Off And Running Again!

Do I remember the clotheslines?  Indeed I do?  If they were twirlers like above, we rode them all afternoon.  If they were T-shaped with taunt lines between them, they were perfect for tents.  We lived outside, getting dirty and occasionally needing mecurachriome treatments on our elbows and knees.   Our imaginations went wild.  We had to work to get gratified by building forts, stringing rope into trees, etc.

Today, kids have those stupid iPhones, and their ability to imagine is going into the toilet.  Instant gratification.  Phooey!  Moms and Dads should limit phone time like my Mom and Dad limited TV time!  We all would be better off.


We woke up early, and I finished the Daily Diary and had Mary do a final check on the Hawaiian website.

Click the image and join the fun!

We had a small breakfast, and I offered Mary some candy, which led to our friends getting involved.  These little guys nailed it!

We departed for the doctor’s office at noon for a 12:45 pm appointment.  Mary was in and out in about thirty minutes.  Before we left, we worked in the kitchen and prepared stuffed peppers from the yard.  We still love to cook together.  I prep; MAru does the magic!!

On the way home, I mentioned that we bought turkey meat a few days ago and should have “Turkey A La Mary,” my favorite sandwich.

Mary went to the garden to get some lettuce for the sandwiches.  She also found tomatoes.  Add some grey upon mustard and turkey to good bread, and we are off to the races.

She found what she was looking for!

On the way out, Mary suggested we show the snapdragons by turning the barrel about 180 degrees.

The dragons are coming along just fine.

Look carefully, and you will see a pea pod forming.  This will be one of 800 that will pop out in the next few months!

When small, they are great to eat right off the bush!

We will indeed have broccoli tomorrow night—the heads are forming nicely.

Mary made three great turkey sandwiches, and we took one over to Jeff.  Mary called Jeff ahead of time and warned him of my impending arrival.   Jeff hates it when I show up unexpectedly, and he is wearing his frilly housecoat and pink househoes.

Jeff, being a pretty funny guy, met me at the door with the greeting.  “Hi there, Turkey Guy!”    Turkey Guy?  I gobbled myself all the way home.

I decided to join Mary for a stroll in the garden even though I was wearing my cooking costume, and I let my hair down a bit.  I make a great hippy!

Dang, I love that hair, doo!

We watched a true-life movie about Ben Carlson, who was President Trump’s Surgeon General.  What an incredible story; more kids should watch this and apply mom’s rules!

We chatted with Robin for a while around 7:00 pm and decided to hit the sack early as tomorrow we have to go to the gym at 8:30 am, and I have a 12:30 pm appointment with a new doctor to see if we can’t figure out this bronchitis thing I have been suffering with for the past few months.

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Only 331 Days Until Christmas!

Did You Know?  The song was written by the songwriting duo Doc Pomus and Mort Shuman (both passed on in 1991) and commissioned by Laurie Records, initially intended for the doo-wop singing group The Mystics.  Laurie Records, however, gave the song to Dion & The Belmonts instead to record, and Pomus and Shuman then quickly wrote another song, “Hushabye,” for the Mystics.  Dion initially thought the song sounded “wimpy” but then realized the sound the song had when the Belmonts started singing “ooh-wah” at the start of the song.

My my, what a day ahead.  We will be running all day to the gym at 9:00 pm and then two doctor’s appointments;

We are also finalizing our trip to Ireland in May, so we have been on the phone with Ireland many times arranging flights and ground transportation.

The workout this morning was beautiful.  I spent 20 minutes on the stationary bike and used various torture machines for the next hour.  I thought about Valentine’s Day a lot while working out.

Great way to start the day!

We visited Dr. Bill, a podiatrist and a long-time friend, to treat Paul’s ingrown toenail.  Within just a few minutes, Dr. Bill provided relief.  Paul could walk again without whimpering!

We found ourselves three minutes from the Newport/Balboa American Legion, so we decided to have lunch by the bay!  The last time we were there, the food was excellent, and the company was even better!  Paul spotted a “Sugar Cookie Martini” on the menu, available only through January.  He decided to have one, as January will end before we return!

Last day to have one!

It was a terrific drink and smooth as a bowl of cream.  One martini is all right.  Two are too many, and three are not enough.

I could not be passed up.

