Monthly Archives: October 2023

Happy Halloween!

Our day is free and clear, which is a rare occurrence.  We walked through the garden, and I told Mary, “I do my hair with scare spray on Halloween.” Halloween is the one time I’ll ask you to come as … Continue reading

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A New Week Begins!

Memories: Granny “B”:  I was fortunate enough to live with my great-grandmother, Granny Beatty, or as we said, “B.” She came to stay with us when I was probably six years old. She stayed in our tiny home on Comey … Continue reading

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Let’s All Be Cut Up’s!

It was 6:43 a.m., and I was making coffee for the lady of the house when suddenly the power went out.  This was not good, especially since we were hosting a party.  After some research using our iPhones, we discovered … Continue reading

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Time To Dance With Poison Ivy And The Gang!

We woke up early this morning before the sun had even risen.  We practiced our dance for this evening’s shenanigans at the Lodge! Of course, Scout had to be brushed, and you can tell he enjoys all the attention! He … Continue reading

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Getting Ready For A Wild Weekend!

After dropping Mary off at the gym, I headed towards Ralph’s Market next door to buy pumpkins for our Sunday afternoon get-together.  As I walked out the door, I heard the instructor saying something, followed by a loud mix of … Continue reading

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Elks Lodge, Here We Come!

We visited the garden, but there wasn’t much happening. We are a few weeks away from seriously trimming the berries, removing the last of the beans, transplanting the huge basil plants, and beginning to plant the winter garden! Allium bulbs … Continue reading

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Rain Rain Stay Right Here!

The Continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) machine allows me to sleep longer without waking up, and I am perfectly used to it. I asked Mary to make a slight adjustment in the setting, and she turned my pressure up but … Continue reading

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OMG; A Day Off. We Just Worked Around The House!

Coffee justifies the existence of the word ‘aroma’. Before heading out, Mary and I decided to try on our Halloween costumes. I must say, I felt like I needed a stiff drink before wearing my ridiculous penguin costume in front … Continue reading

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Here Goes Another Week; Eleven Weeks To Christmas

Memories: Aerials In The Sky! As you know, I was a ham radion operator since 1957 so when I moved into my first home in La Mirada, I must have an anternna farm! The picture below is me and my … Continue reading

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Sunday Be Here And We Worked All Day!

We each woke up at 6:30 a.m. with a cup of hot coffee in one hand and clippers and nippers in the other.  The sounds of slurping coffee and whizzing steel jaws were enough to awake the roosters. Our Mexican … Continue reading

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