Day 4 – Belieze And The Coral Reefs

We read our schedule and had to be up at 7:00 am for a 9:00 pm departure for the great Belize Living Reef, the second largest in the world.  But first, we had a small breakfast delivered to our room.  Mary got ready for our adventure while I worked on the daily diary.

We went to our meeting area and then to the transport, which departed for the island at 10:15 am.  After an hour’s ride on the little boat, we arrived at Rendezvous Cay, Belize.

It is small but perfectly positioned.

The cruise ship anchors off the coast when in Belize, meaning we have to take a tender to shore. However, with the Rendezvous Caye excursion, the boat that transfers us to the island picks us up directly from the ship, saving quite a bit of time.

It is about a 40-minute ride to the island, past other larger islands and mangroves. As we approached Rendezvous Caye, we immediately realized how small this tropical paradise is. It is completely covered in sand and surrounded by incredibly clear water. As soon as we docked, we headed for a thatched-roof cabana so we could drop our stuff off. The organizers then signaled that it was time for snorkeling.

We had a perfect location adjacent to the pier and the “bar”.

On the Cay

A cay also spelled caye or key, is a small, low-elevation, sandy island on the surface of a coral reef. Cays occur in tropical environments throughout the Pacific, Atlantic, and Indian oceans, including in the Caribbean and on the Great Barrier Reef and Belize Barrier Reef.

Mary located the beer bar and then headed for our location under a nice roof adjacent to the water.

Beer run!

Mary found a live conch shell with its live animal inside.

Mary finds dinner for tonight.

Did You Know?
Conchs live in shallow seagrass beds and sand flats in warm waters 3–60 ft deep. They are native to the coasts of the Caribbean, the Florida Keys, the Bahamas, and Bermuda.Conchs have many predators, including loggerhead turtles, nurse sharks, blue crabs, eagle rays, spiny lobsters, and other crustaceans.

Conchs have a hardened tip at the end of their foot called the operculum, which they use to propel themselves forward in a hopping motion called a strombid leap. This movement may help them break up their scent trail to avoid predators.

Conch shells are made of about 95% calcium carbonate and 5% organic matter, and they get their pink color from calcium and carbonate ions in seawater. As conchs grow, they add calcium carbonate to the front edge of their shell, making it longer and wider.

Conch shells are strong and can be used as musical instruments or decorations. Conch meat is edible, and 80% of internationally traded conch is consumed in the United States.

Queen conchs can live for 25–30 years, but their lifespan can vary depending on environmental conditions.  For example, queen conchs in the Caribbean can live for 40 years or more, while those in Florida only live for 7–15 years.

Queen conchs reach sexual maturity around 3.5–4 years old and mate during the warm summer months of April–September. They have a long spawning season of 4–9 months, with peak spawning during warmer months.

Mary asked me to come over in my swimsuit to frighten the poor little conches away. (It could have been worse; I could have been in my birthday suit!)   Sure enough, the water was boiling, and the conches were heading out to sea, waving white flags.

Speaking fluent Conch, I heard them say, “Look out, there is an ugly whale in our area. Head for the open sea!”

That she blows!

As we got into the water, our taxi stayed moored at the pier; that was a good sign that we would not become a repeat of Gilligan’s Island.

This could be us in a few years.

Oh my, the name on the boat was SS Minow!  Should we worry?

Our boat takes a rest.

We paddled and watched the wildlife for 45 minutes. Everything was going swimmingly until I decided to glance to the left and got the shock of my life!

Oh my!!

While paddling around the island and seeing the fishies and coral, the kids were at the Aztec ruins deep in the jungle of Belize.

Meanwhile, the kids are seeing the ruins.

After an hour of swimming, we returned to our little grass shack and had BBQ chicken with rice. Of course, to wash it all down, we tried the local beer, Belieze—it was so good that it made us forget we were sunburnt lobsters.

BBQ is served

On the way back, the tour boat suddenly made an unscheduled stop, much to everyone’s confusion. The captain dramatically declared, ‘We have engine problems!’

It turns out that a tiny hose was doing its best impression of Niagara Falls, but the guys worked their magic and fixed the issue. We were back on track 15 minutes later, much to the relief of everyone who hadn’t packed enough snacks for an extended cruise adventure.

On the way home.

We hopped onto the mothership – also known as the fancy mobile resort – and set course for the Retreat Pool. After claiming seats for four, Mark declared it nap time. Mary and I sneaked into the serene waters (no kids allowed, jackpot!), and Colleen eventually joined us. We sipped on our drinks and then reluctantly abandoned our pool paradise to prep for dinner indoors.  It was dinner time.

Time for a swim in the Adults Only Pool!

