Estimated reading time: 4 minutes


No Shit!

We were up at dawn and needed to be in Huntington Beach to see Dr. Anne by 8:30 am sharp.  One of my implants came “loose,” and after a lot of research dating back twenty years, Dr. Anne ordered the necessary parts.

In her opening remarks, she said we could have an easy job of it by opening up the tooth, finding the screw, and tightening it down.  She did not hold a lot of hope for that approach.

The other options dealt with the possibility of a loose implant, a broken screw during tightening, or a damaged tooth cap that requires a new crown.

Well, I must love a good life because she opened the tooth, used a micro-torque wrench, put the tooth back at the prescribed 30 milli-newtons, and we were done; 45 minutes tops!

She is using a pipe wrench to tighten the tooth!

Check out the micro-torque wrench. Ncm is a symbol for the Newton centimeter, a metric unit of torque equal to 0.01 Newton meters (see below) or about 1.416 12-inch ounces (in·oz) in traditional English units.

A unique little device!

Now she is clipping my toenails!

OK, the tooth is fixed, and we went home for brunch.  Mary fixed a great breakfast, and afterward, I went to the yard to get some areas ready for planting.  Mary stayed inside and prepared a small corned beef and potato meal for tonight’s dinner.

She joined me in about an hour, and we spent until 3:00 working in the garden.

I finished off the berry garden with only a few scratches.

It is 3:00, and it is time to wash off the mud and head to the next doctor’s appointment!  This time, it was the orthopedic hand specialist whom I needed a cortisone shot in the right thumb.

The short is usually somewhat painful as he has to get the needed way down into the joint area, but today, it was easy!

Ready to be shot!

The needle was inserted in about five minutes, and the drug was delivered.  The cortisone takes a few days to react, and then I should get some relief.

Just a simple shot!

When we left for home, our GPS suggested taking the 55, but we decided to take Jamboree instead.  When we had the chance to take the 261, we did, and we arrived home in just eighteen minutes with no traffic.

We brought Jeff over some CB&C and Irish soda bread.  We visited him for about 45 minutes before returning home to watch TV before crashing.  We began watching “Resident Alien”.  It is a clever story.

Summary: Based on the Dark Horse comic, Syfy’s Resident Alien is a murder mystery sci-fi dramedy that follows Harry, an alien played by Alan Tudyk (Rogue One, Firefly) who crash lands on Earth and passes himself off as a small-town human doctor.  Arriving with a secret mission to kill all humans, Harry starts living a simple life… but things get a bit rocky when he’s roped into solving a local murder and realizes he needs to assimilate into his new world.  As he does so, he begins to wrestle with the moral dilemma of his mission and asks the big life questions like: “Are human beings worth saving?” and “Why do they fold their pizza before eating it?”

We crashed at about 11:00 pm as we had to be at the gym at 8:30 am to get tortured again!

About Paul

Just an old retired guy trying to finish out my last years on this planet. I lost my best friend and wife in early 2020. I was blessed again by reconnecting with Dr. Mary Côté, a long-time friend. Mary and I got married July 28th, 2021, and are enjoying life together and plan to spend the rest of our lives being a blessing to our friends and family.
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