We Know What Money Laundering Is Now!

We got a call from Leah, our friend and travel agent, and we made our reservations to spend Christmas and New Year’s at the South Pole!  Almost a month away from home, wow!  The things you do when you get old!

We will be ready for an unforgettable New Year’s Eve as we sail the Drake Passage! It’s the only place where the waves are high enough to make you reconsider your life choices while you’re trying to toast with champagne. Forget about fireworks! We’ll have the natural light show of the ocean splashing all around us—just don’t lose your balance or you might end up in a penguin’s New Year’s party!


I was so nervous after making the reservations that I started a load of wash complete with my wallet in the back of the dirty jeans.  Money laundering at its finest!

First things first: We walked the garden today, and there was no sign of that crazy wabbit we had yesterday! Perhaps things are returning to normal (or it has changed disguises and is now holding a coffee cup?)

At 9:30 am, we headed to Mary’s appointment, and I went to the Orange County Farmer’s Supply to get two bags of acid compost for the berry patch!  While there, I got some cantaloupes and will plant them this afternoon!

We have had some fantastic melons in the past!!

Its cantelope’s past is mysterious. No one seems able to pinpoint precisely where cantaloupe first showed up. Some historians trace the origins of the muskmelon to Biblical times in Egypt and Greece. Others point to Persia. According to the University of Illinois, the oldest illustrated reference to a cantaloupe dates back to 2400 B.C. in Egypt. Ancient records from Greece also mention the cantaloupe. We can thank Christopher Columbus for bringing along some muskmelon seeds on his voyage to the Americas and spreading cantaloupe cultivation to our side of the pond.

I loaded The Silver Fox with the bags at Orange County Farmers Supply before picking up Dr. Mary.  The poor luxury car now has a complex; it thinks it is a pickup truck!

Into the pickup, they go!

I picked up my bride at noon, and we decided to continue our freezer-emptying activities, so I had more Indian food.  Today was Tiki-Marsala Day, the spicy kind! Why do Indians love New York? A: Because there’s a Delhi on every block.  Mary says if I have any more Indian food, she is going to change my name to “Bindair Dundat.”

Mary made a container of her famous borscht soup.  We are making a dent in the freezer now; we can see the back of the unit.

Mary worked inside, and I headed to the garden to deliver their last bit of acid potting soil for the berries! At a quart a pound, I hustled around 80 pounds per bag; I was glad I only bought two bags!

Mary calls me Superman!  I am a little worried about the shorts!

Well, I do NOT look that bad yet!  The two bags leveled out the garden, and I dug the new soil in about four inches.  Digging in and around berries is a blood-curdling experience; those thorns work!

Two bags did the trick!

Before I transported the bags 200 feet from the car to the garden, I replaced Mary’s garden cart wheels with solid tires. After two years, her cart would slowly leak, resulting in trying to move 200 pounds with a flat tire—not an easy job!!

Mary got new SOLID tires for the Mary Cart!

It’s 1:30 p.m., and it’s time to jump in the Silver Fox and go to the local hospital  to see my phlebotomist for a blood test. I had time last night to study for the test, so I was not worried.  Oops, I should explain: A person who takes blood is called a phlebotomist, and MY phlebotomist is a jewel; she is painless.

Of course, as I got up from the massive withdrawal of blood,  I yelled “OUCH!!!”, then  faked a faint and grabbed the walls, moaned a little, and staggered down the hall, putting the dear soul into a total panic. When I stood up, smiled, and giggled, she promised that next time, I would get a much larger needle!

On the way home, we went via the market.  I will never figure out how we can stop at the market fora carton of milk and come back with seven bags of groceries and a $250 bill!!  Our fatal mistake was going with an empty tummy; we should have stopped and downed a burger before our visit.

While Mary put away groceries, I was sent on a dangerous and death-defying mission: to pick loquats from our neighbor’s tree. They are in Japan, so leaning over the fence was easy; I didn’t need my usual partner in crime!  I needed a ladder and my trusty sidekick found one for me from the “Rickety Ladder Company”.

Mary brought the high ladder for me to use, and for some reason, asked if my insurance was paid up?

Why did she mention she was 911 on “speed dial”?

