Time To Meet And Greet The Island Way (Page One)
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Page 1 - Pre-Dinner Visiting
Page 2 - Who Was Here Tonight? Page 3 - Serious Dancing Gets Underway Page 4 - Comic View Of The Evening |
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Ron checks to see that everyone has arrived.... Time to mix and mingle
Welcome or as we say in the islands... "ALOHA"
Or as we really say in the islands...
"Down the hatch!"
Ed checks on the volume with Vicky
Dancing continues
Did You Know? - From east to west, Hawaii is the widest state in the United States, measuring 1,500 miles from the island of Ni'ihau to the island of Hawai'i! But, at only 6,423 sq. mi. of land area, it doesn't even come close to the U.S.'s largest state, Texas. It would take approximately 40 Hawaii's to match the total size of the Lone Star State.
The tables were festive and ready for a long evening of serious visiting
"My shirt color you ask??? Aloha red of course!"
With all the flowered dresses and shirts, a bee would go crazy
Looks like a rainbow that went mad!
Did You Know? - In 1927, Hawaii was the first of four U.S. states to have outlawed billboards. The others include: Alaska, Maine, and Vermont.
Not by accident, these four states are known for their scenic beauty and visually unmarred landscape; which visitors cite as the number one reason for visiting.
The visiting continues...
Happy to see our guests get right out on the floor
Just catching up since the last dance
We had a full room this evening.... Loads of fun!
Paul and Sue escaped from behind the camera
It's called the huggie huggie hula!
The guys are solving the problems of the world
Holly greets the newly weds,,,
Chris and Jackie are studying new potential dance moves!
Meanwhile on the sidelines Wil and Sandy watch the cavorting
Enjoying the famous Hawaiian wine
Just kidding... This is used to remove poi stains!
Hands are needed to dance the hula and apparently to tell a story!!!
She has a beautiful voice and spoke hula very well!
Did You Know? - Hula /ˈhuːlə/ is a dance form accompanied by chant (oli) or song (mele). It was developed in the Hawaiian Islands by the Polynesians who originally settled there. The hula dramatizes or portrays the words of the oli or mele in a visual dance form.
There are many sub-styles of hula, with the main two categories being Hula 'Auana and Hula Kahiko. Ancient hula, as performed before Western encounters with Hawaiʻi, is called kahiko. It is accompanied by chant and traditional instruments. Hula, as it evolved under Western influence in the 19th and 20th centuries, is called ʻauana (a word that means "to wander" or "drift"). It is accompanied by song and Western-influenced musical instruments such as the guitar, the ʻukulele, and the double bass.
She tells the story of a Great Dance Club called the Starlighters
They about to agree to do the hula for the club....
She kept the "dancing fluid" coming all night
"Fred! I can find my way back... I left bread crumbs the whole way!"
Delightful hors d'ouvers
The waited by the kitchen door!
Welcome new members! Looking good!
Presidents Bob and Donna make the rounds
Did You Know? - The eight horizontal stripes on Hawaii's flag represent each of the state's main islands – Hawaii, Oahu, Kauai, Kahoolawe, Lanai, Maui, Molokai and Niihau.
In the upper-left corner of Hawaii's flag is a small Union Flag of the United Kingdom. It honors Hawaii's first flag, given in 1794 by British Captain George Vancouver as a token of friendship. It wasn't until 1816, that Kamehameha I commissioned his own flag to avoid conflict, which evolved into the current flag.
When music plays... Starlighters dance
Ed Roberts, our VP of Bands, checks the sound levels
More dancing fluid needed
The dancers keep us entertained....
We are all looking for new steps
Jim Mongell (on the left) just celebrated his 90th birthday
Ladies beware!!
Love the ladies with flowers in their hair
The band is making us work up an appetite
"Hey... Can you speed up the music a bit?"
Donna and Iris are hatching a plan.... What could it be??
Tony Corinino had a great set of music this evening....
Close your eyes and you are in Hawaii
Did You Know? - Residents of the "Aloha" State live longer than those of any other U.S. state, with a life expectancy 81.5 years, almost three years longer than the country's average of 78.8.
Dinner is served... Who is here???
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Page 1 - Pre-Dinner Visiting
Page 2 - Who Was Here Tonight? Page 3 - Serious Dancing Gets Underway Page 4 - Comic View Of The Evening |
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