While sitting and waiting for our lunch to arrive, I received a text from our beloved daughter-in-law.  She dressed up as a 100-year-old to educate children at school today.  Her beauty made it hard to believe she could look 100, so we assumed she dressed up as a 70-year-old.

Amy, we love the pearls!

Living with a Liles causes premature aging.

We also looked up the weather in New Hampshire, where our youngest lives, and it said by 5:00 am, it would be 9 degrees!

Colleen is freezing her tushy off.

Lunch arrived, and we woofed it down.  Mary’s Turkey Club looked fantastic, and the fries were done to perfection!

Turkey Club is outstanding.

The steak sandwich was perfectly done, but we will split one or the other next time.  We have to keep the calories down to a dull roar.

The open-faced steak sandwich was excellent.

The day was spectacular, with the temperature at 79 degrees and a slight breeze.  I watched the pelicans soar about our heads and dive into the bay to retrieve their lunch!

Did You Know?  Pelicans are the only species to dive into the water from 9 m (30 ft) above to capture prey.  After catching the prey and a lot of water, they tip their bill downward to drain the water before swallowing the fish.

The beak of a pelican is the longest of any bird.  Specifically, the Australian Pelican is the world record holder.  The male of this species has a bill up to almost 20 inches long, about 50 cm.

It was an exceptional day!

We were casual today as we had just come from the gym and the foot doctor.

Just us!

After lunch, we went to Mary’s doctor for an acupuncture treatment to alleviate her hip pain.

We got home at 4:00 pm and headed to the backyard to finish the rose pruning and readying the herb garden for winter planting.

The pea plants are thriving and starting to bloom.  The purple blossoms of the peas have a gentle, slightly sweet taste that adds the freshness of peas to your dishes.  The texture of these flowers is crunchy, and they look stunning on your plate, elevating the beauty and color of your culinary creations.  Mary, who loves to cook, will have beautiful salads and other items to apply these blossoms!

We will be loaded with fresh peas within a few weeks, and they will keep producing for two months.

Soon, we will have peas for dinner.

Paul got bit by a Blood Rose!  The roses are difficult to prune as they can easily take a hunk out of your skin.  The older one gets, the easier the thorns can cause a gash.

Did You Know?  Interestingly, rose thorns are not thorns.  “Thorn” describes a plant with branches modified for physical defense.  Because the pointy projections of a rose bush are modified epidermal cells (similar to human skin cells), roses do not have thorns; they have prickles.

Paul meets a “Blood Rose”.

We finished up just as the sun was about to set.  We headed to the Swim Spa and spent an hour soaking in the lovely 95-degree water.  The water soothes the old muscles and gets us ready for bed.

I was working in the garden.

Mary always helps in the yard!

We watched “Sixteen Candles” with Molly Ringwald.  Mary had not seen the movie, so we laughed and giggled through the whole thing.  It was 10:45 pm when the lights went out, and the Sandman came to visit.

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Viva The US

OMG, History repeats itself!  The Socialists are at it again!  And voters are falling for their “policies” that ruined many nations!

It was Sunday, and we were up, had our coffee, and searched our closets for something to wear to the Elks Mariachis Breakfast.

A mariachi band was in a car accident. Unfortunately, some of the instruments were damaged, and the band members were slightly injured. Don’t worry, they made a maraca-less recovery.

Is it mariachi or Mariachis? noun,plural ma·ri·a·chis [mahr-ee-ah-cheez; Spanish mah-ryah-chees]. a member of a small band of strolling musicians who play a genre of Mexican dance music, characterized by trumpets, guitars, violins, and vocals.

We arrived at 10:00 am, and the room was empty.

Our bonnets came from our trip to Mexico with Robin and Bob early last year.  We have been saving them for such and event!

We came in costume.

Our friend Rommi had to come over and comment about our costumes.  Next time we go to Mexico, we are going to bring him a hat like ours!  We would look, ah, he would , ah….  We will just bring him one!

What do you call a mariachi band with one member? A Juan man band.

V=icky appointed us official Mexicans for the day!

The term “mariachi” has its origins in a combination of the now-extinct indigenous Coca language — once spoken in the area now referred to as the Mexican state of Jalisco — and Spanish.

What is a mariachi yell called? grito! The Mexican ‘grito’, or shout, that often accompanies family celebrations and mariachi music and is part of a national celebration every September 16th, is more than a loud yell — it’s an expression of excitement, joy, and pride.

