Girl’s Night Out!

Thursday arrived without water, a pleasant surprise.  We decided to take it easy today so we waited around the house for a while before going to Mary’s imaging appointment.   She ws in and out so fast we had time to spare so we returned to the Chinese market and picked up some cried seaweed for Bob to give to Donna.

Seaweed is a SUPERFOOD with lots of nutritional benefits! Rich in nutrients – protein, fiber, minerals, and iodine. Our Roasted Seaweed Sheets are vegan, gluten-free and no artificial preservatives, which can be enjoyed by people of all ages. It is not only healthy food, but it also has low calories.

Snacks for watching the TV!

After visiting the market, we headed to the Elks Lodge where we had a riotous afternoon of fun with our friends. Gail joined us and she brought T-shirts for Bob and Donna.

T-Shirt time!

After lunch, we went to CVS to pick up my new prescriptions. I am getting two dental implants, so I need an antibiotic and some strong painkillers.

We arrived home around 4:00 pm, and after taking my meds, we binge-watched Royal Pains until it was bedtime.

We crashed around midnight and our eyes were burning from too much TV.

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The Rain Almost Went Away; Board Meeting!

It’s mid-week and is starting to dry out, yeah!  We went to our gym workout session at 8:30 am and rode our bicycles for 30 minutes.  I will begin to bring my e-book as the machine gets boring after a while.  Mary and I have six ipads/e-books so I will find mine, charge it up, and take it with me.

Today, we learned six new ways to say “OUCH!” under our breaths.  I will say that doing the stretches/floor work eliminates my sciatica to the point we can begin walking again!

This morning was specially embarrassing as I was asked not to bring my cereal breakfast to the workout.  I told them I did not, and they insisted I did because they kept hearing “Snap, Crackle, and Pop!”

We returned home limping and moaning and barely able to move!  They found two extra muscles that I had not used in years and proceeded to reactivate them.  I have no idea what these muscles do, but I can now scratch my butt without turning my hips?

We managed to get Mr. Hairy into the car, and he got all excited; he knew what was ahead!  Spa Day!  He loves the spa where the staff pampers him!

He wanted to let everyone know he went to the hairdresser this morning.

Mary took a few minutes to fix up her remaining roses from two days ago.  I try to make it a habit of bringing m’lady flowers as a surprise as often as I can.  We are together almost 24/7, so I take the opportunity when I dash over the market for something.

She was very happy and gave me a great big kiss!  Then, she followed that up with a Maryism!

As Mary says, “A kiss without a mustache is like an egg without salt.”

Roses for my Rose!

My iPhone popped up with this image, which I thought was interesting. I watched these men in the 1950s scaring me half to death!

Great actors; what do they have in common?

After dropping Scout off at the hairdresser, we went to the cleaners to retrieve some clothes before they gave them away to the local thrift store.

After sitting vacant for years, the old Von’s market was transformed into a Chinese wholesale and retail service called Rivera Food Service.  It also had Mama Lu’s Dumpling House attached.

We loaded up on strange and wonderful goodies!

With some spare time, we decided to revisit the establishment.  The owners were there, but they were wrapped up in their business. His name is One-Hung-Low, and her name is Wai Yu Mun Ching.  Nice folks!

The local Chinese/Japanese market is fantastic.

We spent a good 45 minutes walking up and down every aisle and filling our basket with $100 worth of stuff that we hoped we remembered what it was when we got home (the packages were in Chinese, but the signs were in English).

The sign was in English, but we have NO idea what it is now!

Whoa, hoss!  What in the world?  Below are actual Daikon radishes.  We grew them last year, but ours looks pretty small compared to these giants.

Diakon radishes on steroids.

Daikon Radish Information and Facts – Daikon radishes are one of the most cultivated vegetables in Japan and are viewed as a purifying food to detox the body and stimulate digestion. The mild radishes are frequently incorporated into everyday meals, but Daikon radishes are also used in Buddhist religious practices to cleanse the body.

Now we know what the delicious white vegetable is they serve with carrots when we go to Yang Ming restaurant.

Carrots and radishes!

In the next bin over was a display of these little radishes!  They were certainly FRESH!


My, my little guy!

After filling up part of our shopping basket, we went next door to Mama Lu’s Restaurant, where we ordered more food than we could eat.  I ordered the Kung Pao Chicken, and Mary ordered the Broccoli Beef.  We also shared a serving of vegetable fried rice.  The food was delicious, but we realized we had ordered too much and took home many leftovers.  Some food even went directly across the street to Jeff’s house!  Next time, we will definitely order the smaller portion sizes.

