me.


The sky was magnificent this morning, especially with the help of AI.

I love those rainbows!

The water was still rough, and we heard the waves splash all night long, like being on a cruise ship!

Mu view at breakfast.

I plan to take Miss Mary on a tour of the buffet tomorrow as I spent quite a bit of time here and got to know everyone and their kids.

I made many laps around this fine counter.

I loaded up on pineapple and watermelon every time I passed by!

She was picked right off the market shelf.

How did I miss the salmon?  Tomorrow I will go here first.

I did not see this until today!!

They have fresh flowers every morning.  They were magnificent specimens of the local flowers.

Flowers everywhere.  Orchids were also in every flower bed.

The buffet was on a LARGE veranda, and the inside was perfect for the local birds to fly around and pick their targets for breakfast.  If you look carefully, you can see one of the little buggers flying around!  They are myna birds and quite noisy.

Like an aviary inside the room.

I mosied back to the room as I had forgotten my hearing aids.  My shoelace was loose, so I stopped for a few minutes in the lobby to tie it better.  As I got up to leave, I noticed the statue. Oh My!  This would look great in our front yard.

I had to stop and tie my shoes for about 30 minutes.

I strolled around the grand lobby for quite a while and finally decided to stop and have a mid-morning libation.

I saw this sign, immediately went inside, and ordered a Virgin Mary (it was too early for alcohol).

After sitting down and looking around,  I was sadly disappointed.  I thought the sign said, “Titty Bar!” not Tiki Bar!  Life is full of disappointments!

Next time, I will read the sign more carefully.

I must go to an eye doctor when I get home!  How could I have missed the spelling on the sign.  It reminded me of Connor when we were outside last week!

Damn, getting old is tough!

Mary was officially done at 1:00 pm, and we went to the local bar and celebrated!

We met a retired doctor who developed a large business and sold it and now lives in Orange County and Hawaii.  We spent almost three hours visiting him and his lady.   He lives across the street from the hotel and is a regular.  It was a super afternoon.

The dog’s name is “Bark,” and he is spoiled rotten, just like Scout!

We had reservations at HUMUHUMUNUKUNUKU.PUA’A, the signature restaurant at the hotel.  As we entered the restaurant, the surroundings were unique. Waterfalls and fishies, oh my!

The scenery was amazing.

Earlier in the day, we met a couple that seemed to be fun.  They had reservations for a special place in the restaurant that we couldn’t get, so I offered to pay for their dinner if we could sneak in and join them.

We started with a seafood stack; it could have been our entire dinner!

The Seafood Tower Royale had 15 Oysters, 8 Littlenecks, 4 Shrimp, Dungeness Crab Legs, Lobster Cocktail, ‘Ahi Poke, King Crab, 30g Daurenki Caviar.

The four of us did quite a bit of work, leaving only the shells and bones by the time we were done!

Our view from the table was fantastic.  The Sun was setting, and the lagoon adjacent to the table was like a mirror.

Not a single ripple was evident.

The new friends were really interesting, and they were attending the conference also but as an eye instrument provider.  They have two kids, and Mama is watching them back home in Calabasas, CA.

We gave them our business card and hope they call us so we can give them some pictures!

We also met a couple that just got engaged today, so dinner was on us.  They asked about the secret of a long marriage, and I told them my secret, “Say, Yes Mam!”

May you have a long and happy life together.

The Sun was on the water, so the torches are now lit up.  The island on the right is Lanai!

Truly magical!!

The six of us enjoyed a super meal!

A most happy group!

With a little AI assistance, we stepped outside into the sun and took another picture!

Aloha until we meet again!

We made it back to the room and crashed.  We were going to pack tonight but that plan did not work out!

Posted in Adventures, Dining Out, Friends, Fun | 1 Comment

Day 7 – Luau Time!

Hawaii: Day 1 | Day 2 | Day 3 | Day 4 | Day 5 | Day 6 | Day 7 | Day 8 | Day 9

The day began on a somber note.  Bob Z checked on Leon and Marsha since they were not answering their phone.  He went to their home and talked to the neighbors and found out that Leon had passed away about a week ago, and Marsha was being placed in a home, which we do not know yet.  They have been good friends for thirty years, and we will miss Leon very much.

If you follow this link, you will see 155 pages on our website with Marsha and Leon and the gang dating back twenty years.

RIP My Friend!

It was a magnificent morning; the storm had cleared the area, and the sun was bright and cheery.  I missed the buffet as the news about Leon needed to be shared with our close friends.

The view from the coffee shop was excellent.

We attempted to get a picture of us between the two stack boxes, but it was almost impossible, so I turned to our friend, AI.

This was a difficult shot as people would wander into the scene and mill around.

Ah Ha!  AI to the rescue!

It worked; I can do better using the big computer at home.

Mary left class at 1:00 pm and told me about her new favorite healthy salad.

We decided a glass of wine would be a great way to spend time before her next engagement at 4:30, which was “under the great Banyon Tree.”   Ophthalmologists see things!

The sea was reasonably calm even though the waves on the beach were quite high.  The bartender estimated them at 6-8 feet, meaning people would not be going in the water.

Seventy-five degrees and a slight breeze!  Paradise indeed!

I dropped Mary off at the “Banyon Tree” meeting and returned to the room to check for light leaks.  I am happy to report zero leaks after a solid hour of checking.

At 5:15 pm, I returned to the meeting, put on Mary’s ID card, and went to get a drink.  The bartender asked me about the ID.  I told them my name was MARTY COTE and the ID card had been misprinted.   Sometimes I amaze myself!

