Monthly Archives: April 2016

Gardening, Marketing, Dining, Done!

Good night’s sleep… In two halves. From 11 – 1 all was well until the lasix kicked in… Had to make great water. Paul stayed up from 1-3 am and then tried to crash and it worked. 7:30 am never … Continue reading

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Weird Day

Paul went to bed early (midnight) and forgot his nighttime pills meaning he  was up at 4:00 am!  Paul signed up for a medical study, at the hospital,  to aid future patience about what to do about the broken sternum. … Continue reading

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Up And At It…

Wow!  Had a solid six hours sleep!  Woke up a little “wet”… Perhaps moist is a better word!  Paul just covered up with another blanket and out-waited the clock until almost 6:00 am.  We had a great breakfast and then … Continue reading

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Restful Day… We Took It Easy

We got up around 7:00 and Sue did her hand exercises while Paul worked on the website.  (The website is over 10,000 pages and requires updates as technology moves forward so he does a little at a time!) Breakfast was … Continue reading

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Working On Recovery

We got up around 6:30 this morning my Sue prepared a wonder and healthy breakfast.   Sue got on her walking uniform, grabbad the whip and off we went for a walk!  We are supposed to be doing about 10 minutes … Continue reading

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Recovery Means Walking!

Good morning!  Every day is beter than the one before!  We were up at 6:00 and Paul worked on the website while Sue exercised her fingers!  We had breakfast and yes, the Blueberries were amazing! We went for our walk.  … Continue reading

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Recover Is Underway…

We got up about seven am and printed out the Topper’s Newsletters.  We get to mail it before the first of May!  Paul worked on the computer for a while working on the gardening site and other area needing work. … Continue reading

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Another Great Day

Breakfast from the garden! Well, Paul had corn flakes and a small piece of cinnamon roll also!  The blueberries are fantastic and we see about four-six weeks , maybe more, ahead.  Right after breakfast, Sue said “Standup and march!”  Orders … Continue reading

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Long Day But Ah So Nice

We got up about 5:30 and Paul worked on the Topper’s Dance Club invites/newsletter while Sue did her hand exercises. We had breakfast at about 7:30. Breakfast was cinnamon roll, yogurt and fresh strawberries from out of our garden. We … Continue reading

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First Full Day Home

Paul got up around 1:30 am and worked on the computer for a while before going back to bed at 3:00am.   It was a good morning and Paul had a good, albeit “small” (banana yogurt and a small piece of … Continue reading

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