Category Archives: Movies

Movies in the theater and movies at home… Just time to escape

We Are Off And Running!

At 6:30 am, I took off for Los Alamitos to meet with the dermatologist.  I arrived early, and he had a cancellation, so I was back in Orange by 8:15 am, just in time for the gym.   While I was … Continue reading

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Monday And Time For Torture!

It is Monday, so you will hear another of my all-time favorite pieces of music! “Lollipop” is a pop song written by Julius Dixson and Beverly Ross in 1958.  It was first recorded by the duo Ronald & Ruby, with … Continue reading

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Do Nothing Day!

We were moving slowly this morning after gardening all day yesterday, so we decided to take it easy. We then thought about what we could do to feel better and came up with a great idea! We worked in the … Continue reading

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Off To The Elks!

We were up reasonably early and worked in the office, getting the last of our tax materials for next week.  Wewill see the man and get the bad news. A day without coffee is like… Just kidding. I have no … Continue reading

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Monday And Time To Plant!

Now, this hardly makes sense, but this tune was banned!  The spiciest thing about “Mambo Italiano” is the mention of “enchilada,” yet WABC in New York banned the song in 1954 for its supposedly suggestive lyrics. As usual, we were … Continue reading

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Mid Week Has Arrived!

I woke up early to go to the dermatologist.  Shootin’ Tilly Hickok got up with me and brought me coffee when I was in the shower; Shootin’ is very caring. The Silver Fox pulled into the parking lot at 6:55 … Continue reading

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Back To Normal!

We worked in the office all morning, and by noon, we decided we might stay with our current insurance as the company we were considering was not great!  I guess we are stuck with $7,000/year premiums. Life is!  The more … Continue reading

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A New Week Begins

“Sh-Boom” is an early doo-wop song by the R&B vocal group The Chords.  It was written by James Keyes, Claude Feaster, Carl Feaster, Floyd F. McRae, and William Edwards, members of The Chords, and published in 1954. The week begins … Continue reading

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Monday Has Arrived And We Are Off Like A Shot!

Ready?  What happened to the man who stole an Advent Calendar?  He got 25 days! Zoom, zot, zap!  A loud noise awakened us; my shoe horn was knocked off the table as Mr. Swishy Tail, aka Scout,  came over and … Continue reading

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Out And About

We woke up early and started getting ready for Christmas with Santa at the Elks Lodge.  Things were going well until Donna texted us that Bob wasn’t feeling well that morning.  Despite this, we decided to go ahead with our … Continue reading

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