The talk was enjoyable except for the big words.

We are matching for the Luau this evening.

We went down to the water, watched, and listened to the waves striking the beach.  There are going to be a lot of sand crabs with headaches!

The foam was flying everywhere.

We then walked toward the Luau, thinking our seating would be bad since we had the last two tickets available.  To our surprise, we were at a table of eight and were the only ones there.

I got to thinking maybe it was me and my new French aftershave lotion called  “Vieille tortue de mer ivre et malodorante après le rasage.”  After reaching home, I looked up the French translation: “Smelly Old Drunk Sea Turtle After Shave.”

I love that smile!

It was required to do the Hula, and Mary shimmied and shook for ten minutes using her hands to explain how she was going to throttle me unless I got up and wiggled also!  I noticed she was still shimmying after she sat down!

Go girl!

The food was pretty good, and the performers grabbed our attention!

I hope they have an excellent Chiropractor on staff!!

The Luau was at the beach, and we could hear the waves crashing in the background.  The sound of water kept the Men’s Room busy all evening long.

There were probably 200 people in attendance.

I went up and volunteered to hold their coconuts, but no one took me up on my offer.  The security guard was not impressed either.  I came back empty-handed!

Their costumes were quite colorful.

We could not figure this dance out.  She came in with a small dress, and after eating some Luau food, the dress blew up and almost filled the stage.  I suggested it had to do with flatulence; Dr. Mary just shook her head and looked the other way.

FIRE!!!  This man was twirling the firesticks so quickly it was just a blur.  We decided he had done this before.  I had a glass of water in hand, in case.

I found the most beautiful flower in the flowers, and I decided to take it home.

No, Mary, we are not playing hide and seek!

Did You Know?  Some of the popular flowers of today are also named after Mary.  The bachelor button is Mary’s Crown, the English daisy is Mary-Love, geranium is Mary’s Flower, larkspur is Mary’s Tears, the pansy is Our Lady’s Delight, morning glory is Our Lady’s Mantle, petunia is Our Lady’s Praises.

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Day 6 – The Rain Has Moved On

Hawaii: Day 1 | Day 2 | Day 3 | Day 4 | Day 5 | Day 6 | Day 7 | Day 8 | Day 9

I could not resist a bit of ophthalmological humor!

Mary told me about the whole-eye transplant today.  It is a scary operation, but it has had some success; it’s a new world in medicine every day!

We enjoy being together and just talking.


Mary went to class at 6:15 am, and I was given a shopping list for the ABC Store at the local shopping center.

Did You Know?  ABC Stores is a chain of convenience stores based in Honolulu.  The chain operates 73 stores, 58 of which are located in Hawaii, with the remaining locations in the Mariana Islands, Las Vegas, and Guam.

The trail was wet but not muddy, and I headed for the one-mile walk north of the Grand Wailea.  My “to-do” list had to be accomplished, or else!

Did You Know?  Wailea means “the water of Lea,” the goddess of canoe makers.  Before resort development, this beach was called Kahamanini, and the name Wailea referred only to the rocky point defining the south end of this beach.

On my way to go shopping.

The stairs lead up to the road where the shopping center is located.  It was not a challenging climb.

Watch out; the first step is a doozy!

The flowers required me to stop along the way and take their photograph.

Amazing colors

The ABC Store was right in the center of the shopping area and easy to find.  I got a little gift for Irene, plus some contact lens liquid for Dr. Marry.

I walked around for a while before locating a chair in front of Tommy Pajamas Restaurant, where I sat and played with my phone until they opened.  That way, I can stay away from the buffet and have a drinkie-poo.

The chairs were inviting, so I sat for 45 minutes, awaiting the restaurant’s opening.

Oh my!  A margarita jumped onto my table and begged me to drink it, and I did three times.  When in Mexico, oops!

Bread and a Margarita, life is good!

On the menu was “The All American Burger,” so after all the rich food I had been subjected to, this was a mandatory item to try.  It was perfectly done, and the fries were crispy; I was in “hog’s heaven!”

Hamburger, finally.

It was a good thing to eat at 11:00 am as Mary eats around noon, so our dinnertime needs are now synchronized.

Of course, this reminded me of a joke…

I could not resist.

While I dined, I had company.  Chrip-Chirp, the local Sparrow,  came to visit and helped himself to the butter.  We had a pleasant conversation.

Did You Know?  The house sparrow is one of the most easily seen birds in towns and around people.  It is native to Eurasia but was brought to Hawaii from New Zealand in the early 1870s.  They are about 6 inches long and brown and grey with black streaks on their wings.  Females are dull brown.

Don’t even think about it.

I did complain to the management that the glasses seemed to go empty awfully fast, so I was suspicious there was a hole in the bottom, but nothing seemed to be leaking out.

Who drank my drink??

I was presented with a decision: to dessert or not to dessert.  The cat was away, so the mouse played!  This was supposed to be one small piece, but the waitress liked me and made it a double on the house.


200 calories (per bite).  I fooled them; I made it two big bites, which were only 400 calories.

Gone, disappeared, extinct, vanished, expired, defunct and empty.  I came close to licking the plate, but that was another 100 calories.


Need I say more?

Back to the hotel, there are more flowers to stop and visit on the way.

When it comes to flowers, Lilac basic self-control.

Then I wondered, What do you get if you cross a sheepdog with a daisy?  A collie-flower.

Simply beautiful.

