Category Archives: Just Us

Oh my… It was froggy outside this morning but t it is still supposed to be 89 degrees. We stumbled our way to the gym at 8:15 am for an 8:30 pm appointment to have our bodies busted and broken. … Continue reading

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T – Minus Five!

This morning was supposed to be all about packing for our upcoming trip, but we got so engrossed in tending to the garden that we lost track of time! The garden had its own plans for us. We’re juggling preparing … Continue reading

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Monday, T-Minus Six!

We are packing and getting ready to go!  But first, the garden needs some TLC.  We walked into the garden for a few minutes and then headed to the gym to get our muscles pulled, pinched, poked, constricted, contracted, pressed, … Continue reading

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The Smoke Is Waffs Through The Air

We woke up fashionably late today, almost 7:00 am, after our wild partying shenanigans yesterday.  Because of our wonderful family and friends, the kitchen was spotless, and the house was immaculate!  The partying thing was terrific! Scout was in the … Continue reading

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It’s The Tooth Of July!

Today’s weather is as indecisive as a teenager in heat! It’s supposed to be in the mid-80s, so I’ll be sporting my ‘Gardening Costume,’ complete with a sunhat and flip-flops. Let’s hope I don’t scare the neighbors! I put on … Continue reading

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It’s Almost Here! Independence Day, YEAH!!!

July is here, and we are halfway to Christmas! Time is flying. At my age, I have many fewer years to look forward to than the years that have gone by, but I plan to make the best use of … Continue reading

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Friday Has Come With Some Cooling Relief; High Of 82 Today!

Guess what? This morning, Mary beat me to getting up! I was still half asleep when Scout started wagging his tail.  Mary was already gone when I finally opened my eyes! So, I stumbled to the backyard with Scout, and … Continue reading

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Off And Running!

Today, we had no plans other than to visit my doctor to check my PSA status, which was scheduled for 11:45 am.  In November it will have been two years since my operation. We strolled through the garden and visited … Continue reading

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What Happened? The Weekend Is Gone!!

The neighborhood rooster declared it was time to rise and shine at 6:00 am, so I launched my shoes at him, sending him flying off the fence. However, in the process, my shoes ended up in the bushes! I guess … Continue reading

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Hello Summer!

We woke up before 6:00 am and walked the garden.  The poor trellis is currently stuck playing referee between the tomatoes and the green beans. It’s like the vegetable equivalent of a high-stakes wrestling match! The trellises are wonderful! Mary collected … Continue reading

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