Day 3 – School And Tommy Ba-Haum-Ah’s For Dinner

Hawaii: Day 1 | Day 2 | Day 3 | Day 4 | Day 5 | Day 6 | Day 7 | Day 8 | Day 9

I was thinking of my daughter Colleen!

High of 30 and low of 20 in New Hampshire; glad we are in Hawaii and thinking of Colleen and family!  It was 71/69 here today with a constant breeze; no rain!

Mary finally has her official “I Am In Maui” picture.

Now we are officially here.

“Hi!  I am here!!”

I stayed in the room until 9:00 am and then strolled through the hotel, waiting until the last minute to go to breakfast.  The hotel is surrounded by lush vegetation.

While Mary was at school, I walked the grounds.

I saw the church and almost went inside, but I remembered what had happened last time, so I stayed away.   Was it something about passing gas and a hearing aid malfunction?  I can’t exactly remember!

I went to church this morning.

Reaching the morning breakfast two minutes after it closed, I was devastated.  Being a good customer, the manager took me by the hand and told the servers to ensure I got fed.   They must hate it to see a grown man cry!

Being an experienced visitor, I covered my plate while getting a bagel because I know what those pesky birdies do, or doo-doo, when someone walks away from their table.

I fooled the birdies.

After eating so much food, I needed to walk, so I did a lap around the facility and eyeballed the beach while I was at it.  I managed 8,600 steps!  Not too bad for an old f**t!

Chugging right along!!

The facility road map obtained from the front desk was marginally usable.  The facility could undoubtedly use an app to assist people in finding places and determining their open/closed times.  They could use a lesson from Princess Cruises.

The hotel is huge!

Arriving at the beach and climbing one coconut tree like in the movies was necessary.  My shimmer doesn’t work as it used to!  Further, having an oxygen mask would have been very helpful.

Look hard!

The beach was small and had no white sand, but everyone liked the facility as it was loaded with people.  The visitors could see three other Hawaiian Islands from the waterline.  The waves were puny, which is probably a good thing.

Today’s Ka’anapali Point sea temperature is 77 °F, a little too cool for me.

The beach was small.

After a long walk, returning to the room and resting was on the agenda.  Dr. Mary will be ready for her escort home in about an hour.

The path to the conference center is becoming engrained in my head; I am not ready to walk it blindfolded just yet.

I walked to see Mary at lunchtime.

Another tall tree, but one a day was enough for me!  Maybe tomorrow I “‘ll try one of these beauties, and when I get to the top, I will yell for Dr. Mary to come and get me.

What did the trees wear to Mother Nature’s pool party?  Swimming trunks!

Dang, those trees are tall.

We decided that because her back was sore, we would dine locally and go to the hotel bar for a drink before going to the room and resting.  Tommy Bahamas was an eleven-minute walk, and their food is generally pretty good.

To the bar!

The map did not show we had to climb stairs, cross bridges, and balance on tiny bamboo timbers to get to the Grotto Bar near the swimming pool.  We overcame the obstacles with the help of a small crane, a 50-foot rope, and two Sherpas, who happened to be on vacation here in Hawaii.

Hang on, this was not built for people our age.

I told Mary, “No problem,” because of the exercise program I always do at home, this will be easy!

Hey, I am getting exercise.

We made it to the Grotto Bar, sat by one of the pools, and sipped our grape juice.  It was too noisy inside the cave; besides, we both are terrified of bats, especially old ones.

We sat outside.

Mary closed her eyes and told me she felt like the Queen Of The Island!  This picture tells all.

I was looking at the beach.

Dinner time, so we walked the eleven-minute path to the shopping center next door.  Little did we know it was uphill, but on the bright side, it will be downhill when we return later in the evening.

It’s an easy walk, they said!

Mary went ahead to get help!  No, actually, I sent her ahead in case there were wild animals or scary trees; she promised to warn me!

On our way to Tommy Bahama’s Restaurant.

We enjoyed a bottle of Cakebread on the sunny patio, but when clouds rolled in, the temperature dropped suddenly.

We were enjoying dinner.

Their shrimp and lobster pasta dish was excellent.  I managed to down the entire thing, but my tummy was full.


Did I mention Mary and I shared two Cheeseburger Sliders as an appetizer?

This could have well been our entire meal!!

After stuffing ourselves, we waddled back through the shopping center.  The shopping center was much larger than it looked from the street.  They had a large selection of high-end stores.  We did not stop and went VFR to the hotel.

The shopping center was relatively upscale.  I was looking for a JC Penny’s or a 99 Cent Store.

Returning home, we saw flowers growing on lava walls, very pretty.

Flowers on the wall!

Home sweet home.  We went to our room and watched TV until it was time to visit the Sandman.

We made it back home after a fifteen-minute walk downhill!

I love you, Dr. Mary, even when I am up in a tree, and you stand below pointing my direction yelling, “Lookout it, an UGLY Tree Sloth!’

About Paul

Just an old retired guy trying to finish out my last years on this planet. I lost my best friend and wife in early 2020. I was blessed again by reconnecting with Dr. Mary Côté, a long-time friend. Mary and I got married July 28th, 2021, and are enjoying life together and plan to spend the rest of our lives being a blessing to our friends and family.
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