Mary and I met at the hotel as she was done for the day except for the 4:30-5:30 pm class under the blue sky.  We rested, and I laid down for a two-hour nap.  When I woke up, Mary had covered me up and was out playing with the doctors, where the topic was “entire eye transplant!”

She texted me to come to the wedding chapel; I was getting worried.  Anyway, I went down the secret path and ran into the spider plant.  Mother Nature is pretty creative.

The Spider Lillies were everywhere.

There were spider plants everywhere.

Did You Know?  Cane Spiders in Hawaii are sometimes called “Large Brown Spiders.” Cane spiders are giant, somewhat hairy spiders that are usually tan, brown, reddish-brown, or grayish-brown.  Their main body is ¾ to 1 inch long.  However, these spiders can measure up to 4-6 inches wide, including their legs!

Within four minutes of Mary’s text, I walked up behind her and watched her interact with her fellow doctors.  She is pretty impressive with her knowledge of ophthalmology!  Knowing she disliked being embarrassed, she introduced me as her “man-servant,” Hinrich. I replied in my best German, “Was möchtest du, mein kleiner tropischer Liebesvogel?”  Her friends were duly impressed.

I picked up Mary near the church.

We decided to go to dinner right then and there, so we went to the poolside restaurant and sat up at the bar, which was a perfect view of the sunset, so pretty that I forgot to take a picture.  We popped a boggle of their finest Gallo, and Mary ordered Fried Squash Blossoms.

The red sunset was small as the storm clouds to the north were still in the area.

The sun was setting.

We met another couple like us; she was a doctor, and he was a financial guy.  We talked for a while and discovered she practices in Tusin, and they knew some of the same people.

Just us.

It was getting dark, and it was time to rest, so we went to our room via the lobby; the secret path had no lights.

Walking home.

The rain was gone, and the temperature was in the high 70s, perfect for our stroll back to the room.

he hotel is huge!

After almost a week, we are starting to learn the ins and outs of this facility.

I was scared by the giant frog in the elevator; it is called “The Hawaiian Barking Frog.”

She misheard the word “barking” and had to tell me about it.

Mary gets the award for exploring the grounds today!


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Day 5 – The Rain Cometh!

Hawaii: Day 1 | Day 2 | Day 3 | Day 4 | Day 5 | Day 6 | Day 7 | Day 8 | Day 9

“I love the rain!”

Rain, rain, go away, come back some other day… like this coming Sunday!   It began to rain last night around 9:00 pm, and it rained continually all day.  Sometimes a mist and other times a torrential downpour.

We could see the rain and hear it hitting the trees outside our room!

It was pouring when Mary departed for class, so she left early in order to take the indoor route.

At 9:00 am, it was still going strong.  I went to breakfast but did not sit outdoors today.  Even the myna birds were hiding from the rain.  We had a couple of sparrows that made it to breakfast but were not as much fun to watch.

The wind was moving the palm trees quite a bit.

The forecast says it will clear up on Wednesday.

Mary called around 11:00 am and said she had a break, so I high-tailed it to visit her for a few minutes.  She accidentally walked under a leaking ceiling fixture and got a blast of water on her head, giving her a unique hairdo.  Of course, I did not say anything, but I noticed several birds eyeing her as a potential nesting place.

The rain cleaned up whatever minor amount of dust was on the plants, and they became even brighter.

The red colors even got redder!

The larger bushes became more brilliant.

Walking the pathways between facilities was breathtaking.

After her break, I returned to the room and waited until 1:00 pm to meet Mary for lunch.  We attempted to walk from the conference center to the pool restaurant, but Mother Nature also decided we needed to shine; down came the rain.

I began to sing “Singing In The Rain” while skipping down the pathway.  Halfway through the chorus, I got hit by three pairs of shoes and a dozen tomatoes thrown from a great distance.  To stop the onslaught, I whispered the rest of the song.

We kept the umbrella open inside the canopy, just in case.

We had to stand up as the benches were too wet to sit on.

The birdies were still eyeing the hairdo, which could make a great nest.

We were awaiting a break in the rain so our next move.

It would be a good conversation piece at the conference.

Each pond on the grounds was overflowing, and the walkways were very slippery.  We walked down a path, and as when we hit the bottom, a sign said “CLOSED”.

Ha, we walked ahead anyway.  Over a pump, over a large hose, three water buckets, and two mops, we came out the other side unscathed.  Success, the restaurant was insight!

“Water water everywhere but not a drop to drink!”

From The Ancient Mariner: What does the sailor mean when he says water water everywhere but not a drop to drink?
The speaker, a thirsty sailor on a stranded ship, is surrounded by salt water he cannot drink — a reminder that sometimes, despite the appearance of being so close to what you need, it’s just enough out of reach that it is of no benefit to you.

We had to go up and down stairs to get to the pool area.  We held on to the railing for dear life and did NOT want to end up bouncing down the stairways like a pair of loose beachballs.

Mary went first!  Her outfit matched the surroundings.  If she fell off, it would be difficult to spot her!

We ordered a pizza and a glass of wine and watched the rain come pouring down.  The place was pretty busy with soggy people coming and going.

We never had a squash-blossom pizza, and this one had a drizzle of honey; it had a unique taste!

We stayed at the restaurant for quite a while and even had a second glass of wine just in case we run into deep water; the alcohol will help us stay afloat!

Mary’s outdoor meeting under the Banyan Tree, initially scheduled for 4:30 pm, had to be moved indoors.  We walked to the room to rest for a few minutes, and then Mary departed  for her last class of the day.

