Category Archives: Gardening

Vegetable gardening is our hobby and besides, it makes for great food

Friday Has Come With Some Cooling Relief; High Of 82 Today!

Guess what? This morning, Mary beat me to getting up! I was still half asleep when Scout started wagging his tail.  Mary was already gone when I finally opened my eyes! So, I stumbled to the backyard with Scout, and … Continue reading

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Friday And We Returned Home!

We were up at the crack of dawn, 5:45 am when Gunnar, the four-year-old human rooster,  decided to have a solo morning concert. Gunnar, the morning’s reality TV star, sounded like a rooster, and I intercepted him on his way … Continue reading

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One Last Day In The Garden!

It’s not quite 1950s music, but it certainly captures the essence of the last few days. We’ve spent 6-8 hours a day tending to our various gardens, and one entire day was dedicated solely to the front yard. I always … Continue reading

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Never On Sunday!

“No, no, I screamed, please, not a walk in the garden!” My dramatic pleas were ignored entirely. Alas, another walk in the garden (translation: build a list of all the things that must be accomplished today)! Such is the life … Continue reading

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Work Work Work Work! I Thought We Were Retired!

OMG, the day started without us!  How can this be? We were up early and examined the outside temperature. Since it was under 70 degrees, we huddled by the fire. After it got above 70 degrees, we went to Home … Continue reading

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Friday Has Arrived And We Are Ready!

I had difficulty sleeping last night because I was going for a blood test at 10:00 am, so I decided to study to ensure I passed.   Mary got me up early, had me shower, and changed my underwear; she said, … Continue reading

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Wednesday And Time To Travel!

After last night, we slept late.  My eyes did not open until 7:45 am, and Mary was still sawing logs.  I crept into the office and began work on the Ireland Adventure website.  Soon after that, Mary came in, reminding … Continue reading

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Does It Ever Stop???

As my amazing mother would often say, “I’m busier than a fart in a whirlwind!”  Today was one of those days!  We started at 6:00 am and finally hit the sack at 11:30 pm. We checked the trap, and Bunny … Continue reading

Posted in Dining Out, Friends, Gardening, Theater, Working Around House | Comments Off on Does It Ever Stop???

Another Busy Day!

June Gloom has come early this year.  The sky is grey every morning, but by noon, the sky is blue, and the birds are flying backward to see where they have been! May and June are typically the cloudiest months … Continue reading

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We Are Almost Recovered!

First things first!  We had our coffee, dressed in our gym costumes, and headed for the Wednesday workout.  Today was our second day at the gym, and we are starting to move again! After the gym, we did our errands, … Continue reading

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