No fancy shmancy meal for us tonight. We needed some serious comfort food therapy, so we hit up the Salty Dog Cafe for some good ol’ fashioned hamburgers. They’ve got these fancy Handmade Gourmet Burgers, like the Princess Burger or the Triple Smoked Burger. Who needs a tiara when you’ve got a Princess Burger? Am I right?

The Salty Dog Grill also offers new Street Tacos featuring a choice of grilled chipotle-lime chicken or roasted sweet potato-green chile. Classic Hot Dogs, plus loaded fries in tempting varieties including chili cheese and bacon & cheese.

Tomorrow, we have to go back to gourmet food, oh darn!

We checked our chronometers, and it was time for fun. We went to the Vista Lounge for a 45-minute laughing spell with the resident comedian. He was hilarious! I nearly laughed my chronometer off!

Pre-dinner comedy show.

After the comedy, it was time for a snack and a few drinks at O’Malley’s Pub. We hooted and hollered for the next 45 minutes!

We tapped our toes and joined in the singing.

We shared some onion rings, muscles (not the kind you flex, the kind you eat), and a couple of drinks. My taste buds threw a party, and everyone was invited!


We had an unexpected visit from a pirate. Mark is a huge fan of pirates, so I guess we should start preparing for “Talk Like a Pirate Day” in advance! Arrrrr!

Mark like the pirate.

I don’t want to forget this hilarious moment: At the end of the Irish entertainment, the country Western music unexpectedly kicked in, and suddenly, Colleen and Mary found themselves line dancing in the piazza! Colleen managed to capture a video of Mary doing her thing, but let’s say it might be best kept for our eyes only!

We heard some danceable music, headed to the dance floor, and whirled and twirled for a while.

Dancing the night away.

We danced until that band stopped, and it was a lot of fun.

After showcasing our moves on the dance floor, we returned to the Vista Lounge for another round of comic relief. This comedian had us in splits! By the end of his second show, it was almost 10:00 pm, so we begrudgingly called it a night. The kids hit the sack first, and then we aimlessly wandered around deck seven before retiring to our room.

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Day 3 – Cozumel Mexico!

Today is the big day for our first adventure in a far-off land, and we are psyched! We sprang out of bed at the crack of dawn, suited up in our exploration gear, and dashed out the door to grab a quick pre-departure breakfast. I even sported my fanciest cooking shirt to blend in with the locals. Let’s hope I don’t get mistaken for the chef!

The kids are off to play with the dolphins.

Mary had spearmint tea and scrambled eggs; I went for the lox and bagle.  After all, we are going to eat again soon.

Hot tea starts the day!

We got off the ship after struggling to find the right elevator to the 4th floor.  We were off and walking to our meeting site, identified as “#3 at the end of the pier.”  Arriving, we were challenged because there were two restaurants close by.  We selected Three Amigos and had a table within 25 feet of the meeting point, which we could not miss.

I did the street tacos and a margarita while Dr. Mary had a diet Coke.

Diet Coke, you are going to ruin your reputation!

The day was magnificent, albeit a tad on the warm side.  It was in the low 90s, and so was the humidity.

The cameraman looked at my waistline and decided I could be two amigos today!

We “dined” for about thirty minutes before the guide came and took us to a series of taxis for our journey to the cooking school!

BTW, the food was excellent!

After a harrowing three-mile ride in the Tijiuna Taxi (sans music), we arrived at the cooking school.  The school was above the dolphin swimming area, and little did we know Mark and Colleen could see us with our little chef’s hats on!

It looked like a lot of fun for the people and the dolphins.

We donned our chef’s hats and were ready to cook up a storm.

Cook, drink, and have fun with the guidance of a professional Mexican chef. Learn how to craft a delicious 3-course authentic meal – don’t forget the margarita, of course – guided and led by Chef Luis, a natural entertainer and innovative chef. You’ll prepare the meal at a double workstation, equipped with everything you need to complete your Mexican gastronomy dish and cocktail. Tabasco Chef is located on the second floor of the prestigious Blu by Dolphinaris facility with a breathtaking view of the Caribbean Ocean.

That is us; Paul is on the left.

The ingredients were on the stovetop, and everything was explained.  The chef had perfect English and was easy to follow.  Today, we had 46 people in the class.

The chef explained all the ingredients and what to substitute if needed.

Mary did most of the cooking, but I popped in and did the pork, ensuring every side got some serious heat.

Usually, I slice and dice, but that part of the lesson was already done for us.

We saw the dolphin pool when we made a 180-degree turn from our cooking station.

Collen and Mark were down there somewhere!

We were upstairs from the pool.

Colleen said she saw “Crazy people with funny hats on!”

Oh dear, I wonder if Mark knows?

Kiss me, sponge gums; my tonsils itch!