Did You Know? According to Hindu beliefs, it is believed that Lord Vishnu, the preserver of the universe, resides in the roots of the Banyan Tree. It is also considered a symbol of immortality due to its ability to propagate through aerial roots that grow and give rise to new trunks even as the original trunk decays.

It has medicinal properties apart from its rich oxygen emission. All these trees that emit oxygen at night undergo a type of photosynthesis called Crassulacean Acid Metabolism (CAM). According to this process, they emit a considerable amount of oxygen at night.

It was still pouring rain when Mary departed for the last class.

I decided to take a nap and was only woken up when Mary texted me that she was done with her class.

We did not go to dinner since we had a LARGE late lunch.  We brought some pizza home just in case we got hungry!

Yep, that about sums it up!

We watched TV and a goofy action movie until 8:00 pm, and  I declared “lights-out,” only getting up once to close the sliding glass doors. Rain was hitting the patio hard and splashing inside.

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Day 4 – She Is Off And Running

Hawaii: Day 1 | Day 2 | Day 3 | Day 4 | Day 5 | Day 6 | Day 7 | Day 8 | Day 9

I sneaked up on the wine and was surprised at it!

At five in the morning, Bubbles (Mary’s new nickname) was getting ready to leave for school.  I opened my right eye, and it snapped shut, making a sound like a door slamming.  I got up, at least halfway, and said, “Aloha Aloha,” like a gentleman.  I made my way to the table, opened the laptop, and started the Daily Diary, but it was difficult as my eyes had yet to begin focusing.

Mary grabbed her tote bag and daily program and stopped by for a quick smooch.  She was off and running.  With all newly found education, she might be difficult to live with.  I might have to go back to school!

On her way to school!

She arrived just in time to greet the instructor.

By 8:30 am, I was finally moving and made it to the buffet before it closed.  The birdies were awaiting my arrival, but I disappointed them by not leaving a scrap of food when I departed.

The birdies are perched for an attack on any table left unattended and having a single morsel of sustenance on it.

The omelet chef recognized me, and we talked for a few minutes.  I asked him to prepare his favorite, and he did.  OMG, I think it was called “the kitchen sink”!

It was chocked full of goodies.

The birdies got brave and came quite close as if to be surveying their potential meal.  One good “shush” sent them scurrying into the atmosphere for a flight around the room and eventually returning to the same spot.

Did You Know?  The common myna, or Indian myna, sometimes spelled mynah, is a bird in the family Sturnidae, native to Asia.  The common myna has adapted remarkably well to urban environments, an omnivorous open woodland bird with a strong territorial instinct.

The calls include croaks, squawks, chirps, clicks, whistles, and ‘growls’; the bird often fluffs its feathers and bobs its head in singing.  The common myna screeches warnings to its mate or other birds in cases of predators in proximity or when it is about to take off flying.

After lunch, I walked around the facility and returned to the room, awaiting a call from the boss.  Mary called and had a break, so I wandered down to her location via a newly discovered secret staircase.

My discovery saved me walking back to the lobby and then down to the convention center.  However, I did have to dress up as a groundskeeper, dodge the security personnel, and crawl on my hands and knees past the employees-only sign.

The secret passage also involved crossing treacherous bridged spanning incredible gorges thousands of feet deep; maybe I exaggerate.

It was 1:00 pm, and Mary called and said she was coming to the room.  I put a fish in my mouth and waited with baited breath!  When she arrived, she knew something was fishy!

She decided to attend the late afternoon session scheduled from 4:30 to 5:30 pm.  Therefore, I canceled our reservations at the Country Club.

After getting some rest, we headed towards the conference center, and on our way, we saw a mermaid collecting money for the poor.  In this context, the definition of ‘poor’ was anyone who had paid for their room at that luxurious establishment.”

“Alms for the poor!”

We needed a drink and finally found a bar/restaurant adjacent to the adult pool.  How nice, a pool without screaming kids and sand flying everywhere.  There are no pool toys to step over, and kids zipping by at 45 miles per hour chasing each other.

We had a glass of wine so Mary could get through this next session.  Mary did a small salad as a pre-dinner appetizer, and I ordered the local oysters, thinking of Vicky the whole time.   The presentation was terrific.  The oysters were tiny but tasty.

A bit of tobacco, and it was delicious.

She was now ready for the next session; her tummy was full, and her nervous system slowed down.  Bring on the avalanche of knowledge, which shall be recorded in the notebook of new knowledge!

She thought the snack before school was a great idea.

We made reservations for 5:00 pm at the same restaurant.  I went first, and Mary would be along shortly thereafter.  Mary went to class as we departed the restaurant, and I returned to the room.

Hearing a loud noise on the secret path, I turned around to see dolphins leaping into the air in the alligator-filled wading pool; how did they get into that pool anyway?

Mary told me once, “I only wear glasses when playing tennis.  After all, it is a non-contact sport.”

Splish-Splash, they are taking a bath!

At 4:45 pm another walk was required to hold our reservation at Olivine.  I arrived just in time to be checked in, find a table, and order a boggle of wine.  When Mary showed up a few minutes later, she had two folks with her!  Oops, I had to rethink our table arrangements.

Olivine, the restaurant’s name, is named after the green mineral that produces the gemstone known as the “Hawaiian diamond,” which is formed by the steady flow of lava and can be found widely in Maui.

The sun was going down, and there were outdoor meetings underway!

The Maitre D’ understood my dilemma when Mary showed up with two guests!  We were placed at a table for four with a perfect view of the sunset.  I love it when a plan works out.