The tree was loaded, so getting the twelve cups was easy; getting up and down the ladder was difficult.  It took twenty minutes to dig the splinters out of my hands!

We picked twelve cups.

Then, it took almost an hour to de-seed the loquats and remove the fibrous seed wrapper. I cut the loquats in half, and then, using my thumbnail, I developed a rhythm. The loquats were getting gutted quite easily, and seeds were flying all over the kitchen!

I am watching them like a hawk!

They went into the pan for a thirty-minute softening and juice-producing activity. Once the juices began to run, we added brown sugar and wheat flour to the mixture.

Loquats are being boiled down.

After a good mixing, it was ready for the 300-degree oven, where the brown sugar topping melted, and the loquats settled into a magnificent dessert.

While we both worked on dessert, Mary made two muffin pans of variously flavored “egg bites.” Who needs store-bought egg bites when you can have Dr. Mary’s Special Egg Bites?

Needless to say, we did some severe damage to the dessert.

Tomorrow, we will take some to Jeff as he loves the dessert.

We then watched TV as it was almost 9:00 pm.  By 11:00 pm, Mary had crashed, and I was still awake watching the latest series; I remember turning off the TV at 12:45 am.  Oh my!  Then Scout and I had to go outside and get ready for bed.

Posted in Cooking, Doctor, Gardening, Just Us, Vegetable Garden | Leave a comment

Monday Was Slow…

Mary’s new memory test!

About this sign… when Mary is on the phone and ATTEMPTS to phonetically spell her last name, I almost lose control of the car when she says something like, “My last name is Côté, Caterpillar Octopus Tarantula Enuresis*.”

*A post word for bed-wetting!

I aim to have Mary remember the military phonetic system OR get a recorder to capture her attempted phonetic expressions for posterity and future embarrassment at social gatherings!

We walked into the garden this morning, and I heard a strange sound.  I carefully stooped down to avoid being seen, and sure enough, there was one of those rascally wabbits in our garden.  It was a girl wabbit, and it was studying the plants, and I am sure it was about to go after one of our new delicious baby plants.   I was worried about others getting scared by this creature, so I plan to put up a sign tomorrow warning family and guests about this sighting.

Its nose twitched, and its eyes twinkled. It was getting ready to attack the lettuce. Since I had my camera (instead of my BB gun), I decided to capture the varmint on film and post it at the local Post Office, complete with a reward.

Beware, it could frighten small children and pets!

Being a clever man, I offered the wabbit a warm cup of coffee, and it settled down and followed me into the house!  I plan to keep it as a pet and hope it does not bite!

Note to self: She needs a black one-piece Hugh Hefner’s Playboy bunny outfit with a little white tail.

Now we got down to business and got ready for the dentist. I got my new implants courtesy of Dr. Anne Nagel (a totally painless and absolutely terrific dentist!  She served three martinis before we began the procedure!).

She always appreciates my big mouth!!

Halfway through the procedure, my big toe began to itch, and I tried to make it happy by kicking off my shoe and using the other foot to scratch it. Alas, this plan did not work, and I was saved from further embarrassment by my trusty sidekick, who scratched my toe until it stopped itching, a process that took about fifteen minutes. Sidekicks are great to have around!

Yes, she is!!

From the dentist, we decided to go home as we were on a tirade to empty the freezers of all foodstuffs so we could begin to cook again!  Mary made a terrific lunch using only TV dinners courtesy of Trader Joe’s and a microwave!  This was my second day of dining on frozen Indian food, and I am beginning to talk with an Indian accent and have set up a tee-pee in the backyard.

The next stop is the heart doctor over at UCI!  My blood [pressure has been acting up, but since I changed my dosage four days ago, it’s back to the regular 130/80.  He said I was doing OK but wanted some blood work (I thought he wanted me to go back to gardening, but he meant getting a blood test) and wanted an X-ray to see if I still had a heart.   We got the X-ray on the way out of the building, and in fact, by the time we got home, the results were in my email saying I was “unremarkable.” It was definitely an insult, I thought!  Then Dr. Mary read the results and agreed with him!

Arriving back home, I got a text from Vicky, and she said, “Today is the fourth anniversary of Del‘s passing, but I will not celebrate this day with sadness. I am glad and grateful that I was gifted 50 years of loving him. I will celebrate his life, not his passing.