Chef Mary was diligently cooking, and as I approached to take a picture of her intense focus, she was completely absorbed in the cooking process and didn’t even glance up!

You go girl.

Then it happened; after my fourth margarita, I accidentally breathed toward the stove, and woooooof, flames shot into the air.  The fire alarm went off, and all heck broke loose.  We ducked under the stove and waited for the panic to die down.

Alright, so the real story is that we were trying to make dessert, and when we poured in the liquor, it turned into a “flambeau.”  Tequila burns!

Oh my! What did she do??

After all the cooking, we wandered next door to the alfresco dining area, where margaritas flowed while we ate our creations. The meal was pretty good!

Great fun but where is our taxi?

The Tijuana Taxi didn’t hold back as it bippity-bopped through the town, hitting every rain puddle along the way and giving the pedestrians an unexpected shower!  One could smell burnt rubber for miles when he slammed on the brakes.

We made it to the pier just in the nick of time, thanks to the taxi’s wild ride!

Sure enough, they did not leave without us.

The bicycle cab was a lifesaver! We got to the gangplank within two minutes!

We got onboard and headed to the 14th floor for some relaxation before dinner with the kids.  Today, we are dining at Sabatini’s Italian restaurant on the 7th floor.

On our way to the show, we stopped for some pictures.

Looking good!

There was dancing underway, but we were too tired and decided to hit the bunks early as we had to go snorkeling tomorrow morning.

Waltz anyone?

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Day 2 – Sailing To Cozumel Island, Mexico

Estimated reading time: 6 minutes

Today is Mark’s “Lime Green” day!

Oh my!  What was that?  At 7:00 am sharp, there came a knock on our door.  I checked the calendar, and it was not Santa Claus, which left only one more possibility: coffee!

Feeling guilty for her late-night order, Mary jumped up and met the nice man at the door. There was a loud shriek and unintelligible Asian language, and then footsteps ran down the hallway. Shame on me; I forgot to tell Mary to wear her robe. The poor waiter is probably still hiding under his bed and will need psychiatric care for years to come.

We let the kids roam around this morning or perhaps sleep in. We had our coffee (after calling the onboard doctor to ensure the poor waiter was OK). We put on our gym uniforms and went up to the 7th floor. There, we found a pair of treadmills next to each other. He did 2.6 MPH for over half an hour.

Looking at all the people on treadmills, I wrote a suggestion to the captain: He should tie those treadmills to the propellers and save a lot of fuel! No answer has come yet.  Oh, I put Mark’s name on the suggestion!

We then went to the dining room and had breakfast.

More decisions!

We returned to our cabin and got cleaned up for the next activity, lunch!  We dined at the trough again because it had so many selections.  I found several Indian dishes to munch on plus several meat dishes.

Mark said he ran almost eleven miles this morning during his 45-minute workout. That would mean 20 trips around the deck. So it became clear that his GPS kept track of him, but the GPS also added in the speed of the ship, so Mark did not do 18 miles and an hour! For a few minutes, we thought Mark may have been “The Flash,” but alas, Mark’s workout was just average.

This morning, there was a vegetable carving demonstration in the piazza, and the results were displayed in the trough. Merry got several pictures of the results of their efforts; they were pretty amazing.

I need to learn how to carve a watermelon properly!

At 1:30 pm, we headed to the spa, and even Mark was there.  The girls had their hair done for this evening since it was a formal evening.  Mark had his toes done, and I went for the whole she-bang: haircut, beard trim, facial, etc.

I felt like running down the hallway singing “I Am Pretty,” but Mary changed my plan!

I presented quite a challenge to the stylist!

Colleen just got a hair-doo.  It was cute, and it had handles in the front whose purpose was a topic of conversation the rest of the day!

Oh my!

We hogtied Mark after we gave him seven martinis and, with the help of three deckhands, got him tied into a chair, still yelling and screaming.  The operators drew straws to see who would do the honors.  I was surprised when they brought out a glass jar to collect his clippings; the label on the jar had a skull and cross bones!

This picture shall be put in an 8″x10″ waterproof frame and auctioned off to someone in the family.

With Mary, it took two people.  This is NOT finished; it is called the drowned-rat look at this process stage.

What have they done to my bride?

The old man was minding his business when Mary appeared on the scene, laughing and giggling and saying something about a facial.   What the hell is a “facial?”

Did You Know? A facial is a noninvasive or minimally invasive skin treatment that can include cleansing, exfoliating, moisturizing, and other elements. It is often performed by licensed skin care professionals, such as aestheticians, in beauty salons, day spas, or dermatologists’ offices. The treatment is customized to your skin type and needs and can help address skin concerns, promote overall skin health, and help you relax.

Never again will I say “OK” to a guy I can’t understand!!