I did a loud rendition of “Aloha Oye” when the sun began to set, but the manager came over and asked Mary to control me.  Silly man, that was an impossible request.  I whispered the rest of the tune.

We had the best seat in the house.

The menu was quite interesting, and to get out of a rut, Mary ordered a “whole fish” instead of her standard steak!  OMG, this thing was huge, and it looked angry, ready to jump off the plate and attack whoever ordered it to be broiled!

We had no idea what to do with it, so the kind waiter brought the necessary tools to fillet the fish.  Machete, skill saw, power drill, and some interesting chisels.

Inside the fish, once opened, the meat was terrific looking.  It was a buttery white color with very few bones.  It provided enough for all four of us.

We told him about our brilliant dog, Scout!

Mary has known Susie since 1975, so it was time to revisit.  Sally and Paul just got married about six years ago and moved their practice to Roswell, New Mexico, and they love it there.  Both are Ophthalmologists and pretty much the only ones around that part of New Mexico.

Susie ordered a pasta dish but found out too late; it had pork in it, and she declined it.  Ta Dah! Paul to the rescue!

I stepped up, taking one for the team, and offered to trade her pasta/pork dish for my fish fish.  A deal was struck!  Besides, I love spicy pork dishes and let Susie have my portion of the beautiful creature.

Igor, the fish, made a nice meal for the four of us.

The lighting for the photo was not great.  Paul and Sally enjoyed the meal, and the four of us laughed all night long.  They are both actively doing eye surgeries and working on their massive farm in New Mexico; we will have to visit them.

I asked Paul about his funniest experience, and he said that a patient came in and said, “Doctor doctor, every time I drink a cup of hot chocolate, I get a sharp, stabbing pain in the eye.” To which Paul responded,” Try taking the spoon out first.”

It was wonderful to reconnect after many years.

See you tomorrow!

After dinner, we returned to our room, which was a treacherous path through the dark, around the underbrush, bridges, and fountains.  We made it.

Mary wanted to watch TV, so I turned it on; she lasted four and one-half minutes until her eyes closed, and the Sandman visited.  Getting smart must be strenuous work!

We had a good day!

Posted in Adventures, Dining Out, Friends, Fun | 1 Comment

Day 3 – School And Tommy Ba-Haum-Ah’s For Dinner

Hawaii: Day 1 | Day 2 | Day 3 | Day 4 | Day 5 | Day 6 | Day 7 | Day 8 | Day 9

I was thinking of my daughter Colleen!

High of 30 and low of 20 in New Hampshire; glad we are in Hawaii and thinking of Colleen and family!  It was 71/69 here today with a constant breeze; no rain!

Mary finally has her official “I Am In Maui” picture.

Now we are officially here.

“Hi!  I am here!!”

I stayed in the room until 9:00 am and then strolled through the hotel, waiting until the last minute to go to breakfast.  The hotel is surrounded by lush vegetation.

While Mary was at school, I walked the grounds.

I saw the church and almost went inside, but I remembered what had happened last time, so I stayed away.   Was it something about passing gas and a hearing aid malfunction?  I can’t exactly remember!

I went to church this morning.

Reaching the morning breakfast two minutes after it closed, I was devastated.  Being a good customer, the manager took me by the hand and told the servers to ensure I got fed.   They must hate it to see a grown man cry!

Being an experienced visitor, I covered my plate while getting a bagel because I know what those pesky birdies do, or doo-doo, when someone walks away from their table.

I fooled the birdies.

After eating so much food, I needed to walk, so I did a lap around the facility and eyeballed the beach while I was at it.  I managed 8,600 steps!  Not too bad for an old f**t!

Chugging right along!!

The facility road map obtained from the front desk was marginally usable.  The facility could undoubtedly use an app to assist people in finding places and determining their open/closed times.  They could use a lesson from Princess Cruises.

The hotel is huge!

Arriving at the beach and climbing one coconut tree like in the movies was necessary.  My shimmer doesn’t work as it used to!  Further, having an oxygen mask would have been very helpful.

Look hard!

The beach was small and had no white sand, but everyone liked the facility as it was loaded with people.  The visitors could see three other Hawaiian Islands from the waterline.  The waves were puny, which is probably a good thing.

Today’s Ka’anapali Point sea temperature is 77 °F, a little too cool for me.

The beach was small.

After a long walk, returning to the room and resting was on the agenda.  Dr. Mary will be ready for her escort home in about an hour.

The path to the conference center is becoming engrained in my head; I am not ready to walk it blindfolded just yet.

I walked to see Mary at lunchtime.

Another tall tree, but one a day was enough for me!  Maybe tomorrow I “‘ll try one of these beauties, and when I get to the top, I will yell for Dr. Mary to come and get me.

What did the trees wear to Mother Nature’s pool party?  Swimming trunks!

Dang, those trees are tall.

We decided that because her back was sore, we would dine locally and go to the hotel bar for a drink before going to the room and resting.  Tommy Bahamas was an eleven-minute walk, and their food is generally pretty good.

To the bar!

The map did not show we had to climb stairs, cross bridges, and balance on tiny bamboo timbers to get to the Grotto Bar near the swimming pool.  We overcame the obstacles with the help of a small crane, a 50-foot rope, and two Sherpas, who happened to be on vacation here in Hawaii.

Hang on, this was not built for people our age.

I told Mary, “No problem,” because of the exercise program I always do at home, this will be easy!

Hey, I am getting exercise.

