The Starlighters Dance Club Dance Event

"Dancers are the athletes of God." ~Albert Einstein

We Missed St Patricks Day By Two Days But That Doesn't Stop Us (Page One)

Page 1 - Pre-Dinner Festivities | Page 2 - Who Was Here Tonight?
Page 3 - Post Dinner Cavorting

Starlighters St Patricks Day dance 3/19/2011

Yorba Linda Country Club

Starlighters St Patricks Day dance 3/19/2011
Just around the corner...

For each petal on the shamrock
This brings a wish your way -
Good health, good luck, and happiness
For today and every day.
~Author Unknown


Starlighters St Patricks Day dance 3/19/2011

Let The Cavorting Begin In Ernest

Starlighters St Patricks Day dance 3/19/2011
Le Grande Entrance

May luck be our companion
May friends stand by our side
May history remind us all;Of Ireland's faith and pride.
May God bless us with happiness
May love and faith abide.
~Irish Blessing

Starlighters St Patricks Day dance 3/19/2011
The tables were magnificent... Thank you Paula

Starlighters St Patricks Day dance 3/19/2011

Starlighters St Patricks Day dance 3/19/2011
The wine bottles seems to grow right out of the table

Did You Know? - BYOB Etymology: The term is cited by some online sources to have been used first in the early 1970s to mean "bring your own bottle" although in present day it is more likely to mean "bring your own booze"

Starlighters St Patricks Day dance 3/19/2011
Sue and Marcia checkout the seating

Did You Know? - "The Wearing of the Green" is an anonymously-penned Irish street ballad dating to 1798. The context of the song is the repression around the time of the Irish Rebellion of 1798. Wearing a shamrock in the "caubeen" (hat) was a sign of rebellion and green was the color of the Society of the United Irishmen, a republican revolutionary organization. During the period, displaying revolutionary insignia was made punishable by hanging. Listen to the tune!

O Paddy dear, and did ye hear the news that's goin' round?
The shamrock is by law forbid to grow on Irish ground!
No more Saint Patrick's Day we'll keep, his color can't be seen
For there's a cruel law ag'in the Wearin' o' the Green."

I met with Napper Tandy, and he took me by the hand
And he said, "How's poor old Ireland, and how does she stand?"
"She's the most distressful country that ever yet was seen
For they're hanging men and women there for the Wearin' o' the Green."

"So if the color we must wear be England's cruel red
Let it remind us of the blood that Irishmen have shed
And pull the shamrock from your hat, and throw it on the sod
But never fear, 'twill take root there, though underfoot 'tis trod.

When laws can stop the blades of grass from growin' as they grow
And when the leaves in summer-time their color dare not show
Then I will change the color too I wear in my caubeen
But till that day, please God, I'll stick to the Wearin' o' the Green.


Starlighters St Patricks Day dance 3/19/2011
Marilyn checks out the hors d'eouvers

Starlighters St Patricks Day dance 3/19/2011
Excellent service... Hats off to the crew

Starlighters St Patricks Day dance 3/19/2011
One might think those are water glasses but we know better

Starlighters St Patricks Day dance 3/19/2011
St. Patrick's Day or Christmas, she is ready

Starlighters St Patricks Day dance 3/19/2011

Starlighters St Patricks Day dance 3/19/2011

An Irishman is never drunk as long as he can hold onto one blade of grass to keep from falling off the earth.  ~Irish Saying

Starlighters St Patricks Day dance 3/19/2011
Our greeters always welcome everyone with a smile

Starlighters St Patricks Day dance 3/19/2011

Starlighters St Patricks Day dance 3/19/2011
Guest Heidi looks to be a bit Irish

Did You Know? - Heidi is actually a Germanic name meaning "Noble one"! 'Heidi' is a children's story by Joanna Spyri, set in the mountains of Switzerland. Its sequels were written by Spyri's English translator Charles Tritten. Heidi is also the name of a character in Stephenie Meyer's 'Twilight' series of novels. The character was named after Meyer's sister of the same name.

Starlighters St Patricks Day dance 3/19/2011

Starlighters St Patricks Day dance 3/19/2011
Almost like a four-leaf clover

Did You Know? - "Lucky clover" and "lucky leaf" redirect here. The term is also often used for the wood-sorrel Oxalis tetraphylla, a common potted plant.