After relaxing at the spa, we headed to O’Malley’s for a “drinkie-poo.” Mary proudly flaunted the snazzy travel purse that Robin had gifted her, and we all pretended to be impressed while secretly wondering if it was big enough to fit all of our stuff for the next trip.

Remember, I like frogs!

As we were about to head for our room, Mark got a little frisky!  I thought he was trying to scare the bees away by yelling “Boo Bees,” but alas, he was saying “boobies.”  Halloween is coming soon, so perhaps he was practicing.

We ate at the Capri restaurant on the sixth floor. We had a table for four, and the meal was pretty good. Colleen and I had the lobster, Mary had a steak, and Mary had veggie eggplant meatballs.

The girls looked amazing and were ready for the formal evening.  Mark and I were suited up and escorted the ladies to dinner.

Wow! Or amazing, astonishing, impressive, or incredible!

We stopped for a formal photo, but then it happened.  As we were standing in line, the line got fuzzy.  All of a sudden, the girls jumped.  Colleen had her arms around the guy in the tux.  Mary was holding Mark’s arm, and I stood back, took a picture, and laughed.   It is a very friendly boat.

Careful, girls, it could have been worse! Check the expression on the man’s face!

We returned to O’Malley’s after dinner.  The singers did a super job with the small audience tapping their toes and singing along.

We suggested they sing “What Do You Do with a Drunken Sailor.”

At 7:30 pm, we headed for the Broadway production for the evening.  We had reserved seats in front since we were in suites.  It was a highly active show, with singing and dancing constantly.

We are off again!

We went to the lounge at 10:00 pm and saw the comic.  He was hilarious and, more importantly, CLEAN!  He had us all in stitches.  The kids were already in their room, so we tried to let them know to join us.

Funny, funny, funny!

We returned to our room, and the kids were up to NO GOOD!  This means war!

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Day 1 – Departing Florida!

We are on the way!

When the alarm went off, we were ready to get up and excited to start the adventure. We decided to take the 102 suitcases from our room to the lobby by ourselves, a feat that should NOT be attempted by amateurs. I stacked Mary’s suitcases up and tilted them over to start the rolling process and heard a gut-wrenching sound from the top of the stack.

My instincts kicked in, and I dropped the handle and ran to safety in the bathroom.  The crashing sound was deafening, and then it subsided; I peeked into the room, hoping Mary had escaped the crash.  She was OK and suggested we not stack the suitcases as if we were playing Tetris with our luggage!

We finally got the baggage to the front desk, and the limo came by to pick us up; the driver took one look and passed out!

Oh my, how do we get Mary’s bags onto the ship?

Our ship was about 400 feet from the lobby, but due to the ongoing construction of a new hotel, we had to drive ten minutes to get to the ship.  We got everything off the limo and into the hands of a very lovely porter, and then we got into the line.  The line moved right along, and within five minutes, we were inside, where the air conditioning kept us from melting.   It was already 85 degrees outside.

The line moved pretty fast.

We passed through security without a hitch, except that Mark insisted on having the female security officers do a pat-down on him three times.  They didn’t find anything, but they giggled a lot.  They refused his fourth request, but Mark would NOT take no for an answer.  The ladies huddled; one got her cell phone, and then a four-hundred-pound sumo wrestler in a security uniform came out and asked Mark to step forward.   It was fun to watch.

We went onto the ship and found an alcohol dispensing room—I think they called it a bar.  Mark found a table for four after he pushed two little old ladies out of the way!

We ordered our first round, and Mark decided to do a taste test!  He took a vote by himself, and it was tied 3-3; he re-voted, and finally, the whiskey won!

Two-fisted drinkers.

We sat and watched humanity pass us by, with many circling like vultures around the free food!

A light lunch?

We decided to split up until dinner and headed to our cabin to unpack and recuperate – or, as I like to call it, take a “mandatory relaxation break.” The view from our room revealed a giant harbor fit for six or seven cruise ships at a time, or, as my inner kid would say, “the ultimate parking lot for giant boats!”

The harbor is large enough to handle multiple boats.

 I headed to our room and was about to take a power nap when Mary yelled, “The land is moving!” My first thought was an earthquake, but then I realized it was just the ship getting its groove on while the land was playing it cool in one spot

We were sliding out of the channel at breakneck speed.

Mary and I polished off the leftover wine from lunch and thought, “Why not go on ‘tipsy’ adventures for a while?”

Mary waves goodbye to the land.

Our first stop was the gym (otherwise known as the torture chamber!).  We know the equipment well and plan to use the gym every morning.

Tow that barge, lift that bale!

We walked and walked and then returned to freshen up before dinner at the Crown Grille.