We made it to the Grotto Bar, sat by one of the pools, and sipped our grape juice.  It was too noisy inside the cave; besides, we both are terrified of bats, especially old ones.

We sat outside.

Mary closed her eyes and told me she felt like the Queen Of The Island!  This picture tells all.

I was looking at the beach.

Dinner time, so we walked the eleven-minute path to the shopping center next door.  Little did we know it was uphill, but on the bright side, it will be downhill when we return later in the evening.

It’s an easy walk, they said!

Mary went ahead to get help!  No, actually, I sent her ahead in case there were wild animals or scary trees; she promised to warn me!

On our way to Tommy Bahama’s Restaurant.

We enjoyed a bottle of Cakebread on the sunny patio, but when clouds rolled in, the temperature dropped suddenly.

We were enjoying dinner.

Their shrimp and lobster pasta dish was excellent.  I managed to down the entire thing, but my tummy was full.


Did I mention Mary and I shared two Cheeseburger Sliders as an appetizer?

This could have well been our entire meal!!

After stuffing ourselves, we waddled back through the shopping center.  The shopping center was much larger than it looked from the street.  They had a large selection of high-end stores.  We did not stop and went VFR to the hotel.

The shopping center was relatively upscale.  I was looking for a JC Penny’s or a 99 Cent Store.

Returning home, we saw flowers growing on lava walls, very pretty.

Flowers on the wall!

Home sweet home.  We went to our room and watched TV until it was time to visit the Sandman.

We made it back home after a fifteen-minute walk downhill!

I love you, Dr. Mary, even when I am up in a tree, and you stand below pointing my direction yelling, “Lookout it, an UGLY Tree Sloth!’

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Day 2 – The Cats Away, The Mouse Will Play!

Hawaii: Day 1 | Day 2 | Day 3 | Day 4 | Day 5 | Day 6 | Day 7 | Day 8 | Day 9

We couldn’t afford the trip to Hawaii.  We decided to put it on “leiaway”.

Mary headed to the conference at 6:15 am, and I stayed in the room until almost 9:30 am, lounging around and catching up on my sleep.

Before Mary departed, I asked her: “What do you get when you cross a hula hoop and a boxer? ”  I have her the answer, “A Hawaiian Punch.”

At 6:30 am, our ocean view room was questionable.

After the sun came up, it was a different story!   We actually did have an ocean view.  The weather was “cool” but quite lovely.

It looked pretty good by 9:00 am.

After a quick shower and shave, I headed to the front desk to get a map of this place…it is huge!!  I got directions to their morning buffet, which was terrific.  It could become a habit.

I chowed down and even had a chocolate chip-raisin bagel for dessert!  I will not have to eat until dinner time.  I substituted the mango-pineapple-orange drink for my usual Bloody Mary.

I had a large breakfast.

My birdee friends were all over until 11:00 am when the buffet closed, and within a few minutes, they disappeared.  They are pretty smart!

My little friends came to the table as soon as people departed.

My romantic thoughts led me to search for a steakhouse that Mary would love.  I found Son’z and made reservations for 5:00 pm, just in time to watch the sunset over the lagoon.

This ought to be a romantic evening.

Back to the room, I had to stop and toggle the statues that adorned the main entrance; I was too tired to see them last night!  I defined them to Mary in a text message, but I am worried she may try to recreate the scene.

Back to the room for a rest before Mary gets off “work.”

Yep!  Guess which one is Mary?

Mary could not resist herself!

I was like the country puppy dog and went to the school to meet up with Mary!  Contrary to many of your thoughts, I did NOT wag my tail nor sit up.  I just sat patiently.

One look at my forlore self, and she decided to go to another session, so I returned to the room.

At 2:30 pm, she texted and said she was coming to the room as her back had had it for the day!

She is studying hard!

We were ready to go, so we went to find the car; my navigator had the iPhone ready!  We will be going through Lahaina on our way north.

A tourist in Hawaii is amazed at how healthy and invigorated he feels after just a few days of visiting the islands…

He strikes up a conversation with one of the locals while they are wading out into the crystal clear, warm surf on yet another perfect island day.

“I just can’t get over how beautiful this place is,” the tourist says excitedly, “I feel great! I haven’t felt this young and healthy in years! Island life is fantastic!”

The local says, “I know what you mean! Take me for instance. When I came here, I was totally bald, didn’t have any teeth, and I couldn’t even walk…and look at me now!”

The tourist looks at him and says, “Wow, that’s amazing! How long have you been here?”

The local says, “Oh, I was born here.”

Look out dinner; here we come!

We are ready to go!  My navigator and sidekick is prepared for her Filet Mignon!

Onward, we trekked and enjoyed the 35 miles of scenery!

Off we go!

The traffic was OK, and my navigator was on “speak” mode, and I could not get it to turn off.  We drove past Lahaina on a new bypass road.  You could still smell the burnt homes/trees even on the road at 35 mph.  There was a fence along the road to attempt to block lookie-loos, but in several places, we could see the devastation!

We arrived at the Marriott at 4:00 pm and headed to the poolside watering hole since our reservations were for 5:00 pm at the restaurant upstairs.

We could see Lahina in the distance from our perch at the bar.

We have too much fun, but that’s OK; after this many years on the planet, we deserve fun.

When we are together, the sky lights up!

Lanai is 38 miles away and is quite visible, with a maximum height of 3600 feet.  Also known as the Pineapple Isle, Lanai Island is home to iconic places like Sweetheart Rock, Garden of the Gods, and Shipwreck Beach.  It houses one of the most expensive resorts in Hawaii, and 98% of the island is owned by Larry Ellison, founder of Oracle.