Mariachi is a traditional Mexican music and a fundamental element of Mexican culture. Traditional Mariachi groups are made up of two or more members, wearing regional costumes adapted from the charro costume and interpreting a broad repertoire of songs on stringed instruments.

We moved out to the patio to get a better background for our picture.

This is mucho better!

We could not resist a little use of AI to capture our costumes.

Hello Ombre!

A little romance, perhaps?  We actually got up and danced to two different songs they played, one a waltz and one a foxtrot.  Jim and Vicky, plus Ed and Betty, also joined in; we were applauded by the band and the audience.

Yes indeed!

The dancers join in about 11:15 am, kicking the shindig into high gear!

What is the difference between a charro and a mariachi?  A charro is a member of a traditional Mexican Folkloric dancing group. Mariachi is a traditional Mexican Folkloric musical group. Charros typically wear brightly colored, intricately embroidered clothing and hats.

I was out of breath just watching them move, oh my!

Most of the gang was here.  We missed the Zaitz, but Donna had to work in the garden and Bob was probably working on paperwork.

Mary & Paul. Vicky & Jim, Ed & Betty

When we got home at about 1:00 pm, it was warm, so we decided to work in our garden.  Before going outside, Mary modeled her Mexican attire in our hallway: a little AI, and she was outside!

Mary got the dress from a friend, Dianne, and it is always in style for such cultural events.

We spent around three hours trimming the roses and cutting back some of the flowers in the garden. Finally, at around 4:00 pm, we were done with our work and decided to relax in the hot tub. After getting in the hot tub, we enjoyed the rest of our day while sipping a small glass of wine. We stayed in the hot tub for a full hour, which is equivalent to three complete cycles of the water pump.

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We Are Back In Maui!?

It was 5:00 am, and the alarm went off, causing Mary to jump out of bed and head straight to the bathroom.  At first, I was confused about why the alarm was ringing so early, but then I remembered that she had a CME activity in Pasadena starting at 7:00 am.  It was reminiscent of her experience seven days ago in Maui.  We can’t keep doing this!  As Mary often says…

I puttered around the house and did some long overdue chores like fixing the chest-of-drawers decorative woodwork, hanging my clothes up from the trip, doing a couple of loads of wash, taking the suitcases upstairs, retrieving the Valentine’s Day decorations, and emptying the dryer.

The Hawaii Adventure Website was finished and contains many more pictures of the vacation than what I put into the Daily Diary.  I also got the two cars cleaned, thanks to Juan.

Lunch was a TV dinner from TJ’s, a delightful spicy Indian chicken meal.  It was a whole 360 calories and loaded with protein, a great choice on my way back to 190 pounds.

They said it was spicy (Fiery); it wasn’t hot for me!

Trying to make the Daily Diary more interesting, I am now looking into hints that will help!  Furthermore, I intend to keep trying!

Admittedly, the meeting ran a little overtime, so Mary texted around 4:45 pm that she was heading home.  That should be a one-hour trip, so I expected her at 5:45 pm, just in time to freshen up and walk across the street to Jeff’s Birthday Party!

We met Jeff’s son, Mark, Pam’s husband, Steve, and their neighbors at the party.  Marva was also there, having just returned from back-to-back cruises.  We had a great time with lots of laughs and giggles.  We felt very special being invited to the event.

The cake comes with many stories!

Presents indeed, several were of the liquid variety.   Jeff and I have many things in common, such as we lost our wives within weeks of each other, we are both ham radio operators, we have had triple bypasses, we enjoy wine, and we both have technical careers.

He lives catty-corner from our home and keeps an eye on the place.  If I get a late-night call, it is usually from Jeff reminding me the garage door is open, I have not covered the van, or something is happening in the hood we should know about.

It wonderful to have neighbors and friends like Jeff!

Jeff was attempting to guess what libation was under wraps.

We departed the party at 8:00 pm, and Jeff was getting tired.  Mary was pooped from her conference already.   Scout and I went outside, watered the grass, and headed for bed. It has been a long day!

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The Week Is Gone!

I am thinking about taking diction classes!

It’s Friday, and we’re heading to the gym for our workout.  I love wearing my stretchy pants and new black T-shirt, although it may offend someone!  No, not the pants, the T-shirt!