For the popular 20th-century song, see I'm Looking Over a Four Leaf Clover. For the 2007 Second Person song, see Four Leaf Clover (song). For the 2010 Diana Vickers song, see Songs from the Tainted Cherry Tree. A four-leaf clover

The four-leaf clover is an uncommon variation of the common, three-leaved clover. According to tradition, such leaves bring good luck to their finders, especially if found accidentally.[1] According to legend, each leaf represents something: the first is for hope, the second is for faith, the third is for love, and the fourth is for luck.

Clovers can have more than four leaves: the most ever recorded is fifty-six, Discovered by Shigeo Obara of Hanamaki, Iwate, Japan, 10 May 2009.

It has been estimated that there are approximately 10,000 three-leaf clovers for every four-leaf clover; however, this probability has not deterred collectors who have reached records as high as 160,000 four-leaf clovers. It is debated whether the fourth leaflet is caused genetically or environmentally. Its relative rarity suggests a possible recessive gene appearing at a low frequency. Alternatively, four-leaf clovers could be caused by somatic mutation or a developmental error of environmental causes. They could also be caused by the interaction of several genes that happen to segregate in the individual plant. It is possible all four explanations could apply to individual cases.

Starlighters St Patricks Day dance 3/19/2011

Starlighters St Patricks Day dance 3/19/2011
Notice the tight grips around those wine glasses

Starlighters St Patricks Day dance 3/19/2011
Almost a full housed

Starlighters St Patricks Day dance 3/19/2011

Starlighters St Patricks Day dance 3/19/2011
Ah... A gentleman holding up the bar so it will not fall over

Starlighters St Patricks Day dance 3/19/2011

Starlighters St Patricks Day dance 3/19/2011
The nice man is passing around free food

Starlighters St Patricks Day dance 3/19/2011
She can balance the wine glass, pick up the hors d'oeuver, and talk at the same time! Real talent!

Starlighters St Patricks Day dance 3/19/2011
The Grangers are guests this evening and are having fun

Starlighters St Patricks Day dance 3/19/2011
Sharing stories prior to dancing...

These things I warmly wish to you-
Someone to love
Some work to do
A bit o' sun
A bit o' cheer
And a guardian angel always near.

Starlighters St Patricks Day dance 3/19/2011
The band is getting warmed up

May your home always be too small to hold all your friends.

Starlighters St Patricks Day dance 3/19/2011
Someone is quite artistic...

Starlighters St Patricks Day dance 3/19/2011

MPG Is Now Underway

Did You Know? - Nicholas John Peper has been a professional singer and pianist since the age of ten. While studying at the Julliard School of Music, he was a guest soloist with the NBC Opera Company and the Philadelphia Orchestra. During his early teens in New York, Nick had his own weekly radio show featuring live music from his quintet. After moving to California in 1967 he continued to be a featured performer for celebrity events in the Hollywood entertainment community.

Starlighters St Patricks Day dance 3/19/2011
Michael Fleetwood - Guitars/Vocals
Kelly Fortune Gordien - Drums/Vocals/Percussion
Nicholas John Peper - Keyboards/Vocals

Did You Know? - In the early 1970's Nick worked with Roy Clark, Alan King, Perry Como, Bob Hope, Jack Benny and others while a member of the Doodletown Pipers. In the late 1970's three albums from his group 100% Whole Wheat received national radio air play and were reviewed in Billboard Magazine, all while remaining the house band for the Reubens Steak House chain.

For the last decade Nick has been touring nationally with Triple Gold, consisting of the original lead singers from The Four Preps, The Diamonds, and The Association. Memorable events with Triple Gold include the Legend Of Rock & Roll concerts at The Greek Theatre and The Jerry Lewis MDA Telethon.

Starlighters St Patricks Day dance 3/19/2011
First on the dance floor

Starlighters St Patricks Day dance 3/19/2011
Getting the wood heated up is an important task

Starlighters St Patricks Day dance 3/19/2011
Warming up the floor is difficult but someone has to do it

Starlighters St Patricks Day dance 3/19/2011

Starlighters St Patricks Day dance 3/19/2011
"Is everyone here???" Then, it is time to eat...

Starlighters St Patricks Day dance 3/19/2011

Page 1 - Pre-Dinner Festivities | Page 2 - Who Was Here Tonight? |
Page 3 - Post Dinner Cavorting