The Starlighters Dance Club

"Life is a dance, from one stage to the next."

Our Future And Previous Dance Events

The current status of past and future dance events is provided below.  The data is maintained by the Board. Get the detailed directions and maps from the venues section.



1/21/2024 - Razzle Dazzle At The Elks Lodge!

3/17/2024- St. Patrick's Day

5/19/2024 - The British Bash!

7/22/2024 - Vacation In Hawaii

9/22/2024 - Around The World!

11/17/2024 - Silver Screen Glamour


1/15/2023 - Chinese New Year at Yorba Linda Country Club!

NOTE: Due to the extremely high post-COVID venue costs, we decided to use the Santa Ana Elks Lodge as a "permanent" home for the Starlighters Dances. The facility is beautiful, the service impeccable, and the quality of the meals exceptional (better than many of the older venues PLUS the right was doable!. Thank You Santa Ana Elks!!

3/19/2023 -  Night In Paris At The Santa Ana Elks Lodge

5/21/2023 - Night Clubbing With The Italian Crooners!

7/16/2023 - Western Night

9/17/2023 - Latin Nights


The January Dance was skipped because of COVID up-tick (Better safe than sorry)

03-20/2022 - Sunday Dance At The Santa Ana Elks Lodge

05-21/2022 - Dancing With Tiara's And Tuxedo's At The Fullerton Elks Lodge

07-21/2022 - Dancing At The Fullerton Elks, The Theme Is California Cruising!

09-19/2022 - Under The Silvery Moon At The Santa Ana Elks Lodge.


The year (January 2021-October 2021) was dark due to COVID-19.  A few of us danced at small venues but Starlighters was in hibernation.   A lot of water has passed under the bridge.   We did have a Christmas season dance but masks where requested.

11-20/2021 - Winter Casual At Mile Square Park


01-18/2020 - Winter Casual At Phoenix Club

The remainder of the year (February 2020-December 2020) was dark due to COVID-19.  Some of us danced at small private venues just to keep in practice.  Nine Carat Gold  played once a month at a local Indian Restaurant. 


01-19/2019 - Winter Casual At The Fullerton Marriott

03-16/2019 - Spring Formal At The Yorba Linda Country Club

05/__/2019 - (Webmaster/Photographer At The Avalon Ball)

07-13/2019 - Summer Casual At The Phoenix Club

09/2019 - (Webmaster/Photographer Unavailable*)

11/2019 - (Webmaster/Photographer Unavailable*)


01-21/2018 - Winter Casual At The Fullerton Marriott

03-17/2018 - St. Patrick's Day Formal - Yorba Linda Country Club

05/2018 - Dance (Webmaster/Photographer Unavailable)