We do 30 minutes on the treadmill or bicycle before the workout begins.  We have to get the body warmed up before the torture!


Our trainer is excellent; we can’t get away with anything.  She caught me this morning counting by twos; it’s not fair, she has exceptional hearing, also!

Our torture expert!

The workout is done.  Now let’s go to the market!  We needed some vital goodies like milk and apple turnovers!

Ralph’s is next door.

Before hitting the garden, Mary made a gym-goer’s brunch.  The only thing on the table with significant calories was the plastic spoon and the primary election pamphlet.

Breakfast is served!

We brought this home from Hawai’i and had to finish it today!  It was excellent.  Pineapple is a fruit consisting of many berries that have grown and fused together.  Pineapples are not a single fruit but essentially a group of berries.  The technical term for this is a “multiple fruits” or a “collective fruit.”

Say Bye Bye to Hawaii!

Thank you, Jeff, for the Blood Oranges.

Vicky’s favorite!

Did You Know The blood orange is a variety of orange with crimson, near blood-colored flesh.  The dark flesh color is due to the presence of anthocyanins, a family of polyphenol pigments common to many flowers and fruit but uncommon in citrus fruits.  Chrysanthemin is the main compound found in red oranges.

Thank you, Jeff, for the Blood Oranges.

We worked in the yard for three hours trimming roses and working on one of the towers!  We tried to beat the trashman, but he came by just before we finished filling one of our barrels.

There are wild parrots all over LA and Orange County, and many stories about how they started, ranging from accidentally let out by the Santa Ana Zoo to exotic bird smugglers.  I have seen them in Los Alamitos and Orange.  Sometimes, they sit in the trees behind our house and raise quite a racket; then they fly off!

The wild parrots visited us as we were working.

An hour ago, these were rose bushes.

Did You Know?   Pruning is vital to the health of the rose bush; it helps prevent disease by removing areas that may harbor infestations and encourages flowering.  Your roses may look stark after a good pruning, but roses grow very prolifically and will fill in quickly.  It’s almost impossible to kill a rose bush by over-pruning.

I guess you could say, “We rose to the occasion!”

I am getting old because I had to get my gardening chair; my back gave out after the first three roses were done.

So we have citrus; in a word, YES!

We have a gaggle of oranges right along the fence to the east of the garden.

We disassembled the tower and dumped the root-infested soil into the garden cart.  We added amendments and put the soil back in the tower.  Now, we wait to fill the tower with whatever comes to mind.

At 3:30 pm, we began to clean up so we could depart for the Elks Lodge at 4:50 pm to meet up with Vicky and Jim for an evening of frivolity!  Five-Star was playing this evening.

Ronnie was there in spirit!

Five-Star always starts with “God Bless America,” which brings the Elks Lodge to attention with everyone standing and singing to our nation!

The Elks love their country!

Then we dine and dance for three hours!  Calories in – calories out!  It’s a thing!  Mary and I were good tonight; we shared the salmon dinner.

A recent discovery!

We danced a waltz, two-step, rhumba, and several swing numbers!  After working all day, the dancing loosened everything up.

We danced all night long!

We won’t see each other for a long time; Sunday at the lodge for the Mariachi Brunch!

Good Night All!

We drove home, but the car made us turn on Chapman, and it pulled into Ace’s automatically.  We stole the jukebox away from the typical crappy bar music and played 40s and 50s tunes.  We even danced a few and received wild applause from the locals!

At 10:00 pm, we headed home, which is 1.5 miles from our bar stool (as the crow flies).

BTW, Which types of crows are best known to stick together?  Vel-crows.

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We Went To Girls Night Out And Then Home!

[wpcode id=”76760″] The day started off slow as our first official outing was not until 11:15 am when we headed to the Elks Lodge!  We worked in the office, and then we went into the garden to check things out.  The peas are doing amazingly well and are already three feet tall.  Everything else is doing great, and we are happy to give away our produce because we could not eat it all ourselves.

We were sitting there, minding our business, and we heard a familiar voice!  Our son Joe decided to join us for lunch.  I was in shock and forgot to take a picture!  He knew all of our friends and conversed with them.  He now knows what Girls Night Out is all about!

Bill has a new job! He is the official Elks ice cream taster!  That was his third bowl so far today!

Most of the gang was there except we missed the Ash’s and Sydney.