The kids were there first, and the manager gave us great seats next to the window.  Mark ordered a Big Mac, and the waiter nearly passed out.

Decisions decisions.

We all had steaks, and they were pretty good!  The waiter made sure we knew that A-1 sauce was not allowed in the dining room.

It was the size of half a cow!

After dinner, we again decided to split up as we watched Colleen’s eyes begin to droop since it was almost 8:00 p.m.  They headed out the door, and Mary suggested we walk for a while.

We went to one of the movies, which was NOT for the faint of heart.  It was rather x-rated, so we did not stay.   If I want to see something ugly, all I have to do is stand in front of a mirror.

Mary spotted a mother and young son heading to the movie, and we waved them off.

We found O’Malley’s Bar, where there was live Irish entertainment.  We slithered to the bar, plopped ourselves down, and began ordering.  I fastened Mary in with the safety belt; I needed a five-point harness.

Being in Ireland, I had a Guinness!  It was pretty good.

A bit of old Ireland at O’Malleys Bar

After two drinks, I began to remember some old Irish songs, and in fact, I requested that they play ” The Irish Rover.” They played, and the whole audience clapped along.

The Irish Rover” is an Irish folk song about a magnificent though improbable sailing ship that reaches an unfortunate end.  Numerous artists have recorded it, some of whom have changed the lyrics over time.  Listen below!

“Sing along with me!!!”

Mary was amazed at my knowledge of Irish music, so I showed her my iPhone playlist!

It’s almost time for bed!

After two rounds of drinks, we headed upstairs to our room.  We watched some TV before crashing at midnight!

See you tomorrow on the bounding main.

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Acclimating To Tropical Weather In Florida And Meeting With The “Kids”

We stumbled into the hotel at an ungodly hour, dragged ourselves to our room, and promptly realized the only thing that could revive us from our zombie-like state was breakfast. Brains… I mean, pancakes, please!.  We went to the hotel restaurant and were shocked by the $25.00/person breakfast, but we were tired and hungry and paid the price.  Breakfast was good, but the $50 for eggs and bacon seemed a little high.

We are ready for breakfast!

Back in the room, we crashed for about three hours, which was much needed considering our epic battle with the snooze button. We had a view fit for royalty, and the silence was almost eerie, except for that one noisy seagull practicing its stand-up routine outside.  That seagull must have missed its calling as a comedian!

A room with a view.

We dragged ourselves out of bed and begrudgingly prepared for a much-needed drink, then stumbled upon the kids. We stumbled upon a great spot on the mezzanine, conveniently close to where we had breakfast.

We must stop meeting like this.

We sat and talked for almost an hour, just catching up and making plans for the day.

Just us.

We were hanging out near this crazy bridge that seemed to have a mind of its own, going up and down like a roller coaster. As we watched the big boats pass by, we spotted a water taxi stopping point under the bridge. We thought, “Hey, why not hop on a water taxi and let the waves rock us into dinner mode?” Can’t wait for the water taxi ride to work up our appetite for a feast!

We heard something squeaking.

We took a vote and decided it was time to go.

We were having fun on the 85-degree day!

For the water taxi, you needed to get tickets via the iPhone. Oh my, everything is on the iPhone today. The kids took out their phones, and seconds later, we had tickets. It’s good to travel with the young.

The kids saved us.

Our ride arrives; it reminds me of the yellow cab of yesteryear.

They called a taxi

We departed from landing #4 and had to go to landing #10, where our restaurant was located.   On the way, we saw Jay’s Floating Sandbar Food Boat, but we did not stop.

We were not hungry yet!

Oh my, what if we had a disaster on the boat? We felt better knowing the Fire Rescue Boat was nearby.

Just in case.

We passed the world’s largest high dive, which was located at the Olympic Swimming facility.  At 27 meters, the structure is the tallest dive tower in the Western Hemisphere, and it is the first in the world to incorporate diving and high diving for competition in one precast concrete structure.

Time to jump.

We spotted our target just ahead. It was called “Shooters.” Mark and I were disappointed because we thought we were going to “Hooters”.

We are here!

We were chilling outside, enjoying the warm but not scorching weather. Just as I started to think maybe it was Hooters after all, our waiter showed up, and to our surprise, it was a dude! I guess that shattered our lingering delusions!

Their menu was quite varied, from steaks to seafood and everything in between.

Decisions decisions.

Way back twenty-five years!

December 31, 1999 at sea with family!

The restaurant had an excellent cleanup crew to save money. While they did a good job, they were a little noisy. We thought the idea was for the birds.

The cleanup crew.

Mark and I did the shrimp appetizers, Mark went for the popcorn shrimp which is served hot while I opted for the shrimp cocktail.   I only got two pieces because Colleen has developed really long arms and my shrimp disappeared if I looked away for more than two seconds.  Her skills have now been honed since she watched her four grandkids on a regular basis.