We destroyed a bag of leftover Chinese food last week.  It was an act of won ton destruction.

When I said “Smile,” the red flag went up!  Get this, she said, “My hair is a mess.  We just got back from the gym!”

My little Raghead!

If that is a mess, please do NOT make it prettier, as I might not be able to control myself!

Chinese food is fantastic, but I find it hard to believe that a chicken fried this rice.

Their menu is quite extensive but I felt sorry for the poor fish!

Need we say more?

Caught with her hijab down!

I finally made her smile.

And she makes me smile from the inside out.  It is wonderful to be in love with your best friend; it makes life worth living, and the gym (read torture) a vital necessity!

After returning home, we got things ready for the Starlighters Board Meeting and then binge-watched “Royal Pains” until Bob Z, our fearless leader, came over.

The board meeting started at 6:30 pm. Ed Roberts, Betty, and Bob were hard at work!

The meeting went well, and we did some serious business as we needed a new treasurer since the untimely passing of Leon.

Will gets a plate of goodies for Iris, who enjoys her red wine.  She is our idol; 97 years young and as smart as a whip and totally with it, including some great zingers!

Irish had her glass of vino!

Jim and Vicky were at Rockwell’s when Bob showed up; we told them to come over early next time and visit.

Jim and Vicky joined the group.

The meeting broke up at 8:30 pm, and Bob Z stayed for another thirty minutes just visiting.

Scout, the wonder dog, made his way around everyone, getting his required ten pets per person.  However, he got so excited that his tail knocked over a glass of ice water, spilling it onto the rug.  He thought he was in trouble, but we have knocked over a water or wine glass many times than him!

Scout warmed himself by the fire (and asked for hot chocolate)!

He likes to pose after a trip to the hairdresser and share the newly found gossip, especially about the French Poodle down the street!

He wanted to let everyone know he went to the hairdresser this morning.

After everyone departed, we shared a half glass of wine and watched more episodes of “Royal Pains”; we are in season three now.

Mary went to bed, and I worked on the “Vacations” website.  I realized that I had been to Hawaii seven times, eight if you count our stopover in Toyoko.  I am also creating the pages for this year’s travels, which include ten days in Ireland, two weeks in the Caribbean with Colleen and Mark, and a trip through the Panama Canal.

The rain had subsided, so at 11:30 am, it was “lights out”; we have another full day tomorrow!

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Ain’t that the truth!

Today, it rained and rained and rained.  We stayed inside and worked in the office and are about caught up!  Mary made the last of the arrangements for the Ireland Adventure while we worked on the Panama Canal Adventure the previous week.

Mid-afternoon, I checked the rain gauge, and we got a tad over five inches of rain in the past two days.   I hooked up the portable sump pump and took another two inches out of the pool, just in case.

We binge-watched Royal Pain, and then around 3:00 pm, we met with a roofer to discuss the leak we had in the kitchen.

At 5:00 pm, we got gussied up and headed off to the Segerstrom Performing Arts Center, where we had tickets for The Lion King!  We stopped at The Westin South Coast Plaza, Costa Mesa, for a glass of wine and met up with Kiana!  I have known Kiana since 1994, and she served us wine before the play for over thirty years.  I was pleased to introduce her to Dr. Mary.  It also turns out she is Pam’s dear neighbor, the daughter of Jeff, our neighbor!  It is a small world.

For more than 20 years, the North American touring productions of The Lion King have been seen by over 21 million theatergoers.  Having already played more than 9,000 performances in over 90 cities across North America, The Lion King now returns to Costa Mesa, CA, at the Segerstrom Center for the Arts.

It was an excellent performance!

As we exited, I thought I heard rain, but fortunately, it was the fountain.  The sky was clear, and it was an easy drive home.

We had a delightful evening at the theater.

We left Scout inside this evening while we were gone, and when we got home, we were curled up in his bed in our bedroom.  I invited him outside to do his thing before we hit the sack for the evening.

The sky was clear, and the stars were bright!

The rain has gone away.

Mary read a book for about thirty minutes, and I worked on the computer until I got sleepy, which was also about thirty minutes; it was a delightful day!

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Monday; Torture Comes Early!

Mary goes through her exercises!

The force of habit made me look at the weather forecast; oh boy, here we go again!