07-21/2018 - Summer Casual At Fullerton Marriott Hotel

09-15/2018 - Summer Semi-Formal At Mile Square Park

11-17/2018 - Yorba Linda Country Club Formal With Wyatt Haupt


01-21/2017 - Winter Casual at Howard Johnsons with Tropic Starr

03-18/2017 - St. Patrick's Day Formal - Yorba Linda Country Club

05-20/2017 - Spring Sem-Formal At Mile Square With MPG

07-15/2017 - Summer Casual At Howard Johnson

09-16/2017 - Fall Semi Formal At Mile Square Park with Wyatt Haupt

11-19/2017 - Winter Formal At Yorba Linda Country Club With MPG


01-16/2016 - Winter Casual at Howard Johnsons with Street Corner Symphony

03-19/2016 - Spring Formal at Embassy Suites In Anaheim with Wyatt Haupt

05-21/2016 - Memorial Day Semi-Formal At Mile Square Park With MPG

07-16/2016 - Causal (Hawaiian) at Howard Johnsons In Fullerton

09-17/2016 - Semi-Formal At Mile Square Park With Wyatt Haupt Socitey Trio

11-19/2016 - Winter Formal At Yorba Linda With MPG


01/17/2015 - Winter Casual - Wyatt Haupt- Phoenix Club

03/15/2015 - Spring Saint Patrick's Day Formal - Yorba Linda Country Club w/ MPG

05/17/2015 - Spring Casual - Mile Square  <--- No Pictures Taken

07/18/2015 - Summer Casual - Mile Square

09/19/2015 - Fall Semi-Formal - Howard Johnson's

11/212015 - Winter Formal - Yorba Linda


01/18/2014 - Winter Casual - Jon Destry - Phoenix Club

03/15/2014 - Spring Saint Patrick's Day Semi Formal - Alta Vista w/ Wyatt Haupt

05/17/2014 - Spring Formal - Yorba Linda

07/19/2014 - Summer Casual, Mile Square

09/20/2014 - Fall Semi-Forma At Mile Squarel

11/15/2014 - Winter Formal -Yorba Linda


01/19/2013 - Winter Casual - Wayne Pulcini - Yorba Linda

03/16/2013 - Spring Saint Patrick's Day Semi Formal - Alta Vista w/ Nick Pepper

05/16/2013 - Spring Formal

07/20/2013 - Summer Casual, Mile Square

09/21/2013 - Fall Semi-Forma At Yorba Linda Country Club

11/16/2013 - Winter Formal - Nick Pepper

12/4/2013 - The In and Out Board Meeting


01/21/2012 - Winter Semi Formal - Nick Pepper MPG

03/17/2012 - Winter Casual, Phoenix Club - Jon Destry

05/18/2012 - Spring Formal, Foxfire - Nick Pepper MPG

07/21/2012 - Summer Casual, Mile Square - Phil Anthony

09/15/2012 - Fall Semi-Formal, Yorba Linda CC - Street Corner Symphony

11/17/2012 - Winter Formal, Foxfire - Street Corner Symphony


01/15/2011 - Winter Casual (Phoenix Club) - John Destry

03/19/2011 - Spring Semi Formal (Yorba Linda Country Club) - MPG

05/21/2011 - Spring Formal at the Foxfire - Street Corner Symphony

07/15/2011 - Summer Casual at Mile Square Park

09/17/2011 - Fall Semi-Formal at the Foxfire

11/19/2011 - Winter Format At The Firefox

01/08/2012 - In/Out Meeting


01/16/2010 - Semi-Formal Yorba Linda Nick Pepper - MPG

03/20/2010 - Winter Casual Phoenix Club - Jon Destry

05/15/2010 - Spring Formal Foxfire  - Street Corner Symphony

07/17/2010 - Summer Casual  Phoenix Club) - Phil Anthony

09/18/2010 - Semi-Formal Mile Square Park -  Don Petersen Trio

11/20/2010 - Winter Formal Foxfire - Street Corner Symphony


11/21/2009 - Winter Formal, Foxfire With Street Corner Symphony   ( Newsletter )

09/20/2009 - Fall Semi Formal At Mile Square Park with Skye Blue

07/18/2009 - Summer Casual at the Orange County Mining Company

05/16/2009 - Spring Formal at the Disneyland Sheraton Hotel with Skye Blues

03/15/2009 - Spring Semi Formal at the Yorba Linda Country Club with MPG

01/17/2009 - Winter Casual at the Phoenix Club with John Destry


11/15/2008 - Winter Formal at Mesa Verde Country Club with Skye Blues

09/20/2008 - Fall Semi-Formal at Foxfire Restaurant with Don Petersen

07/19/2008 - Summer Casual at the Sheraton Disneyland with Breakaway

05/17/2008 - Spring Forma, Alta Vista Country Club with Street Corner Symphony

03/15/2008 - Spring Semi-Formal Yorba Linda Country Club with Skye Blues

01/19/2008 - Winter Casual at the Phoenix Club with Breakaway


11/17/2007 - Winter Formal at Mesa Verde Country Club with Skye Blues

07/15/2007 - - Summer Informal at Yorba Linda