The shrimp were huge!

The cameras were clicking all afternoon.

Kibitzing is underway!

Our waiter dude did an excellent job of capturing the essence of the meal. Notice the plates are all empty! When we were done, we made the birds starve.

We had a perfect table.

I told Colleen she should always try something new!  Well, this time her facial expression gave her feeling away.  (This  was the best of the worst pictures… the others were scary).

Colleen didn’t like my drink!

Mr. Photogenic was looking good today once Colleen got the remaining food off his beard.

Mark is a serious moment.

Back on the boat, we headed down the Intercostal Waterway.

Did You Know? The Intracoastal Waterway (ICW) is a 3,000-mile (4,800 km) inland waterway along the Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico coasts of the United States, running from Massachusetts southward along the Atlantic Seaboard and around the southern tip of Florida, then following the Gulf Coast to Brownsville, Texas. Some sections of the waterway consist of natural inlets, saltwater rivers, bays, and sounds, while others are artificial canals. It provides a navigable route along its length without many of the hazards of travel on the open sea.

Mark, always the gentleman, saves Collen from seeing the world’s most mean animal, the Croc-a-Gator. It has a crocodile’s head on one end and an alligator’s head on the other end, and he has no place to go to the bathroom, which really makes him mean!

“I am protecting her eyes from the horrible scene unfolding”

It was getting dark as we sailed back through the landing, looking for lost souls.

It was getting dark.

We all had our matches, and we assisted the captain when we spotted our hotel in the distance.

We were happy to be “home”

We verified the transportation at the front desk for tomorrow morning’s trip to the ship!  No bar tonight, it was home and crash!

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Day Zero (Traveling), We Is Off For The Caribbean!

During our morning stroll through the garden, we greeted every plant and critter like they were old friends.  It’s like our little version of “The Garden of Goodbyes and Hellos.”

We visited our flowers since they get little attention during the veggie growing season.  We have lilies in many different colors.

Yes, we also have flowers.

We still have hundreds of tomatoes!  Mary is like a one-woman Goodie Bag Express.  Every time we go anywhere, she’s on a mission to keep the neighborhood in a veggie-induced coma!

Mary filled a box of veggies for the Elks, including eggplant and peppers!

By 7:30 am, we were checking the checklist to see if each item had been checked.  The suitcases were ready to close, so we will shower and get prepared to go to the Elks for Girls’ Night Out.  Vicky and Jim will be there to say goodbye.

I was thinking about my Mom and was sad she did not get to meet Dr. Mary.  They would have been great friends.

Thanks to AI, I was able to “recover” this old photo of my mother with her granddaughter, taken in 1973.  Mom passed in 1990 and I miss her all the time!

We’re all set and excited to head to the Elks!  Off we go!

Linda is sorting through the goodies.

We had quite a crowd today.  There were twelve of  us.  I didn’t realize the party had gotten so out of hand!

George and Bob teased away.

Bill got some multicolored unmentionables as a “gift” from me, but he wanted to make sure.  He asked what he should do with them, and I said two things: 1) wear them in the BACKYARD when you garden, or 2) use them as a slingshot to hit passing birds.

I could not hear what they said, but I bet it was priceless.

We all had a super time shooting harpoons back and forth at each other, telling jokes, and ribbing one another.  It was a typical Girls’ Night Out event.

Vicky and Jim joined us to say bye-bye.

The next dance after the Hawaiian event is entitled “Around The World,” and the centerpieces are being readied.  Each centerpiece will have a passport where Starlighters will write down where they have been and share it.

We got a preview of the centerpieces.

Ask Vicky about my new name!

My name is Tonto Hernandez, but my friends call me Bubba.

Vicky and Jim stayed for a while, and we coordinated some upcoming events

We talked for quite a while.

The alarm went off.  Someone is in my garden!  Do you see the varmint?  The wascally wabbit is stalking anything he can eat!

Do YOU see the rabbit?

Robin came by at 3:30 p.m. and took us to the airport. I drove, and we were there at 4:30 p.m. for a 7:00 p.m. flight.  We like to be early just in case!

We are at the airport with load #1 of Mary’s baggage.

Loading my bag is easy, one gunny sack, and I am done!

I am packed and have room to spare!

We stopped at the California Pizza Kitchen, where I introduced Dr. Mary to split pea and barley soup. I was a good boy and had a chicken Caesar salad. We both had a glass of wine before we headed to the boarding gate.

I enjoyed a Caesar salad with chicken.

We were at CPK for what felt like forever, and Mary had to have some French fries. I made a detour to McDonald’s to make her French fry dreams come true. These are the things we do for our loved ones!

We are ready to fly!