He was my neighbor for thirty years and Vicky’s partner for forty!

It would have been Sue and my 37th anniversary today.

We had another super meal right out of the freezer, and the freezers are beginning to show signs of being empty. By the way, my Indian accent is improving!

Before bed, I finished the Starlighter’s Website for St. Patrick’s Day! I have been doing our dances since 2007 and have only missed a few over all those years!

We went to the TV room and watched three more episodes of “Evergreen” before retiring.

Tomorrow, we talk to our travel agent and make the reservations for South America and Antarctica later this year!

Good night, all!

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Aren’t We Supposed To Rest On Sunday??

Little did I know that Mary planned to “finish off” the planting for the early Spring garden.  We spent 9:00 am until 4:00 pm in the garden, getting everything prettied up and planted—three hours in the berry garden, removing weeds, grass, and wild tomatoes.  I added three bags of acid potting mix and Canadian peat moss.  This raised the level of the garden about three inches.

They now look beautiful.

Our plan of putting onions between the various veggies has made the wabbits disappear; we have seen no evidence of the rascally varmints being around in two weeks!

The bed design came out perfect and easy to clean!

We may be a little early, but we planted 24 stalks of corn, a mix of white and yellow.

How many of the following facts do you know about corn? We’re betting you’ll learn something new today!

  1. The average ear of corn has 800 kernels in 16 rows.
  2. Only 1% of corn planted in the United States is sweet corn.
  3. Corn cobs always have an even number of rows.
  4. The types of corn grown in America are dent corn, flint corn, pod corn, popcorn, flour corn, and sweet corn.
  5. The world record for the tallest corn stalk is more than 35 feet.
  6. An acre of corn eliminates 8 tons of carbon dioxide from our air.
  7. There are 125 calories in a cup of corn.
  8. An ear of corn has one silk stand for every kernel.
  9. Each corn plant produces one to three cobs each.
  10. More than 90 million acres on earth are dedicated to producing corn

Two dozen corn stalks in the ground, ready to grow tall!

It is difficult to see, so here is a “closeup” of the little darlings.  Our blueberry patch is on the right-hand side, and they seem to be doing well.  We gave them a dose of acid fertilizer and some peat moss mulch around the base.    This summer, we will put a 50% cover over the tops of them so the sun will not burn them up!

Easier to see.

I oiled the whirligigs, which seem to keep the birds away from the garden; thank you, WD-40!!

Give a weed an inch, and it’ll take a yard!

We will not be able to see across the garden in a month!

Even the salad bowl in the back is coming along well. They had better hurry, though, because once the grapes get going, they will be hidden from the sun!

Mary’s salad garden is coming along just fine.

The grapes are doing quite well, and tomorrow, I plan to re-string the top of the grape arbor and tie it to the neighbors’ trees, as the boulder I was using is not heavy enough.

The grapes are doing well.

We had zero help from Dog-A-Puss as he refused to get dirty after his appointment.  He did come out, look around in total disgust at his “dirty people,” and returned to his perch in the hose, seeing the yard.

“What, me, go into the garden after returning from the beauty parlor? I think not!!”

We went to the swim spa and did three cycles after having a nice dinner.   We watched Everwood, an older TV series from 2006.  Summary: World-renowned brain surgeon Dr. Andrew Brown finds his life changed forever after his wife dies. He leaves glamorous Manhattan and his prosperous medical practice for the idyllic small town of Everwood, Colo. — which he chooses because of his late wife’s emotional attachment to the city — taking his two kids, Delia and Ephram, with him. The show revolves around the family’s relationships as they adjust to small-town life and the kids’ relationships with their peers as friends and in the dating world.

A contemporary comedy-dama!

We were tired, so we went to the TV room and vegetated until about 10:00 pm when we called it quits!

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Saturday Was Fairly Mild!

Mary needs her morning coffee!

It’s Saturday, and it’s time to work in the garden, so we did. Our first stop was Orange Farmers Supply, where we found Acid Planting Soil for our berry patch. The berries love acidic soil! We got three bags and still need two more, but the Silver Fox’s trunk was not big enough!

The morning visit to the nursery got used to the Acid planting soil for the berries.