George, Will, and Iris sat across from us.

Joe had a burger and fries, Mary had a chili size, and I opted for the Caesar salad with chicken.  I have lost almost 4.5 pounds since I got back from Hawaii; just another fifteen to go!

We departed at about 1:45 pm and went to the local liquor store as we were in search of some 20-year-old Scotch for a dear friend and his birthday party.  We got home at 2:30 pm and waited for Mike Andersen to stop by at 3:00 pm.  He wanted to coordinate some of our upcoming activities.   We sent him home with two sacks of goodies from the garden; Bridgette will have a great time with the pickings.

We watched “Shall We Dance?” As dancers, we really enjoyed the movie and laughed several times. Been there, done that!

Summary: Despite having a great career and a loving family, lawyer John Clark (Richard Gere) is missing something in his life as he meanders listlessly from day to day. On his commute back home one night, Clark notices a stunning woman (Jennifer Lopez) in a dance studio and decides on a whim to join a class for ballroom dancing. While Clark finds a new spark in his life, his wife, Beverly (Susan Sarandon), grows suspicious of his frequent absences since he decides to keep his dancing a secret.

It was an outstanding cast!

I love dancing with Dr. Mary. We may not be the most elegant couple on the dance floor, but we manage to stay upright and generally in step with the music. This is one of the dance steps I’m known for, and it’s called ‘The Chiropractor’s Delight!’

In fact, we are going dancing Friday at the Elks to The Five-Star Band.  We will get in several hours of tripping the light fantastic.

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It’s Wednesday All Day!


We were off to the gym at 7:15 am!  We got there bright and early and rode the bikes for 30 minutes before the workout!  Finally, I could go through the hour of the workout without coughing myself silly.  The young lady was impressed with this ol’ fart’s ability to bend and do pushups and lift weights (I was pretty amazed myself).

“We are what we repeatedly do.  Excellence then is not an act but a habit.” –Aristotle.

I saw Mary doing body bends with several other ladies and thought I heard her mumble, but I couldn’t determine what she said.

Oh My!  An early session at the gym was underway!

From the gym, we went home and waited until 10:30 am to Los Alamitos, where Mary had a scan for her medical checkup.  I stayed in the car and watched my favorite Facebook “Doggie Reels.”

We were done at 11:30 am, so we called Vicky to join us at Old Ranch for lunch!  We spent a good hour laughing and giggling; she is a fantastic lady we all adore!

She didn’t flinch when I said lunch could not be over $3.00 (she ordered iced water).

We have a plan for the weekend and a potential plan to get Marsha back to civilization.

No comments about the horse!

Scout was finally ready to hear about the trip.  For the first two days, he missed his Auntie Irene.

He is our baby!

We discovered that on the 9th, we are hosting the StarlightersBoard at our home, so Mary began the “to-do” list, and I am ALWAYS very helpful!

We watched a movie and went to bed.  We were going to go to the hot tub, but it was too cold by the time we got off the phone with everyone!  We decided to watch a movie entitled “Bird On A Wire” and hit the hay around 9:30 pm.  Summary: Rick Jarmin (Mel Gibson) is put in witness protection after he helps the FBI bust drug dealer Eugene Sorenson (David Carradine).  Fifteen years later, he is living with a new identity as a gas station attendant in Detroit.  When an old flame named Marianne (Goldie Hawn) stops at the gas station and recognizes him, his cover gets blown.  The recently released Sorenson finds out, and Jarmin and Marianne must flee across the country with the vengeful Sorenson in hot pursuit.

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Doctor – Breakfast – Visit – Movie; A Busy Day!

Logical, right?

[wpcode id=”76760″] We must be getting old, as half our errands are to medical facilities.  Because of this ongoing cough, I am in for a CatScan at UCI/St. Joseph’s this morning before I see my new pulmonologist and return to the heart specialist.  They are looking into the chest to see why breathing is challenging and looking at the aorta for a suspicious size increase.

There goes the choo-choo!

During our journey back home, we stopped at the Original Pancake House for breakfast, where we shared an omelet due to its large size.

We returned home and spent some time in the office preparing all the required information for our 2023 tax appointment.  It was an unpleasant task for me, as I had to see 30% of my income go away to a government that appears unable to handle its finances and spends carelessly.  We spent 15 minutes and then decided a trip to the desert was needed; off to see Marsha!

