Estimated reading time: 4 minutes

A Mid-Week Crrisis?

Who, me getting grumpy?  In a single word, yes!  When I get up in the morning, that is the best I will feel all day!

Today, we had a free morning and afternoon, and we knew that our cleaning staff would arrive around 2:30 pm.  So, we decided to spend some time in our garden.  Mary finished planting the last of everything we bought yesterday, and I added another Concord grape plant to the vineyard.

I was tending the garden!

When the ladies came, we visited for a few minutes and then headed down Tustim Blvd to find some missing plants, mainly zucchini, pears, and squash.  We hit the jackpot at the Laguna Hills Nursery!  They had a wide selection of good-looking veggies at a reasonable price!  Read about them here.

It’s an excellent place to shop; they seem to have everything!

We brought our new babies home and made them ready for Thursday morning planting or perhaps Friday morning if the wind kicks up as it is forecasted.

More to plant.

We have dancing tonight!

Mary whipped up a pre-dance dinner, suggesting a salad.  I mentioned that I would cook up a chili size if she got the chili ready.  We had a deal.  While cooking, we talked to Colleen and ate dinner at 5:30 pm.

Did You Know?  A chili burger (also known as a chili size, or simply size, stemming from “hamburger size”) is a type of hamburger.  It consists of a hamburger, with the patty topped with chili con carne.  It is often served open-faced, and sometimes the chili is served alongside the burger rather than on top.

Why do they call it chili size?  This dish is said to take its name from the “hamburger size” ladle that legendary Los Angeles chili parlor proprietor Ptomaine Tommy used decades ago to spoon chili over the open-face burgers they served.

Homemade Chili Size!

Everything except the mushroom was from our garden!  Seeing this beautiful salad made me think, “How do nudists like to have their salad?” The answer is obvious: ” They prefer to have it without dressing.”

Salad from the garden

My partner in crime and I demolished dinner, knowing full well we would work it off dancing within the hour.

Yummy, so was dinner.

We traveled about five miles to a fantastic dance venue.  Although the room could have been a gym, the hardwood floor made it ideal.  The live band played an excellent mix of dance music.  As we are all a bit “old,” their song selections were short, so no one needed to catch their breath after each dance.

For $7.00, we hear live music, and people bring in “snacks.”  Tonight, we munched on donuts, cookies, and other goodies.

Just down the road a bit.

The line dance got underway, and many people were up and going.  Mike was dressed for the occasion, and Mary was right behind him.  I will re-learn the line dance, which I could do several years ago.  Sue’s health kept us from line dancing, and I lost my ability.  Line dancing is fun.

I made up for not lime dancing when the band played some Texas Two-Step, and Mary and I walked, twirled, swirled, and sasshade the floor, stepping right out!  I needed my cowboy boots and twenty-gallon hat to go over my ten-gallon head!

Mary, in the back, loves the dance.

Our friends at the next table enjoyed the show!  We will see them again on Saturday at the Elks and Sundat at Starlighters.  It’s going to be a green weekend.

We had six tables full of dancers.

I have been practicing my jog and am ready to go both evenings.!

Look out for loose parts!

We were there!  I do have to train some of our friends to use the iPhone camera!

…and wearing the green!

A few of our dance friends.  Two of them are dance instructors; guess who?


A little AI, and we were off to Ireland.

Off to Ireland

We returned home and watched our alien series until 11:15 pm when we fell asleep.

About Paul

Just an old retired guy trying to finish out my last years on this planet. I lost my best friend and wife in early 2020. I was blessed again by reconnecting with Dr. Mary Côté, a long-time friend. Mary and I got married July 28th, 2021, and are enjoying life together and plan to spend the rest of our lives being a blessing to our friends and family.
This entry was posted in Dancing, Friends, Gardening, Just Us, Vegetable Garden. Bookmark the permalink.