Kaho’olawe was also visible.

By state law, Kaho’olawe and its waters can be used only for Native Hawaiian cultural, spiritual, and subsistence purposes, fishing, environmental restoration, historic preservation, and education.  All commercial uses are prohibited.
Access to the Reserve (the island and the 2 miles of ocean surrounding Kaho’olawe) is restricted because of the continued danger of unexploded ordnance.

Mary’s filet mignon was done perfectly!  The poor little bugger did not have a chance to run away as Mary had her weapons ready!

Dinner is served!

I decided to go for shrimp and lobster, both of which were cooked perfectly!  The restaurant’s advertisements were not misleading!  We sat six feet from the lagoon, and the netting was hardly visible but needed; otherwise, the native wildlife would be joining us for dinner!

What do you call a Hawaiian murder mystery?  A Hula-Dunnit.

Our view from the table was amazing, looking directly at a lagoon fresh with swans and ducks, plus an occasional turtle.After a delightful meal, we headed home, a 50-minute, 35-mile drive with the navigator directing every inch of the way!

Winding our way through the lobby, Lanai is in the background.

Aloha everybody.  Aloha is the essence of being: love, peace, compassion, and a mutual understanding of respect.  Aloha means living in harmony with the people and land around you with mercy, sympathy, grace, and kindness.  When greeting another person with aloha, there is mutual regard and affection.

Heading for home!

We were both tired and crashed immediately! Before going to bed, I questioned Mary’s obsession with frogs!

I should have looked at the fine print!

Tomorrow is another day!

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Day One – We Be Off!

Hawaii: Day 1 | Day 2 | Day 3 | Day 4 | Day 5 | Day 6 | Day 7 | Day 8 | Day 9

We talked about Hawaii a lot.  It seems we had all better go again!

6:00 am, and we are scurrying around getting the last-minute packing done.  I had to clean the CPAP machine and get all the “electronics” packed.  We should be ready by 9:30 am when Auntie Irene plans to arrive.

Scout made one last-ditch effort to tell us he was ready to go!

Scout told us he was ready to go on vacation.

Our chauffeur arrived at 10:15 am, and we left Scout inside as Auntie Irene was scheduled to arrive about fifteen minutes later.  We made it to the airport without encountering traffic and arrived at 11:00 am.

We took a different route: 55 to 91 to 605 to 105!  It worked better than the always-busy 405!  The LAX airport was just five minutes away now.

LAX, here we come.

We met an interesting lady who was reliving “The Terminal.”  Her plane was canceled, and now she has to wait until 11:00 pm this evening to go home to Florida.

We talked to this lady for almost two hours and three wines later.

We had seats 1A and 1B, traveling first class.  We had plenty of leg room, and our TV Monitor was on the wall, making it easy to see.  The Airbus 320 was quite nice.  The pilot predicted rough weather as we approached Hawaii, but we never felt it.  Up, up, and away!

Here we go.

A satisfying late lunch/early dinner was served, which we washed down with grape juice.  Mary watched two movies while I checked for light leaks around my eyelids.

Mary was a good girl and did her salad.

The lasagne was extremely hot as we were near the galley, and it came directly from the microwave.  The stewards were working hard to serve everyone in first class.  It must have been a real struggle to feed everyone in the past, but at least we have these delicious snacks now.

Ranatas better watch out for their competition.

It was 5:00 pm as we descended into Maui, and the sun was setting, making for quite a picture out the window.

Sunset over Hawaii.

It was dark and misting when we arrived, and the tropical breeze was blowing.  The ride to the car rental was short, and we only had to wait four minutes for the tram.

We sent Mary’s three steamer trunks and four large suitcases ahead a few days ago; they should be at the hotel when we arrive. (p.s. One trunk only contains shows, I peaked inside!)

One of three!

Here comes the tram!  The weather was 72 degrees and quite comfortable.

We took an electric tram from the airport to the car rentals.

The ride to the Grand Wailea was about thirty minutes and dark; there were few street lights along the “highway” to Wielea.  Mary was my navigator, and she, as usual, did a fantastic job only putting us on two dead-end roads, through the island’s only traffic circle, which we went around 12 1/2 times, and on the island’s only off-road automotive suspension test track.

The dead-ends, suspension test track, and roundabouts were left off for clarity.

We first stopped at the entrance to the event center, and no one was there. We walked around and finally got directions to the main entrance.

We made it to the hotel.

We unpacked and put our things together before going downstairs for a snack, which we did not need.  It was 9:00 pm in Hawaii, and I wondered why I was so tired.  Oh my, it was midnight in the US.  Perhaps I should have worn my jammies downstairs. It’s OK; I had the trap door fixed; it does not squeak, nor does it fall down!  The three-in-one oil and thumbtacks did the trick!

The drink prices work me up quickly.  Interesting drinks, but the prices were high!

Oh my!

We had a snack; I had a selection of sushi, and Mary had some Miso soup.  Miso soup is a traditional Japanese soup made primarily of miso paste, dashi (broth), and additional ingredients such as vegetables, seaweed, and tofu.

What? No ceiling?  I was waiting for a rain cloud to pass overhead!

Drinks and sushi at midnight under the stars.

The hotel is HUGE, and we got lost several times but finally found our room.  I am glad I left breadcrumbs along the path when we left the room.

We had an ocean view, which was quite nice. I could hear water all night long, so I found the restroom several times!

Half past midnight, we headed back upstairs looking like the cat drug us in; we were asleep within seventeen microseconds of hitting the sack.