We worked in the garden in the morning and early afternoon, making much progress.  I worked the berry patch, and Mary did some serious planting.  She is getting excellent at planting, mulching, and fertilizing the baby plants.

At 2:00 pm, we began preparing for a tour trip to Long Beach to celebrate Kyle Humfeld’s 50th birthday party.   We first got together when he was twenty-five years old as Boeing co-workers.  He is a bright young man we are proud to call a friend.

Robin and Bob went with us, and we had fun meeting new people!

Kyle’s apartment is on the beach!

He lives on the eleventh floor, but they have a reservable party room on the ground floor, which Kyle took advantage of.  It was an informal affair, so we got to eat munchies and visit many folks!

We met some lovely people.

We did not know Kyle loves pie; he is still young and can enjoy it without getting an exploded waistline like us!  Oh, the advantages of being young!

The birthday boy carves up his favorite cherry/rhubarb pie.

We left the party around 7:30 p.m. Since it was close to Patty’s Place, we stopped in and had some drinks and a little bit to eat, including Robin’s favorite dessert! I had ceviche while the others shared Jumbo Mexican Prawns. We all shared outstanding dinner rolls.

We made reservations for seventeen folks to celebrate our fourth wedding anniversary on July 28th.  As you may remember, we had our first “date” here and married one year later!  It is a special place!

We stopped by PAtty’s Place on the way home.

We headed home around 9:30 pm and visited for a few minutes.  The night was quite nary a whisper of wind.  The reflections were quite remarkable.

It was a lovely evening.

The kids went home, and we went to bed; it had been a long day, and we were tired!


Posted in Dining Out, Family, Friends, Vegetable Garden | Leave a comment

Spring + 1; All Is OK!

Mary sent me to the market, and I helped an older lady remember her list!

Well, a change of schedule!  We rescheduled our gym class until Friday, and today is Friday, so off we went!  We wiggled and giggled for an entire hour and stretched muscles that we never knew we had.  In addition, we were on the stationary bike for almost 40 minutes!

From the gym, we stopped by the local CVS and picked up some meds and also got our RSV shots.

The it was back home to work in the garden; after all, it is Spring!

Yeah Sprint!!!

We dug ourselves out of the garden at 3:00 pm and got ready to head to the Elks to hear Larry Fresch.  His music was wonderful and we got to dance several times.

We found Brenda and  Gayle there and invited them to join our table and meet up with our “new group member”, Sandy!

Time to get introduced!

We really enjoyed the music and we shared the “Hobo Steak” along with the house salad.

Just little old us!

When we got home, I did the Daily Diary and in the emails I saw a picture of my “new” old house, adjecent to Vicky’s home.  It looks pretty good but I am extremely happy with the new house which Mary has made into a home!

Hello old friend!

We were tired after gardening and dancing all day!  We crashed! Tomorrow we hope to finish the garden for this month!

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Hello Tuesday, Are You Ready For Us???

Mary gets our day started with hot coffee!

Step 1: Open your eyes; Step 2: Make your way to the kitchen; Step 3: Make coffee! Now, the world can start!

Astronomical spring began on March 20, 2025, at 2:01 a.m. Pacific Daylight Time in the Northern Hemisphere. We were ready with our shovels, seedlings, and other gardening necessities.

I heard a scream and thought local wild animals like a Wombat, possum, or an albino alligator had attacked Mary!  It turns out that when she turned the corner to go into the kitchen, Mary was face to face with Mr. Froggy, dressed up for Easter!  That was indeed a shock!

Hi, I am really the Easter Bunny.

Tit for tat, Mary found her wabbit ears and wore them the rest of the morning.  Scout was a little dubious about this change in Mommy’s looks!

Coffee, anyone!

Speaking of wabbits, we found two more little critters hiding in the family room plants! They ducked back under the leaves when they saw us and continued hiding.

What’s the difference between a clown and an athletic rabbit?  One is a little bit funny, and the other is a little fit bunny.

S-h-h-h-h-h-h, we are hiding from Scout.

Speaking of Spring, the garden awaits us. It looks small from 200 feet up, but it is 30′ x 50′, and we are in the middle of getting it ready for summer planting. Turning the soil and adding amendments is always fun—especially when you accidentally unearth a garden gnome that has been hiding out since the last ice age!