OMG, I went to the She Shed and got three sets of water wings: one for Mary, one for Scout, and one for me.

We were up early, and it was raining, so our planned trip to Victorville would have to wait.  It is OK since we have to be home for a UPS delivery.  As Mary came into the garage on our way to our torture session, she broke into a cachinnation after seeing me blowing up the rubber rafts instead of backing out the car.  I showed her the weather predictions; needless to say, my efforts were redirected by the doctor.  We went in the car.

Then, all of a sudden… NOTHING!

We headed home after the workout and proceeded to work around the kitchen.  We made Beef bourguignon or bœuf bourguignon, also called beef Burgundy, and bœuf à la Bourguignonne.  It is a French beef stew braised in red wine, often red Burgundy, and beef stock, typically flavored with carrots, onions, garlic, and a bouquet garni, and garnished with pearl onions, mushrooms, and bacon.

The two of us made it up in about 30 minutes!

This will feed us for about four days after we deliver some to our neighbor.

It simmered in the crockpot for about six hours on high.

We dined at about 7:00 pm, which is a little late for us, but we wanted to have the results of our efforts for dinner!

Finally, the weatherman was right; we got some rain.  We watched TV and then worked in the office until about 10:00 pm, and then we crashed.

Why do dragons often sleep during the day?  So they can fight knights.

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Rain Already!


Some people experience seasonal depression in the winter, but I do all the things to bring on hygge* instead.

We did not move from the house today; we mostly worked in the office and watched movies.  Mary whipped up some chocolate chip cookies, just what we need!

No more listening/trusting the weather people OR the “newspapers”!

News From Today: LOS ANGELES – A dangerous atmospheric river storm is blasting California with widespread impacts from heavy rains, damaging winds, and potentially life-threatening flash flooding.

Forecasters have highlighted Southern California, including downtown Los Angeles, for a rare “high risk” of flash flooding as the storm has already dumped several inches of rain across the region Sunday with more to come Monday. California Gov. Gavin Newsom even declared a State of Emergency for several counties in Southern California to support storm response and recovery efforts.

The “high risk” is the highest rung on NOAA’s flash flood threat scale and is only issued under the most dire of flooding forecasts. “Life-threatening flash and urban flash flooding possible in the high risk area,” NOAA’s Weather Prediction Center (WPC) said.

We waited all day to see the boats and emergency vehicles go by after the severe flood warnings; we got less than 0.1 inches of rain all day!

We binge-watched “Royal Pain” in the afternoon and then returned to the office at 5:00 pm to continue preparation for the tax man! The office work table is now clear and I can see the top of my desk!

* Hygge = In essence, hygge means creating a warm atmosphere and enjoying the good things in life with good people. The warm glow of candlelight is hygge. Cozying up with a loved one for a movie – that’s hygge, too.

We are watching you!

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Movie Night With Family!

Mary keeps making fun of me for fussing at the TV!

I got up at 6:00 am and woke Mary up saying, “It’s time for the Sunday Car Show!!  Hurry, get ready!”  Soon thereafter, receiving a bop on the head, I realized it was Saturday… I was a day early.  I slithered back into bed and slept for two more hours.  Now I know why they call me “The Eager Beaver!”

Today, we just veggied out and prepared for the arrival of Robin and Bob.  Mary made her world-famous turkey sandwiches, and I assisted by taking three inches of water out of the pool in preparation for the predicted deluge we were expecting.

I asked Mary, “Can a turkey jump higher than the Empire State Building?”  She was puzzled, so I answered, “Of course! Buildings can’t jump.”   I will recover after a few days rest!

The first bite is a bit difficult, but after that, it gets easier.

Mary also thawed out some homemade tomato soup; we were ready to feast this evening while the water levels were rising!

I sat by the TV watching the weather predictions, and in fact, we called the vet to see if we could rent another “Scout” so we could walk onto the Ark two-by-two.  I did notice the weatherman was pretty ugly!

Mary made fun of me!

As the forecast grew worse, I put on my thinking cap and came up with a brilliant idea: Let’s practice swimming before the downpour hits.

Plop plop fizz fizz, into the water we went.  The “fizz” was from an old AlkaSelzer I had in my swimsuit!  I like to throw pieces on the ground at the beach and watch the birds!

We practiced for over an hour and declared ourselves ready for the cloudburst.

Mary loved the idea of nice warm water!

Scout just shakes his head and worries that people will think he is related to us!

Scout thinks we are losing it.

