The Starlighters Dance Club

Summer Casual Dance July 19th 2008 Disneyland Sheraton

The Sheraton Hotel At Disneyland

Page 1 - The Dance Begins | Page 2 - After Dinner Cavorting

Sheraton Hotel Disneyland    Sheraton Hotel Disneyland
We could hear the fireworks at 9:25...

Summer Casual Dance July 19th 2008 Disneyland Sheraton

Time for a casual dance where everybody is relaxed andthe music goes on.  Cocktails begin at 6:30. 


Did you know....

The earliest known printed use of the word "cocktail," as determined by David Wondrich in October 2005, was from "The Farmer's Cabinet", April 28, 1803, p [2]:

"11. Drank a glass of cocktail — excellent for the head ... Call'd at the Doct's. found Burnham — he looked very wise — drank another glass of cocktail."

The earliest definition of this type of drink comes from the the May 13, 1806 edition of the Balance and Columbian Repository, a publication in Hudson, New York , where the paper provided an answer to the question, "What is a cocktail?".

It reads, "Cocktail is a stimulating liquor composed of spirits of any kind, sugar, water, and bitters — it is vulgarly called a bittered sling and is supposed to be an excellent electioneering potion, inasmuch as it renders the heart stout and bold, at the same time that it fuddles the head.

The Invitation


Evidence That The Activity Was Fun... Page One

Meeting again after two months and sharing a cocktail is always enjoyable.

Starlighters Summer Casual Dance July 2008

Starlighters Summer Casual Dance July 2008
We get to find out what each other has been up to!

Starlighters Summer Casual Dance July 2008

Starlighters Summer Casual Dance July 2008
We probably do not want to know what these two guys have been up to! 

Starlighters Summer Casual Dance July 2008

Starlighters Summer Casual Dance July 2008

Did You Know? - Woody shirts are becoming popular!  While commercial in its origins, by the mid-1930s, wood bodied station wagons, also known as “Woodies”, began to take on a prestige aura. The vehicles were priced higher than regular cars, but were popular in affluent communities, especially among the Country Club social set. The vehicles gained in “snob appeal” when mating the utility of the hard wood bodies to better makes of automobiles such as Buick, Packard, Pierce-Arrow. By 1941, the Chrysler Town and Country was the most expensive car in the company's lineup

Starlighters Summer Casual Dance July 2008
Neal is deep in thought...

Starlighters Summer Casual Dance July 2008
Adrienne is still nursing her arm but it did not stop her from having a ball.

Starlighters Summer Casual Dance July 2008
Mary is ready for an evening of dancing!

Ballroom Dancing Is About To Begin

Breakaway made some terrific sounds all evening ranging from the waltz to the Cowboy Cha Cha!

Starlighters Summer Casual Dance July 2008
Paul & Sue without the camera in their hands.

Starlighters Summer Casual Dance July 2008
Our fearless leader!  Paul & Jan are getting warmed up to dance!

Starlighters Summer Casual Dance July 2008

Starlighters Summer Casual Dance July 2008

Food Is Served And It Was Delightful!

Starlighters Summer Casual Dance July 2008

Starlighters Summer Casual Dance July 2008

Starlighters Summer Casual Dance July 2008

Starlighters Summer Casual Dance July 2008

Starlighters Summer Casual Dance July 2008

Starlighters Summer Casual Dance July 2008

Starlighters Summer Casual Dance July 2008

Did You Know? - Cheesecake was served and it was terrific! Cheesecake is a large family of sweet, cheese-based cakes. Cheesecakes are generally made with soft, fresh cheeses. Other ingredients such as sugar, eggs, flour, and cream are often mixed in as well. Typically, the filling covers a crust, which may be pastry, cookie, or digestive biscuit.

Line Dancers To The Floor

Did You Know? - A line dance is choreographed dance with a repeated sequence of steps in which a group of people dance in one or more lines (British English, "rows") without regard for the gender of the individuals, all facing the same direction, and executing the steps at the same time. Line dancers are not in physical contact with each other. Older "line dances" have lines in which the dancers face each other, or the "line" is a circle, or all dancers in the "line" follow a leader around the dance floor; while holding the hand of the dancers beside them.

Starlighters Summer Casual Dance July 2008

Starlighters Summer Casual Dance July 2008
The boys just stand back and watch all of the line dancing action!

Breakaway Made Great Music

Starlighters Summer Casual Dance July 2008

Starlighters Summer Casual Dance July 2008

Starlighters Summer Casual Dance July 2008

Starlighters Summer Casual Dance July 2008

Starlighters Summer Casual Dance July 2008
Marilyn Bailey adds a little hand motion to the line dance... or, it she giving up???

Starlighters Summer Casual Dance July 2008
Who is the mystery woman?

Starlighters Summer Casual Dance July 2008

Paul demonstrates balancing! Keeping balance requires integration of inputs from multiple senses (equilibrioception (from the vestibular system), vision, and perception of pressure and proprioception from the somatosensory system) with the motor system responsible for muscle actions. The senses must detect the change of the body position with respect to the base (whether the body moves or the base moves). The limit of stability of an individual standing quietly upright is defined as the amount of postural sway at which the balance is lost and the corrective actions are required. The limit of stability may be described by an irregular cone above the support base.  Translation... Do NOT spill the drinks!

Starlighters Summer Casual Dance July 2008

Starlighters Summer Casual Dance July 2008

Paul Demonstrates The Proper Use Of A Fan

Starlighters Summer Casual Dance July 2008

Starlighters Summer Casual Dance July 2008

The Cowboy ChaCha Begins

Starlighters Summer Casual Dance July 2008

Starlighters Summer Casual Dance July 2008

Starlighters Summer Casual Dance July 2008

Page 1 - The Dance Begins | Page 2 - After Dinner Cavorting