The Starlighters Dance Club

"I see dance being used as communication between body and soul, to express what it too deep to find for words."


See The Latest Dance (Novembmer 17, 2024 Hollywood Glamour)

We danced at the Fullerton Elks Lodge Great fun with friends!

Introduction To The Starlighters

A Random Thought

Moonlight Dancing

We are a social dance club with about 100 members who join together six times a year (January, March, May, July, September, and November) to enjoy dancing and each others company. Our membership enjoys evening filled with music ranging from the early 1900's to the Texas Two-Step and more. See some our recent events.

Dance (from French danser, perhaps from Frankish) generally refers to movement used as a form of expression, social interaction or presented in a spiritual or performance setting.

The term "ballroom dancing" is derived from the word ball, which in turn originates from the Latin word ballare which means "to dance".

In times past, ballroom dancing was "social dancing" for the privileged, leaving "folk dancing" for the lower classes. These boundaries have since become blurred, and it should be noted even in times long gone, many "ballroom" dances were really elevated folk dances. Consider joining the Starlighters!

A Short History Of The Club

Starlighters Logo

In March of 1958 which was years ago a group of young men and women were inspired to form a dance club that would prove to endure to the present time.

They were good friends and knew each other through church and other community activities. They initially met in each others homes and danced in the garages and patios with recorded music (records!).

Dinner was potluck and cocktails were mandatory. With a stroke of genius some one named the group "Eadrianda" which meant "eat, drink, and dance".

With its peak in the 1970's and 1980's the club grew too large to dance at individuals homes so they rented halls and were able to provide live music!

As with all activities, interest in ballroom dancing waned in the 1990's.  Meanwhile another ballroom dance group called "Tux n' Gowns" based in North Orange County seeing its membership drop off. 

The leadership of the two organizations decided to join forces in 1998 in order to keep ballroom dancing alive  and good friendships going.  The newly merged group was named the "Starlighters" and the rest is history.  With over fifty couples and new people joining the organization we are stronger than ever!