Speaking of the Summer Garden!

At 11:00 am, we headed to the dry cleaners and Elks for Girls’ Night Out.  Bill brought Sandy so she could understand what “Girls’ Night Out” was about. We had a great time.

Bill and Sandy

Bob often brings something he finds in the newspaper or magazine and reads it to us. His articles are always funny and bring down the house with tears of joy; today was no different.

Our own Poet Laureate!!

A new person joined us, and I asked Mary who it was. She did a double-take and said, “It is Sydney!”   Yep, Sydney turned blond, and I did not recognize her at all!!

Sydney, how you have changed!

It was nearly 1:45 pm when we finally decided to leave for home. Who knew time would travel faster than my grandma on a bingo night?

Going home!

Sydney operated the camera, and we got many shots of us cavorting in front of the Elk!

More fun today!!

Scout was expecting some deliveries from Amazon, so he stayed by the front door so we would know when one occurred.

I’m watching for the Amazon deliveries.

We visited Jeff for a while and then we worked in the yard for a while before going into the swim spa for a while.  After dark, we went to the TV room and watched “Reacher” until 11:00 pm and then crashed.  We never made it to the swim spa this evening.

Posted in Elks, Friends, Gardening, Vegetable Garden | Leave a comment

Mid-Week Already?… Oh My!

9:00 am and we are off and running!  This time to the DMV for a 10:40 am appointment to get Mary’s driver’s license renewed.  We departed at 9:00 am, arriving an hour early, thinking MAYBE we might get through early.  That didn’t happen, and after making 3,457 circles around the parking lot, I went to the local Del Taco and had a taco and Diet Coke.  Mary did not get out of there until 11:15 am.

We had to be home before 1:00 p.m., as our door expert was coming by to make some adjustments. We made it by noon and went to work in the front yard, weeding and planting spring flowers. Mary planted many new flowers and did some serious weeding/trimming.

Scout was providing adult supervision!

The door folks showed up along with Domilita and the crew, so the house is clean, and the sliding back glass door is back to normal. We love the bi-fold door, as it is 15 feet wide and opens up the entire family room to the outside—perfect for a day like today!!!

The great out-of-doors!  When the doors are open, it’s like being outside!

We worked in the patio garden, digging out last year’s rambling herbs and replacing them with lettuce, basil, and several other herbs.

We also removed the dead or dying plants from the vertical gardens and replaced them with new dirt and new flowers, vegetables, and herbs.

The towers are now populated with strawberries and herbs!

We noticed that our multi-fruit tree was coming on strong.  It is a plum, apricot, peach, and nectarine tree all in one!

The fruit tree is blossoming and smelling good!

We did not work in the big garden today, we will save that for the upcoming warm weekend!

Garden, did someone say garden??

Since Easter is coming, we redid the internal lights to be Easter-like and set the timers to go on at sunset and off at 2:00 am.

We changed our lighting inside to be Easter-like!

We did the same for the front of the house.  The house is much brighter than the movie shows, and we may rethink the lighting before Easter arrives.

After going to the swim spa for three cycles, we dried off and made several calls on the bat phone talking to family and friends.  By the time it was 9:00 pm, we were destined for a long night’s sleep!

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The Day After!

We did our morning walk remotely today!  We ran out of time to walk, so I ran upstairs and took a snap from the kitchen window.  What a sensational day!

From the Loft, the yard looks pretty good!

I snapped another shot from the kitchen/family room door, looking out over the patio!  If it were not 60 degrees, I would jump in the pool and go swimming!

The birds were flying backward to see where they had been!

What a day!  Go here, go there, go back!  We began the day rushing to a 9:30 am doctor’s appointment for Mary’s eyes, but alas, when she arrived at the office right on time, the receptionist said, “Your appointment is at 10:30 am, dear!”  Great!  We had a choice now, so we flipped a coin and went to Benjis for breakfast, just a few blocks away!

OK, all is under control. Our meal was served, and Mary’s phone rang! Mary answered the phone, and after listening for a few seconds, she put down the phone and said, “It’s a wrap; everything to go; the doctor moved your appointment back!”

