Category Archives: Dining Out

It Was Saturday Yesterday So Today Must Be Sunday!

The sun rose, and so did we. We stumbled into the kitchen for our coffee and convinced ourselves that a five-hour workout was a good idea. The poor little cart named after  Mary got more exercise today than we did, … Continue reading

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Oh My, Two In A Day!

We were up early and had our coffee to kick our hearts into gear! A quick trip to the garden revealed that one of our hose bibs malfunctioned, water was squirting ten feet in the air and the planter was … Continue reading

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OMG, The Day Was Full!

Busy?  We walked through the garden at 6:30 am, followed by breakfast and a 10:00 am appointment with  Scout’s doctor.  At 1:00 pm, we had an appointment at the gym, a 2:40 pm appointment with Dr. Annie (I have a … Continue reading

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Off To The Elks Between Errands!

We had a mission today, with a ton of errands to tackle. We rushed into the shower, dressed, and did a ready aim fire! The day started with a splash; hopefully, the rest will be less eventful! Before we headed … Continue reading

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Day 10 – Exploring And The BBQ

Our Irish Holiday: Day 1 – Day 2 – Day 3 – Day 4 – Day 5 – Day 6 Day 7 – Day 8 – Day 9 – Day 10 – Day 11 – Day 12  Later in the … Continue reading

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Day 9 – The Day Was Magnificent

Our Irish Holiday: Day 1 – Day 2 – Day 3 – Day 4 – Day 5 – Day 6 Day 7 – Day 8 – Day 9 – Day 10 – Day 11 – Day 12  It was a … Continue reading

Posted in Adventures, Dancing, Dining Out, Family, Friends, Memories | 2 Comments

Day 4 – Exploring Dublin Continues! Beer First!

Our Irish Holiday: Day 1 – Day 2 – Day 3 – Day 4 – Day 5 – Day 6 Day 7 – Day 8 – Day 9 – Day 10 – Day 11 – Day 12  Our day started … Continue reading

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Does It Ever Stop???

As my amazing mother would often say, “I’m busier than a fart in a whirlwind!”  Today was one of those days!  We started at 6:00 am and finally hit the sack at 11:30 pm. We checked the trap, and Bunny … Continue reading

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Friday Was Busy!

Joe and Bob came over this morning to finish removing and replacing the solar system panels and repairing the attached points. The work went easy for them as they were high on the learning curve. Each attach point was removed … Continue reading

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Thursday Has Arrived!

We were up and moving early and walked in the garden. We enjoy seeing the dew on the leaves and the dew shines like little diamonds on mornings when the Sun is out. Morning is wonderful.  Its only drawback is … Continue reading

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