The Starlighters 2012 Summer Casual Dance

"When in!"

A Casual Dance With An Hawaiian Emphasis (Page One)

Pre dinner dancing at the 2012 Starlighter's Summer casual
It's an Hawaiian theme this fine evening

Who Was There???

Click for full sized image (1400 x 1200px)

Let The Fun Begin!

Pre dinner dancing at the 2012 Starlighter's Summer casual
Vicky and Del??? They are at home! Must be a mistake!

The sketching pencil at work

Pre dinner dancing at the 2012 Starlighter's Summer casual
Colorful shirts are the order of the evening...

Pre dinner dancing at the 2012 Starlighter's Summer casual
Vicky! I thought you were at home?!?

Pre dinner dancing at the 2012 Starlighter's Summer casual
Check in went very smooth

Pre dinner dancing at the 2012 Starlighter's Summer casual
Ed is a two fisted drinker

Glad we are in color... Otherwise the shirts would be boring

Pre dinner dancing at the 2012 Starlighter's Summer casual
Welcome guests! I am your stand-in host until the Morin's arrive...

Pre dinner dancing at the 2012 Starlighter's Summer casual
"Of course I will not put this picture on the internet"

Pre dinner dancing at the 2012 Starlighter's Summer casual
Everybody is dressed up this evening

Pre dinner dancing at the 2012 Starlighter's Summer casual
Beware those who enter through these doors....

Pre dinner dancing at the 2012 Starlighter's Summer casual
"Ah ha... I know you!"

The Party Gets Started

Pre dinner dancing at the 2012 Starlighter's Summer casual
Serving them up!

Pre dinner dancing at the 2012 Starlighter's Summer casual

Pre dinner dancing at the 2012 Starlighter's Summer casual
Comparing their individual fashion statements

In fifty years....

Pre dinner dancing at the 2012 Starlighter's Summer casual

Pre dinner dancing at the 2012 Starlighter's Summer casual
Catching up on the latest

Pre dinner dancing at the 2012 Starlighter's Summer casual
"Why yes... I can float you a loan... I gave 83 cents in my pocket!"

Pre dinner dancing at the 2012 Starlighter's Summer casual
Very colorful table settings

Pre dinner dancing at the 2012 Starlighter's Summer casual
Attention on deck... The photographer has arrived

Pre dinner dancing at the 2012 Starlighter's Summer casual
The centerpieces were definitely yellow

Pre dinner dancing at the 2012 Starlighter's Summer casual

Did You Know? - The word "yellow" comes from the Old English geolu, geolwe, meaning "yellow, yellowish", derived from the Proto-Germanic word gelwaz. The English term is related to other Germanic words for yellow, namely Scots yella, East Frisian jeel, West Frisian giel, Dutch geel, German gelb, and Swedish gul. According to the Oxford English Dictionary, the oldest known use of this word in English is from The Epinal Glossary in the year 700.

Pre dinner dancing at the 2012 Starlighter's Summer casual
Checkout the Hawaiian woody shirt

Pre dinner dancing at the 2012 Starlighter's Summer casual
Hey Bob, we are here

Pre dinner dancing at the 2012 Starlighter's Summer casual
"What are you doing here... You are supposed to be in the pool!"

Pre dinner dancing at the 2012 Starlighter's Summer casual
Wine is served

The world is black and white....

Pre dinner dancing at the 2012 Starlighter's Summer casual

Pre dinner dancing at the 2012 Starlighter's Summer casual
The bar is doing a brisk business

Someday this picture will be famous!

Pre dinner dancing at the 2012 Starlighter's Summer casual

Pre dinner dancing at the 2012 Starlighter's Summer casual
Looks like a nursery in here

Pre dinner dancing at the 2012 Starlighter's Summer casual
I am going to bite someone!

Pre dinner dancing at the 2012 Starlighter's Summer casual
"Hey... I match the table cloths!"

Pre dinner dancing at the 2012 Starlighter's Summer casual

Pre dinner dancing at the 2012 Starlighter's Summer casual

Pre dinner dancing at the 2012 Starlighter's Summer casual
The cameraman escaped...

Pre dinner dancing at the 2012 Starlighter's Summer casual
Changing equipment (Courtesy Hans Thedens)

Pre dinner dancing at the 2012 Starlighter's Summer casual
Smile... You're on Candid Camera (Courtesy Hans Thedens)

Dinner Is About To Be Served

Pre dinner dancing at the 2012 Starlighter's Summer casual
Must be dinner time

Pre dinner dancing at the 2012 Starlighter's Summer casual
Salads are on the way

Pre dinner dancing at the 2012 Starlighter's Summer casual    Pre dinner dancing at the 2012 Starlighter's Summer casual

Pre dinner dancing at the 2012 Starlighter's Summer casual
The salmon was excellent

Pre dinner dancing at the 2012 Starlighter's Summer casual