Super, we shove our meal either into a to-go bag or into our mouths and run out the door, leaving a trail of napkins and silverware behind us!

Five minutes later, Mary is in the doctor’s office, and I am sitting in the car, catching my breath. Mary is in and out in about ten minutes, so we are back on the road home. We quickly stopped at Ralphs Market, and then we got home, asking ourselves, “What just happened?”

We took down St. Patrick’s Day decorations until noon, when Mary had to attend the painting class.

Off she went in Precious, as she wanted to maintain her driving skills—a good idea. She returned at about 3:30 p.m., and I had St. Patrick’s Day upstairs and Easter spread over the tables awaiting her to decorate.

From the Loft, the yard looks pretty good!

St. Patrick’s Day fits into two large containers, which are placed upstairs.

While Mary was gone, I packed it away and brought out Easter!

We Mary departed, I thought I would surprise her by having Easter up.   One look at Easter, and I knew it was above my pay grade. We let it sit until tomorrow!

May came home around 3:30 pm and we loaded her painting goodies upstairs.  Her painting today was a style called “negative”.

It is called a “negative” technique!

In watercolor art, “negative painting” involves painting around the subject to define it, rather than painting directly on the subject, using the white paper as a highlight. This technique creates depth and dimension, emphasizing areas and guiding the viewer’s eye.

At 5:00 p.m., Dru came over, and we took her to her installation meeting at the Elks. Bill Capps joined us for dinner, and it was taco night.

The Lodge was brought to order at 7:00 p.m., and the candidates entered the meeting, where they went through the standard initiation ritual.

The meeting/initiation lasted about 90 minutes!

We drove home, and by the time we got in the house, it was time for bed! We had to get rested for tomorrow’s adventure into the DMV world!

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Happy St. Patrick’s Day!

I should have worn my green fur today!!

We were up and going pretty early today as we have the gym class at 9:00 am, and we have to ride the stationary bikes from Orange to San Diego before they begin twisting and shouting at us!

We hit the floor running!

The gym was not too bad today except for me attempting to get down on the floor on the mat.  I look like a 150-year-old man and am ready for a nap once I get down!   It sounded like a bowl of Rice Krispies as I moved closer and closer to the mat!   We were poked and prodded by the best of their trainers, and we survived!

We went to Ralph’s Market next door to the gym and got some last-minute supplies for tonight’s soireé. We also got another four-pound flat-cut corned beef, as we are having four guests over for the celebration!

As soon as we got home, the cooking began! The kitchen turned into a scene straight out of a cooking show—if that show was called “Disaster Chefs.” Flour was flying, pots were boiling over, and I’m sure I almost set my hair on fire while trying to sauté the cabbage!

We whipped up eight pounds of corned beef—four pounds in the crockpot and four pounds boiled/simmered! The onions and some of the potatoes came from our garden. The crockpot is getting ready to be covered.

In six hours, magic will have occurred!!

We decided to use our new molcajete, a traditional Mexican mortar and pestle, to grind, mix, and release flavorful oils from vegetables and spices. This authentic grinding bowl is the best for making classic Mexican favorites like salsa, guacamole, queso, mole, and more!

We first made salsa, which was delicious—as evidenced by its disappearance—and then guacamole, which was also gone in a flash! It is a lot of work, but it is fun!

We baked the vegetables for 20 minutes at 350 degrees to soften them and bring out their flavors. After letting them cool, I sliced them and threw them into the mortar before applying 250 pounds of pressure.

When I hit the serrano pepper, I knew it as the fumes came out, and my eyes began watering.

They were not too hot today!

Can’t handle the heat? Stay out of the salsa.

The guacamole was made from local avocados, two doors down, and courtesy of Fred, our neighbor.

Vicky taught us how to say “molcajete.”

Mary checked the beef to make sure it was tender, and indeed, it was after six hours in the crockpot.

Crockpots are truly magical devices, and we use them all the time!

Lookout, here comes the gang!!!  We had food everywhere and still more on the stove.

Mexican appetizers and Irish dinners are indeed international affairs.

Dinner is served!  Vicky brought the Irish Soda Bread, which she had never heard of before.  She was going to get some tortillas and a can of Coca-Cola!  (…soda bread).   She went to Katella Deli to retrieve the bread, and it was delicious!

