Category Archives: Gym

Day 9 – The Princess Cay Stay All Day They Say

Today’s destination is a top-secret, exclusive Princess beach area, and we decided to be rebels and stay on board to enjoy the peace and quiet while everyone else fights for beach space. Our suite was on the 14th floor! No … Continue reading

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Monday, T-Minus Six!

We are packing and getting ready to go!  But first, the garden needs some TLC.  We walked into the garden for a few minutes and then headed to the gym to get our muscles pulled, pinched, poked, constricted, contracted, pressed, … Continue reading

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It’s The Turd Of July!

The day got underway with a quick walk through the garden.  As I was turning the corner, I heard a p-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-t   p-s-s-s-s-s-s-t. I looked around and saw Lizzy sitting on the fence.   Lizzy is like our very own superhero lizard, … Continue reading

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OMG, The Day Was Full!

Busy?  We walked through the garden at 6:30 am, followed by breakfast and a 10:00 am appointment with  Scout’s doctor.  At 1:00 pm, we had an appointment at the gym, a 2:40 pm appointment with Dr. Annie (I have a … Continue reading

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We Are Off And Running!

At 6:30 am, I took off for Los Alamitos to meet with the dermatologist.  I arrived early, and he had a cancellation, so I was back in Orange by 8:15 am, just in time for the gym.   While I was … Continue reading

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Hump Day Has Arrived! It Is Down Hill From Here!

The neighborhood rooster went off at 5:54 am this morning, leaving us six minutes before we had to get up and get started.   We did not want to be in a hurry, so we got ready to go to the … Continue reading

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Go Away Monday!

One Summer Night was a wonderful tune.  I remember it well! We were up early again because we had to go to the gym at 8:30 am and get stretched until it hurt!  After three weeks of vacation, I am … Continue reading

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We Are Almost Recovered!

First things first!  We had our coffee, dressed in our gym costumes, and headed for the Wednesday workout.  Today was our second day at the gym, and we are starting to move again! After the gym, we did our errands, … Continue reading

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Green Weekend Ahead!

Click the arrow to listen to Danny Boy. We were up and ready for the torture session at the gym.  We arrived at 8:30 sharp to begin our bicycle ride.  At 10:00 am, we exited the front door in severe … Continue reading

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Monday And Time For Torture!

It is Monday, so you will hear another of my all-time favorite pieces of music! “Lollipop” is a pop song written by Julius Dixson and Beverly Ross in 1958.  It was first recorded by the duo Ronald & Ruby, with … Continue reading

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