See you tomorrow as Mary goes to her first class at 6:30 am. Remember, while the cats are away, the mouse will play!

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T-1 But Who Is Counting?

Mary knows me pretty well!

We woke up early and prepared for my eye doctor’s appointment at 11:15 am.  We arrived early, hoping to finish in time for “Girls’ Night Out” at the Elks, where we planned to bid farewell to everyone.

As it turned out, we got in and out in just under forty minutes.  The result was excellent; my eyes are in great shape for an octogenarian!

BTW during the eye scan test this morning, the operator used tape to put a cover over one eye.  When she removed it, I screamed out loud with a resounding “OUCH!!!”  The poor lady almost lost it, but after I got on my knees and explained I was only teasing, she crawled back down off the wall.  She asked Mary to ensure she came to the exam room with me next time.  Mary told her, “You think that will stop him??’

Into Precious, we went, and four miles later, we arrived at the Elks, where we met with the hard-core gang all awaiting our arrival.  We got a standing ovation!

Precious does not do rain!

Why did the candle get a round of applause?  It was scent-sational.  We tried to provide we were here by taking a selfie but my arms were not quite long enough.

My arms are too short to take a good selfie!

Some of the gang had already hit the trail.  Bob Z is on our side of the table.  They stayed until we gobbled down lunch and then we all departed for places iunknown.

Everybody had finished so we ordered a salad and some fish!

Thank you, Will, for taking a picture to ensure we were here!

They are matching uniforms for the trip!

We have so much fun together; it’s always a near riot wherever we go!  Now Mary knows she must go into the exam room with me in the future, OUCH!!!


We went home for two hours before returning to Los Alamitos/Seal Beach and having dinner with friends at Old Ranch Country Club.  It was Hawaiian Night, and since we would be on our way tomorrow, we stopped to get acclimated.  James joined us along with Robin, Vicky, and Jim!

Our propinquity to the Hawaiian food meant we could smell all the goodies even before we went up to make our selection from the buffet.

The food selection was very nice!

It was a race to the poi!  Poi—a sticky, sour, purple-gray paste made from taro—has been a pivotal dish in Hawaiian cuisine for centuries.

The fried SPAM looked great and tasted pretty good, also!

The steak was seasoned well.

We had a wonderful time laughing and giggling for a couple of hours.  Jim and James were both in construction, and they shared some stories.

It was good to see James, and he is doing well; he is a good friend.

We all had Hawaiian stories, laughing at those things that never happened.

We talked about Hawaii a lot.  It seems we had all better go again!

Vicky told some stories that got the entire table in tears!  If laughter is a good medicine, we will all be well!

Vicky explains that she was on her own in Hawaii for about a week when Jim fell ill!

We left for home and then spent the next two hours packing.  I realized I could manage with just one bag, even if my clothes were wrinkled, instead of two bags.  The airline was charging $150 for a third bag, even though we were traveling first-class.  So, I decided it was better to wear some slightly wrinkled clothes than pay $150 for an extra bag.

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Getting Ready!

We stayed at home and prepared for our upcoming trip.  First, we ensured that everything was in order for our dear friend who will be staying at our house.  We also made one of the guest rooms ready for our son, a Deputy Sheriff who will stay with Irene for several evenings to make sure all is well.

We then got Scout ready to go to the groomer/hairdresser so he would look good and smell good for Aunt Irene.  We went to the gym at 8:00 am and left Scout in the van since it was 65 degrees outside.  After an hour of torture, we both left to drop him off.

Scout had a new style in mind but after a quick conversation, we told him “NO!”

hairdresser dog ready to look beautiful by comb, scissors, dryer, and spray at the wellness spa salon, isolated on white background

Mary had the Silver Fox, and I had the Grey Ghost.  We headed to the Elks Lodge for lunch when he was safe with his hairdresser.  Freeway Honda is just a mile from the Lodge, so we dropped off the van for service.  Mary drove me to the Lodge and promised to keep it under 90 mph.

We had a lovely lunch with Bill & Bob and stayed there until 1:00 pm when the Honda dealer called with an “all clear” signal.  While at the Lodge, our dear neighbor called and needed some Tylenol.  He stumbled while at his car dealer and went down.  The Corvette needed some attention.

Mary drove me to the dealer, where I retrieved the van, and we headed to Orange, stopping at CVS and the hairdresser (they are across the street from one another).  Scout was happy to be home.  We called Colleen and asked about the snow situation.  She told us it was almost gone, but her snow finder was operating very well!  We asked, “Snow-finder?”

Colleen’s baby found the last patch of snow!

Domi came at about 3:30 pm with her staff to clean the house.  We stayed in the back room for two hours and decided the kitchen looked so lovely that we would go out for dinner.  We went to Renatas at the Orange Circle.

It happens every time!

Renata has delicious food, and the owner/staff knows us well; when we walk in, the wine is readied, and bruschetta is ordered.  Mary did her favorite, Veal Picatta, and I went for spaghetti and meatballs.

We were early and the only ones there.

While dining, we called our neighbor to offer to bring dinner home, which he accepted since fixing dinner can be unpleasant when you’re not feeling well.  As we departed, we got a bag of goodies for Jeff.  We went VFR home, only stopping at CVS to pick up some meds.

We finished the night watching movies and packing for the adventure.  Mary ironed all my Hawaiian shirts, which I plan to take. She did a fantastic job; the only wrinkles remaining were on me, and she chased me down the hall with a hot iron!

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