Salt Lake is 565 miles away, about 90 minutes as the crow flies.

We are off to SLC

The inside of the cabin was warm and cozy. A nice man brought me several wines as we progressed to our destination.

It was peaceful in First Class.

The second flight was relaxing as we slept for a few hours. At 6:00, we were in Florida!

7: 15 am and time to rest!

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Oh my… It was froggy outside this morning but t it is still supposed to be 89 degrees.

We stumbled our way to the gym at 8:15 am for an 8:30 pm appointment to have our bodies busted and broken. After 45 minutes of pretending to work out and losing a load of calories, we made a beeline to the bagel store to promptly replace those calories. It’s all about that balanced lifestyle, right?

After devouring the bagels, we flew home and began packing. This trip will be interesting, as every port will be warm, so shorts are the order of the day! Of course, we did take our formal wear for the formal evenings.

Today is the 10th of July, which was Sue’s birthday. She would have been 73 today. We got a note from Diane and will call her tonight.

When our cleaning service dropped in, we had them do the office first, and then for the next two hours, we hid in the office.  Mary ironed my shirts, and I worked on the adventure website!


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T – Minus Five!

This morning was supposed to be all about packing for our upcoming trip, but we got so engrossed in tending to the garden that we lost track of time! The garden had its own plans for us. We’re juggling preparing for the trip and organizing a big party at our house on the third of August, just a few days after returning from the Caribbean. It’s like we’re trying to fit a whole adventure into a short period of time!

We began in the front yard, and we are trying something new; we have planted two pumpkin vines, hoping that with some proper pruning, we will keep them under control and be able to show them to the neighborhood kids before Halloween.

If the vines get real long, I might fasten then to the fence using orange rope; that would be a real decoration!

This might be a big mistake, but the kids will love it!

Our avocado tree is living the best spa life. Just to keep things extra fancy, we treated it to a luxurious Moon Juice bath. You know, because even trees deserve a little pampering.

The tree is relatively small, but we have already formed avocados.

We planted two Coleus plants. Coleus is a member of the mint family, Lamiaceae. Like other members of the mint family, it has square stems and opposite leaves. This plant is native to the tropics of Asia but grows well in just about any environment. Unlike most annuals, coleus cultivars are grown for their foliage, not flowers.

We planted Coleus in the back patio flower bed.

At 12:30 pm, we reluctantly dragged ourselves to the doctor, hoping for a magical cure for Mary’s back and Paul’s sciatica. After some treatments, we still can’t do backflips, but at least the doctor is helping us space out our dramatics!

Mary gets the next appointment.

When we finally escaped the clutches of the doctor’s office, it was 3:30 p.m. We looked at each other and simultaneously decided that it was the perfect time to head to the Elks and devour a well-deserved late lunch.

It was Taco Tuesday, and I succumbed to the situation. A chili verde, taco, and cheese enchilada later, I was done. Mary had the soup and salad demonstrating again her self control!

We had a late lunch at the Elks.

Finally, we are home, and at 7:00 p.m., we visited our neighbor Jeff, who looks forward to our afternoon visits on his porch.

Jeff and our daughter Colleen are Facebook friends and often share funny items.  With The help of AI, I retrieved this photo of Colleen circa 1976 and put it through the enhancer software.

Miss Colleen was always a happy child and still is today!

I could not pass up the opportunity to take a blurry picture of my fantastic son Joe and pass it through the AI software.  The first time I tried, I got an error notice, and the computer shook violently.  The message said, “WHAT DO YOU THINK THIS IS, MISSION IMPOSSIBLE?”  I tried twice more, and finally, after much moaning and groaning, the machine spits out the result (along with a refund check and a note never to try that again!)

Circa 1977, he was determined then!

This was about 1976, and he was determined then!

We watched two more episodes of “The Good Doctor,” and according to the TV, we will be done before we leave on the trip!

We crashed at 10:00 pm, and tomorrow will be packing day!

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Monday, T-Minus Six!

We are packing and getting ready to go!  But first, the garden needs some TLC.  We walked into the garden for a few minutes and then headed to the gym to get our muscles pulled, pinched, poked, constricted, contracted, pressed, squeezed, strangled, strangulated, and otherwise molested!  We walk into the gym feeling 50% and exit between -50% and -80%.

We ran into Marilyn Bailey at the gym, and she’s been a regular there for over twenty years. We complimented her on her excellent recommendation for Indian food and promised to go for dinner together when we returned from vacation.

After getting beaten up by our personal trainers, we hit Home Depot for some much-needed veggies to cover up the mess we made, trying to yank out the worn-out plants. Then we hightailed it back home.

With all the hauling we do, I mentioned to Mary we might need to get a small truck.  We then saw a sign and almost stopped.