After the swim, I went to the market with two grocery lists: one for us and one for Jeff.  I brought back a four-pound chuck, which I plan to cut into one-inch cubes and brown tomorrow, throwing in some onions, potatoes, carrots, and finally some peas.  Beef bourguignon is my favorite dish to cook, especially on a cold rainy day!

The kids came over, and we devoured the homemade tomato soup and a mess of turkey sandwiches.  Bob even finished his tomato soup!  We also took a plate/bowl over to Jeff.

Robin was recovering from some facial surgery, so I did not point the camera in her direction for fear of losing an arm or leg.

We all watched “Wonka” on the 90″ TV in the TV room.   Read more about it on Wikipeia

We sat around the kitchen table after the movie and talked for a while. We mentioned we thought we may have a leak in the roof, but after Bob and I went upstairs, we were confused.  There is NO evidence of any water above the kitchen island, so we will have to wait until the deluge comes.

Bob helps by checking for a potential leak!

We went into the attic, but alas, there were no signs of water, so we thought perhaps something spilled onto the island.

It’s snowing.

We hit the sack around 10:30 pm and are quite proud as we are on day three alcohol-free; we don’t miss it at all.

If you have to get old, it is sure nice to grow old with a friend!

Just us!

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Pre-Flood Preps Are Underway!

The weather forecast is for plenty of rain, so we worked around the house.  We drained about three inches out of the pool, brought in the trashcans and put them under the roof, moved the open fertilizer bags to a waterproof area, and ensured the chairs were under the patio.

The forecast as of Saturday morning reveals a lot of rain coming in this direction for three days.  It’s OK, we need it!

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Goodbye Week, It Was Good Knowing Ya!

Thanks, Joe Biteme, for making this the most expensive vehicle I use!

Thanks to a combination of inflation, pandemic-related supply-chain disruptions and tariffs on certain foreign imports, food prices have steadily risen since 2020

It is Friday, and that means severe trauma comes to my poor little body as I enter the Peak Performance gym.  As soon as I enter the door, the torture experts begin to bid on who will get to “train” me and force painful sounds from this frail old body.  Last week, I was put in several positions where the snap, crackle, and pop sounds of my bones drowned out the gym’s background music.

If this keeps up, I will be ready to go back to my 60-hour/week job just to avoid the torture chamber!

Did You Know?  1926: Henry Ford introduced 40-hour work weeks with five working days with no cut in wages after he discovered that 48-hour work weeks yielded only a slight increase in productivity that lasted a short period of time.  This discovery inspired other manufacturing companies to adopt the 40-hour work week.

After returning home and letting the body recover, we freshened up and got ready for lunch with Mary’s financial advisors at Rockwell’s.   We had a delightful lunch with them, but I did have to sit in a particular chair.  Rockwell’s is three doors away from “The Gym (Torture Chamber),” and I was afraid if I saw the facility one more time, I would begin running in the opposite direction, albeit at a pace just slightly slower than a pregnant garden snail.

The four of us returned to our home as the restaurant was too noisy to discuss business.

In Hawaii, the Hawaiian HOAs passed a noise ordinance so strict that one can’t even laugh out loud. All they can do is a low ha.

The advisors gave us their take on next year, matching what Marshall told us but in different words.  Mary and I were surprised at how much money we had made this year, so it was time to celebrate!

After she spoke to her financial adviser, she slept like a baby. She woke up every hour and cried.

We took them on a garden tour, and Mary proudly produced a large plastic bag and filled it with fresh goodies from the garden.  Mary has known them for years and knows they, like us, enjoy cooking!

It was a beautiful day!

They departed, and we waved goodbye.  Now we get to rest a few minutes before we are off to the Elks Ledge to have dinner, listen to Larry Fresch, and dance the night away!  Perhaps this might loosen up some of the kinks I got this morning.

Waving goodbye to her Financial Advisors

We checked on our tickets for the upcoming Valentine’s Day celebration.  We are good to go!

We have tickets and are ready to go!

Our most excellent friends, Donna and Bob, joined us for the evening.  We also had Bill and Mary Capps and  Vince and Jan from the dessert.

We all enjoyed our meals.  Our prime rib, which we shared,  came with a glass of wine, so we forced ourselves to share it.  This is a non-alcohol month for us; some call it detox, we call it losing weight!

Donna collected some of the upcoming even brochures/flyers and we discussed them!

We are getting our social calendar coordinated.

