Here Goes Another Week; Eleven Weeks To Christmas

Estimated reading time: 5 minutes

Memories: Aerials In The Sky! As you know, I was a ham radion operator since 1957 so when I moved into my first home in La Mirada, I must have an anternna farm! The picture below is me and my Colleege roomate, Joe Tracy, mounting a four element yagi for 10-15-20 meters on the top of craanked down 88 foot tower.


With this setup, I was able to communicate with over 150 different countries around the world. One unique feature of the tower was that I used the tow wire from a large glider that the previous owner left in the yard after he sold the house to me. It was high-strength stainless steel with an armored spiral wrapping. Even in the highest winds, that tower was as steady as a rock.

Now I get dizzy getting out of bed; how times change!

We took a quick stroll in the garden and noticed that the fog had lifted this morning, allowing us to see the hill behind us. The weatherman predicts that we might experience some light rain.

The mountains are back

We hit the road at 7:30 a.m. but in opposite directions. I went to Los Alamitos to get a chest x-ray while Mary was headed to Newport Beach to meet an old friend who used to be her student. After getting the x-ray, I went to Dr. Rucker’s office for a blood test I needed for my next visit to Dr. Cobb’s office.

As I am going to meet the high school engineering students in another four weeks, I spent a considerable amount of time while driving on the freeway contemplating what I should convey to them about “Aerospace Engineering”. Finally, I decided to explain the design and construction process of the Space Shuttle, as well as the various engineering specialties that were required for its success.

We used every engineering skill known to man to create this amazing vehicle.

Just before we departed we checked in with our ace house-watcher and elephant chaser; he just wanted us to being him back a burger!

Watching his yard.

Look into those eyes and you will see a heart of gold!  He is an amazing little guy for fourteen years of age!  His hobby is watching work, he can do it all day long,

Eagle eyes.

After returning home and having breakfast, we took a ride in the Silver Fox to Roger’s Gardens to check it out since we missed it yesterday. As soon as we arrived, we were greeted by the Christmas Trains! Mary was so excited that she wanted to chase the trains around and around and kept screaming “Stop Choo Choo, Stop!”

We made it to the train on time.

We walked by the veggies and there it was, the entrance to the Bat Cave.   We clasped our hands together and tipppy-toed in with extreme care.

Every year the setup changes.  We came too late this year as the selection of goodies was quite small and in fact Christmas was beginning to take over the display rooms!

Enter if you dare.

Mary seemed to have enjoyed the experience, but we plan to go earlier next year. During our price comparison, we discovered that the same lampshade scraps that I purchased from Amazon for $6.99 were being sold for $32.99 at Roger’s. This highlights the importance of keeping an eye on pricing.

It was interesting to explore the shop!

While looking around, we came across an antique stove and it immediately reminded us of David and Dianne. Unfortunately, I couldn’t determine the exact model, but I suspected it was manufactured in the late 1950s or 1960s.

We thought of Dianne and David

We heard some whispering and after looking around, we saw these fellows moving their lips trying to entice potential buyers but at $100 each, we decided to let them rest a while longer.

We were late as the selection of merchandise was the lowest I had ever seen.

After we picked out some flowers we need for our verticle garden, we went to the Farmhouse to grab a bite to eat. We shared a delicious beet salad, some soup, and a cheese plate. We also ordered a glass of wine and Becky’s favorite drink, which was expertly prepared by her favorite bartender.

“Hello Becky”, I fixed your favorite drink called a “Becky’s Good Hair Day”

This selection of food eliminated the need to fix dinner tonight and also made a dip in the swim spa a good idea.

We finished off some soup and a cheese board beforre returing to the gardens.

We departed the gardens with six carnation plants and some dill which we plan to plant tomorrow morning.

Spooky things everywhere.

We ended up watching only half of a Hallmark movie and then got to bed at 7:00 p.m. I was taking some medication to get rid of my cough and Mary was exhausted from her strenuous exercise class.

About Paul

Just an old retired guy trying to finish out my last years on this planet. I lost my best friend and wife in early 2020. I was blessed again by reconnecting with Dr. Mary Côté, a long-time friend. Mary and I got married July 28th, 2021, and are enjoying life together and plan to spend the rest of our lives being a blessing to our friends and family.
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