On our way to Marsha’s new home, we stopped at Dianne and David’s place to drop off the second pineapple we had brought from Hawaii.  David is doing fine, and Dianne was thrilled to receive the pineapples and a bag of goodies from our garden.

One hour and ten minutes and we are there.

We found the place quite easily, and we stopped at a market around the order from her and got her flowers, a box of chocolate candy, and a new blankie for those cold desert nights.

We talked for almost two hours and learned she was going for a hair parlor appointment tomorrow.  We made a list of goodies to bring her next time we come up!

All smiles.

The facility was very nice and appeared to be almost brand new.  The room was a little Spartan as she was moving quickly and sharing it with someone else.   She needs more current pictures of her friends and one of her and Leon together.

She was happy to see us.

We started home at about 4:00 pm, and the traffic was more than on our way up, but it was not too bad.

After we arrived home, we cut up one of the pineapples we brought back from Hawai’i and took it to Jeff, our neighbor.  We spent about 45 minutes chatting with him before walking back home.

I set up 30 watts of lights on the house that gradually changes from red to purple throughout the night.


There was a full moon this evening!


We watched a movie called “What Women Want,” which was very funny.  By 9:00 pm, I was ready to go to bed, as we had a gym appointment at 8:00 am followed by a doctor’s appointment in Los Alamitos tomorrow morning.  It seems like we will have lunch at the club tomorrow.

All was OK until I saw Mary beginning to watch “Queen Bees” so I joined her.  Mary lasted about 15 minutes, and I watched the entire thing.  Summary: While her house undergoes repairs, fiercely independent senior Helen (Academy Award winner Ellen Burstyn) moves into a nearby retirement community ? just temporarily. Once behind the doors of Pine Grove Senior Community, she encounters lusty widows, cutthroat bridge tournaments, and a hotbed of bullying “mean girls,” the likes of which she hasn’t encountered since high school, all of which leaves her yearning for the solitude of home. But somewhere between flower arranging and water aerobics, Helen discovers that it’s never too late to make new friends and perhaps even find a new love.

The Sandman visited the minute the movie was over!  Good Night All!

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It’s Raining And The Garden Grows

[wpcode id=”76760″] It is difficult to listen to the news these days.  I cannot believe the bildge that comes out of DC and Sacramento.  Companoies that sell toys and habve over 100 employees will be fined if they do NOT have space for “gender neutral” toys.   There are some people that need to be given a frontal labodomy!

We did little today.  Mary when for her now yearly physical and we stopped at Del Taco for lunch.  Mary went to the gym and I skipped it as my cough was horrible.

Finally, we called the pharmacy to see if the doctor had sent in the order for a codeine-laced cough syrup, and he did so. We went there at 8:45 pm, and finally, I was getting some relief.

We watched a really goofy movie, “The Man To Killed Hitlet And Bigfoot”.   It got a rating of 3.3 on IMDB, even with Sam Elliot in the starting role.  We watched it because of him.

I didn’t even take the camera out, but I did get an email notice of a photo we took together a year ago today at the Chinese New Year celebration!

We really miss Colleen and her visits with us!

p.s. It tis 11:45 pm, and the medicine is working; I can sleep!!!

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Back Home!

[wpcode id=”76760″]In keeping with this year’s Daily Diary, here is another of my favorites from the 1950s.  This is the first piano solo to hit 1,000,000 records sold.  The year was 1955.

We got home at 6:00 am and dived into bed, trying to make as little noise as possible.  At 8:00 am, we woke up and visited Irene, who babysat while we checked the garden. Everything looked good.

After Irene left, we rested briefly before unpacking from the trip. By the end of the day, we had washed everything and put away 90% of it.

We were slugs most of the day doing mundane things like checking the mail and putting away freshly washed clothes.

At 3:00 pm, we started getting ready for the dance at the Elks which was themed “Razzle Dazzle”.

We were ready to go for at least two hours.

Jim and Vicky were in rare form this evening.

All Smiles

Donna and Bob were happy to see us back from the islands.

Dear Friends.

Never leave these two alone.

Goofing off.

What was I thinking; perhaps it was about my technicolor Dreamcoat.

Just us with me goofing off!

We left right after dinner and only danced once, as Mary was feeling ill and I had that annoying cough again!

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