Tag Archives: Family

Wednesday Has Arrived

I Remember Mom’s Laughing!  As  a little boy I opened the big family Bible. I was fascinated as I fingered through the old pages. Suddenly, something fell out of the Bible. I picked up the object and looked at it. … Continue reading

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Alive And Well! It’s A Good Thing!

Yep!  Last night I lay in bed looking up at the stars in the sky and I thought to myself, “Where the heck is the ceiling?!” We are off and running!  Diane and I made coffee and we had cereal … Continue reading

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Zip! Nada! Rest!

Duh! Always remember that you are absolutely unique… Just like everyone else… Today was zip! The hospital must have been rough as Sue slept until 10:00 AM and I had to call Maria, her barber,  to reschedule Sue’s hair appointment. … Continue reading

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Happy Wednesday…Golf Today?

Yup! Why do blondes have TGIF on their shoes? Toes go in first! Up! Up! It’s a brand new day!  I hopped in the car and off to the races…Staples for a print job…Ralph’s for beer and iced tea…CVS to … Continue reading

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Today Was The Day! We Are Great Grandparents Again!

It’s The Truth:  Great Grandma” doesn’t mean OLD – It means BLESSED and LOVED! We know that today is the day that Remy will be joining us so we started out normally with a walk!  Today I reached 700 miles!  … Continue reading

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Today Might Be The Day!

Wow! Great grandchildren are God’s way of compensating us for growing old. Time for a walk… Over to Staples and back as we have to be home at 11:00 AM. Off for the walk where I am going to pick up the … Continue reading

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Mid-Week – Golf!

Indeed! Our minister was the best golfer in town. Look at all the practice he’s had in keeping his head down. The day began with a walk…duh! The shopping list had three items so it is a must-go!  Of course … Continue reading

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Diane Heads Home

Oh Dear! By the time a man is wise enough to watch his step, he’s too old to go anywhere. We have had a wild three days with food being at the center!  Paul got on the scale this morning and … Continue reading

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An Adventure Day Topped Off With A Lind Visit!

It Always Bothered Me! Why does someone believe you when you say there are four billion stars, but check when you say the paint is wet? Love the picture of President Trump clearing the swamp.  When I retired from Boeing it was … Continue reading

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We Gots Company!

Did You Hear? A giant hole has appeared in the middle of Main Street. Authorities are looking into it.  I apologize, seemed funny to me!  So, with great vigor Paul jumped up this morning and get things ready for Diane’s arrival … Continue reading

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