Work Work Work; I Need to Go Back To Work To Rest Up!

Fact: “Silent Night” is the most recorded song.  We all know the same few handfuls of Christmas songs play at stores and on the radio in a loop all season long.  But one of them has adapted more than the others.  “Silent Night” is the most-recorded Christmas song in history, and it’s had more than 733 different versions copyrighted since 1978.

Today was indeed a work day.  Mary finished up 90% of the living and family rooms with the Christmas decorations, and I moved all the boxes to the side of the house and weatherproofed them for tomorrow’s expected rain.  Then we moved to the back yard where Mary trimmed several plants, and I weeded the new grass area removing the late evasive growth.

n Tote that barge; lift that bale!

Scout gave us adult supervision.  We need to train him to pull weeds; it is his yard.

What do dogs do on their day off? Can’t lie around – that’s their job.

Master of Casa Calencia.

At 11;30 AM, I headed to the Elks, got Saturday’s menu items straightened out, and met with the gang.  I ordered three salmon dinners, one went to Jan Mongell, and I took the other two home for Mary and me to have for lunch.  I did not want to eat without her!  Love is funny that way!

I should have brought Scout; he would love to sit and talk to the elk!

The lodge was decorated!

The door blew open, and in struts Mike with the decorations of the day.  Plaid and polka dots?  Not even red and green?

We asked Linda who had dressed him, and she shook her head!

Did Mike come out in plaid and polka dots?

While everyone was dining, I had an extra-small dessert and a glass of wine.  Today’s topic of conversation was who can we get to come and dance with, Gail?

Great fun at the lodge!

I left as everyone was ordering their dessert, and I made a beeline for Jan’s house and dropped off a salmon dinner.  I called her from the driveway because I was careful about their health.

After getting home, Mary and I pulled more weeds, and I stacked 20 Christmas boxes, sic Thanksgiving boxes, and eight Mary boxes at the side of the house and tarpped them against the forecasted rain.

We continued in the backyard until it got dark, and then at 5:00 PM took a short nap.

We need rain so bad I should have left them in the open to ensure the rain would come.

We decorated some more and then sat back and watched a goofy series called Ghosts.  Married New Yorkers Samantha and Jay Arondekar believe that their dreams have come true when they inherit a beautiful country house from Sophie Woodstone, a distant relative of Sam’s, only to find that it is falling apart and inhabited by ghosts who died in the mansion’s grounds and are now bound to the area until they can reach the afterlife.  Jay cannot see or hear the ghosts, but Samantha can, after having a near-death experience.

The house looks “OK” from the front with the colored LED Christmas trees set in the two main windows, but we have more to come.

Tomorrow maybe the lights might go up!

We skipped dinner and crashed at about 9:00 PM; more recovery was needed.

About Paul

Just an old retired guy trying to finish out my last years on this planet. I lost my best friend and wife in early 2020. I was blessed again by reconnecting with Dr. Mary Côté, a long-time friend. Mary and I got married July 28th, 2021, and are enjoying life together and plan to spend the rest of our lives being a blessing to our friends and family.
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