We now have the next several events on our calendars and are ready to go through the rest of February and into March.

We are ready to par-tee!

Did you know the calendar factory went out of business because its days were numbered?

Just us!

I had a spare moment between dances and pulled out the old AI software; the background disappeared!


I could not resist!

I also decluttered!

We danced many dances, and I showed Mary a couple of new steps!  I held her tightly so she would not fall over!

This step is the old “Belt Buckle Polisher.”

We departed at about 8:30 pm and headed home.  We were both tired and sore!  Our trainers found some muscles we had no idea were there.  Mary, being a doctor, knew what they were.  When she explained, I thought she was talking dirty! I was sure my muscles were connected to my sacrocrackerjack!

I love Amos and Andy!  The Kingfish went to the gym, and he thought he had broken his sacrocrackerjack (sacroiliac).  The guys were absolutely amazing, and to me, it had NOTHING to do with race; it was just good, clean comedy!

Watch Andy gets a telegram!

Scout and I wandered the backyard so he could do his business, and we could go in for the night!

A beautiful night for a garden stroll!

We checked our messages before turning down the lights and discovered we would be serenaded this evening.  Becky sent us a video of her practicing the piano!  Miss Beaky is doing well!

Good night, all!

Note to self: Careful with compliments to my bride!

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The First Has Arrived!

The day after the gym is always like this!

The rain poured most of the morning but we still went to Girls Night Out anyway.  Sydney and her dad joined us along with Bill, Bob, and  Will.  We had a delicious meal and by the time we were done, the rain had stopped for a while.

On our way home we stopped at the cleaners, the UPS Store, and Ralphs Market.  After putting everything away, we had dinner and watched a series called “Royal Pains”.  Royal Pains is an American comedy-drama television series that ran on the USA Network from 2009 to 2016. The series was based in part on actual concierge medicine practices of independent doctors and companies.

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I Am Having A Mid-Week Crisis!

They say rain is on the way, but the low was 50 degrees this morning, Wednesday, so I expected some clouds.  Nope!  Just a slight overcast.

We jumped in the shower and got on our exercise uniforms as we went to the gym at 8:30 am for a 30-minute bike ride followed by an hour of pure agony.  My trainer loves to use my body as a pretzel-making activity.  I now see the bottom of my feet regularly (and not in my mouth as usual!).

Tote that barge, lift that bale!

How can she smile and still be in agony??

She can smile and exercise at the same time!

After leaving the gym, we change out of our sweaty and blood-stained clothes into something more appropriate for a doctor’s office.  For fun, I might wear my feathered pink boa.

Before going to the doctor, I checked my email and got a notice from  They had a picture of me in high school back in the dark ages when dinosaurs roamed the forests.

What the hell happened???  I had hair and nary a wrinkle!

The new pulmonologist was a hoot; Doctor Stewart of Orange put of the St. Joseph’s Hospital complex.    A pulmonologist is a physician who specializes in the respiratory system.  From the windpipe to the lungs, if your complaint involves the lungs or any part of the respiratory system, a pulmonologist is the doctor you want to solve the problem.  Pulmonology is a medical field of study within internal medicine.

He confirmed that I likely have chronic bronchitis caused by years of smoking.  The current air quality is also contributing to my respiratory issues.  He provided me with his phone number in case I needed to contact him.  My two doctors got back to me without having to go through the hassle of scheduling an appointment.

Our cleaning crew arrived at 2:30 pm and cleaned the area.  We needed lunch, so Mary suggested we dine outside.  It was a good idea since it will be cold and rainy next week.  We had a fresh salad with our lunch.

Early dinner on the patio!

Scout was quite interested in our lunch, so he persisted in sticking his big nose right in our armpits while we ate.

Scout spies dinner!

We locked ourselves in the office, and I got the tax documents ready and paid the bills.  I hate tax season just thinking about all that money being wasted by our government.

Throw out the illegals, stop giving money to foreign nations, stop finding the crazy California choo-choo train,  put the “homeless” to work, or put them in tents in the desert to rehab them… do not throw it down the toilet like you are doing today!!  As a taxpayer, I am getting sick of the waste!

We went to Jeff’s and brought him some dinner, and on the way back, we spotted some beautiful flowers!

Our neighbor’s flowers are quite pretty!

We returned just after the sun had gone down, and it was cold.  We changed into our jammies, sat at the breakfast table, and watched a movie before crashing.   I swear, Television is chewing gum for the eyes.

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