We need more parts, like a turbocharger and a giant spoiler for extra speed. Oh, and a cup holder for those all-important refreshment breaks. Let’s pimp our new ride!

When we returned home, Scout was watching the house from his vantage point at the junction of all the hallways.  From this select spot, he could see all entrances to the house, which meant we had to step over him no matter where we needed to go!

He is getting his beauty sleep!

We worked in the garden until 3:00 p.m. when it got too hot! We planted everything and put up two more rabbit fences. We thought the wascally wabbits were gone, but they got after our new cantaloupes!

After dinner, we decided to be fancy and checked the pool temperature. To our surprise, it was a toasty 90 degrees, courtesy of ol’ Saul.

Our new wubber duck confirmed the temperature; it’s a go!

We hunted around, found two plastic glasses (classy, I know), and filled them with “Kendall-Jackson Grand Reserve Chardonnay White Wine,” Robin’s absolute fave. We took a sip, looked at each other, and both went, “Pa-tooey!” We’re more suited to Charles Schwab, a.k.a. “Two Buck Chuck!” Who needs fancy when you’ve got flavor, right?

It was so inviting!

We were in the water for so long that we turned into human raisins! We decided to call Dianne and Robin using Alexa video on the iPhone. We made sure to keep the camera angle high to spare them from the sight of our “raisin” transformation. After all, we didn’t want to scare away our friends with our new wrinkly look!?

Mary is a “cheap date”. Put her in the pool with a plastic skimmer net, and she will stay occupied for hours.

Mary also does tricks because I looked at her and yelled, “Prepare the boat for diving… dive… dive!”  Sure enough:

What can I say??

The temperature outside was still in the 80s, so we lit up the firepit, which is now an easy job!  We turned the valve and lit the match; whoooooof!  Flames shot into the air thirty feet, singing the behinds of birds passing overhead!  Mary pointed and yelled, “Take that, you crispy critter!”

Within a few minutes, we were toasty! We thought about marshmallows, but with the cruise just days away, we’re channeling our inner mermaids and shunning any excess calories. Make room for the cruise ship’s tropical drinks and endless buffets!

Toasty toes!

I couldn’t resist taking a snapshot of my very own mermaid. She looks stunning when soaked – don’t ask her if she wants a snack, or she might order some sardines.

“This is the life!!”

We have been in the house for three years now, and Mary has transformed it into a beautiful home with unforgettable memories and many future activities.

As I often say, I am so fortunate!

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It Was Saturday Yesterday So Today Must Be Sunday!

If we are up, you need to be up!

The sun rose, and so did we. We stumbled into the kitchen for our coffee and convinced ourselves that a five-hour workout was a good idea. The poor little cart named after  Mary got more exercise today than we did, as we filled it up and dumped it several times. After all that heavy lifting, the cart might need a massage and a spa day!

The two-wheeled cart delivered bags of mulch and potting soil to the various sites around the yard.

We started early.

When Joe, Amy, and the gang invaded our pool, we had to scramble to hide the inflatable flamingo and the giant rubber ducky. The water was a toasty 84 degrees, courtesy of Mother Nature’s relentless heatwave. Apollo, the water-crazy grand dog, made quite the splash alongside Scout. They zoomed around the yard until Scout threw in the towel and dashed back indoors to the sweet embrace of the air conditioning.

Apollo loves the water!

Dang, it was 4:00 pm, and they had to go home. Mary fixed some bruschetta and pigs in a blanket for snacks, and we loaded the portable ice chest full of drinks and lemonade for Joe. Poor Joe, always needing his lemonade fix!

Darn, time to go home?

They exited the yard via the side yard as they were still wet after spending more than two hours in the pool!

We had a wonderful visit!

After they departed, we took a twenty-minute power nap and then got ready to join our next-door neighbors, Jim and Dorris, for dinner at Dynasty Chinese Restaurant in Orange.

We learned that dining in Chinese style means everyone orders an entree, which is placed in the center of the table, and you eat whatever you like. That way, everyone can try their own plus something new!

We enjoyed their company and got to know them after being neighbors for three years.

I ordered the beef, Mary did the Bok Choy with Mushrooms, Jime got the fried rice, and they got everything else.  It was a feast!


We texted Jeff to see what he would like, as his mobility is limited.  He got BBQ-style pork fried rice, which Jim delivered to him on the porch.

When we got home, we brought our evening glass of wine to Jeff’s front porch and talked to him until the Sun went down.  We enjoy his company!

Mary loves people and she can talk to anyone about most anything plus she is funny and engaging.  Not a day goes by that I thank the Good Lord that we found each other and are having so much fun living our our days together.

Am I a lucky man or what??

I have six months and this will be my modus operandi!

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