Irene, Robi, and Dianne: 3/5ths of my harem this evening.

Mary makes sure the ól man gets his Dijon mustard. We went through four pounds of corned beef and cabbage between the five of us!

My bride is a fantastic hostess who makes everyone feel at home!

Did I say dessert?  Dianne is responsible for my last three-pound weight gain!  The homemade chocolate cake, complete with chocolate bits and amazing frosting, begged to be devoured!  I also did some severe damage to the ice cream carton!

The word “Yummy” comes to mind!!

Dianne got a great picture of us.  We wanted Scout to take the picture, but he feared it might include him, and the camera would take his soul!  Besides, his fur would have covered the lens, so Dianne did the honors!

“OK, I will try to take your picture!!”

We sat and talked and told stories for hours!!!

Wonderful friends are joining us again at St. Patrick’s Day!!

We said goodbye to everyone. By 8:00 p.m., everyone’s stomachs were full, and the ladies sufficiently spoiled Scout!

Even Froggy was tired! The rain was gone, so everything was OK!

While we were dining, it rained hard, but by the time dinner was over, the sky was clear, and the water was gone. It will be safe to drive home.

We said goodbye to everyone, and let me tell you, it was like trying to leave a party where everyone is still dancing—hugs lasted longer than a Netflix binge! I’m pretty sure I invented a new sport: “Goodbye Tug-of-War.”

We got a nice note and some pictures from Vicky!

Thank you for inviting me and Irene last night. It was nice what I think is happening to your house is what happened to your house here on Kensington. It became the hub of life, and people felt so comfortable that it was like a second home because they felt so welcome. You’ve made your nest with your sweetheart, and you thoughtfully and graciously open it for others to enjoy, not only YOUR company but the company of other friends. Thank you.

I am blessed to have Dr. Mary in my life because she shares the love of family and friends and enjoys bringing people together.  We make a good team and share the workload making the visits with family and friends enjoyable!

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Sunday And We Worked And Played!

We got up, dressed in our cleanest dirty work clothes, and hit the yard running, as we had oodles of veggies to plant today! Our neighbor was worried about his fruit trees not having oranges, so I texted him this photo of his hyperactive orange tree since he was out of town!

We will have oranges in a few months.

We can already smell the blossoms when there’s a gentle breeze—though I’m beginning to think the flowers have a more advanced olfactory system than I do. They keep throwing their scents around like they’re trying to impress a bee or something! If only I could catch a whiff of that same confidence at the perfume counter…

Mid-summer and the tree will be loaded!

We heard the loud flapping of wings as we worked, and the local Lemonbird called whenever she spotted a suitable nest.  She dropped in and left one of her eggs!  We shall use it carefully!

The lemon bird used our straw for her nest!

We did NOT get to this area today, but by midweek, we will have it also planted.  This planter is reserved for pumpkins, watermelons, cantaloupe, corn, and blueberries.

Transplanting is necessary!

We washed down the concrete between the gardens after we swept everything up.

Cleanup underway

There are only a few more things to plant, and we may try Monday once we get the corned beef cooking@

Done with planting for today!

We are almost out of straw, which we used as mulch!  We have a third of a bale remaining.

Wait to see this in about 90 days!

Boys will be boys!!  Hey, after five hours of hard work, I needed a break!!


This garden needs attention!  We must weed it and then drop in about six bags of acid dirt.  Weeding is difficult because most of these babies are horny (oops, I mean, they have thorns).

The berries are starting to bloom already.

We got ourselves ready for the Starlighters St. Patrick’s Day soireé.  Now, we’re back to wearing green!

Mary asked me to stop looking for me Lucky Charms and the Pot o’ Gold!

We danced and danced and shut the place down.  Only four people remained out of the 90 who were here this evening.   We had a table for ten, met two new couples, and revisited with four old friends!  It was a delightful evening.

We sat next to Dale and Marsha (who will be 90 years young in two weeks!)

On our way home, we stopped by Aces Bar & Grill to bring some Irish life to the place. We met “D” for the first time, and he bought our drinks—which we did not know until we departed!

Good Night All!!

Posted in Dancing, Elks, Friends, Gardening, Vegetable Garden | Leave a comment