Off And Running!

Today, we had no plans other than to visit my doctor to check my PSA status, which was scheduled for 11:45 am.  In November it will have been two years since my operation.

We strolled through the garden and visited the flowers before getting ready for the doctor’s office. The yellow flowers were out in force and lit up the backyard.

It’s the brightest yellow we have seen in years—so bright that I think we need sunglasses!

The decorations for the 4th of July look good, especially in the afternoon when the breeze comes up and they wave around.  A fully extended industrial windsock flying horizontally will indicate a wind velocity of 15 knots or faster. Therefore, if you see a windsock flying halfway there (the second half of the cone swinging sorrowfully), the wind speed can be estimated at half of that speed, meaning around 7 knots.

These guys say the wind is 7-10 knots late in the afternoon!

The Mother-In-Law tongues are doing quite well in their new home, and they like being watered once a day for five minutes.

Did You Know? While most plants take in carbon dioxide and release oxygen during the day, mother-in-law’s tongue plant also converts carbon dioxide to oxygen at night. They can perform a type of photosynthesis called Crassulacean Acid Metabolism (CAM), which is referred to as an ideal bedroom plant.

They will likely grow to be 30″ tall!

We placed additional windsocks on the gazebo in the “south 40”.  Don’t forget our Alexa Studio, aka “Johnny Cash Blaster 3000,” for our garden work sessions. It’s like having a 100W Johnny Cash jukebox in our backyard!

All we need is red, white, and blue LED lights, and we will be ready to dance.

The grass is in perfect shape for the August 3rd party!

It is going to be a beautiful day!

We have about 100+ onions in the gardens and use them almost daily! Some are getting huge, so we will pull them and dry them out to make room in the garden for other plants.

I love onions, and it is probably time to make onion soup!

The berries are coming on strong now and will continue to thrive as the days heat up!

We will likely be on vacation when the grapes are ready, but they should last until we return.

We found baby grapes at the top of the vines today, and they will be around for at least 60 days!

The patio area is finally in good shape after this weekend’s work.

We found out where the bunnies stay in the evening, at the base of the apple tree.

At 10:30 am we departed Casa Valencia for Dianne’s house with a large spaghetti squash and a box full of tomatoes.  We visited her for a few minutes before going to the doctor’s office near Saint Joseph’s Hospital in Orange,

The doctor read the report and said my PSA was zero (less than 0.2), so the operation remains successful.  After two more years of six-month checkups, I’ll be out of the woods obly need to go yearly.  Yeah!  We texted the good news to Dr. Dan (Becky’s son).

When we left the doctor’s office, it was lunchtime, and we decided to try the Tandoor Indian restaurant on Katella. Marilyn Bailey had recommended it, and she was entirely right.

Good groceries!!

Thank you, Marilyn, for the recommendation!  Unfortunately, I remembered about the fat cells!

So very true!

Mary decided to play it safe and ordered the lamb tiki with zero spices and a side salad while I went all in and asked for the tandoori chicken with a spice level of ten! My taste buds went on a rollercoaster while Mary’s salad played it safe like a kid-friendly merry-go-round.

Here are some trivia facts about tandoori cooking:

Origins – Tandoori cooking originated in the Indus Valley Civilization of ancient India over 5,000 years ago. Archeologists have found tandoor remains in Rajasthan, India, dating back to 2600 BC, around the same time as the pyramids. Early tandoors were likely made of clay and heated with wood or charcoal. They were used for various purposes, including baking bread, roasting meat, and keeping homes warm.

Design—The tandoor’s design and purpose evolved as civilizations grew and trade routes expanded. For example, the Romans used a similar clay oven called a “furious” for baking bread and cooking stews. Tandoors have also been found in ancient Egyptian and Mesopotamian civilizations.

Cooking method – Tandoori cooking is a high-heat method that uses direct heat and smoke from an internal charcoal or wood fire to cook food. Baking flatbread in a tandoor continues today in dishes like Indian roti, Afghan naan, and Turkmen chorek.

Tandoori chicken – Tandoori chicken is known for its orange exterior and typically includes chicken, honey, and tandoori masala.

The rice was cooked perfectly.

Mary and I thought the place was excellent—better than driving to Costa Mesa. The service was exceptional, and the waiter was super friendly; he had worked there for twenty-two years.


I put my chicken on the top of the rice.


I could have licked the plate!

After lunch, we went to Macy’s, as  Mary needed some goodies for the upcoming trip. We ended up at JCPenney’s before going home.

Go it!

We were home by 2:45 p.m. I went to the yard to finish work and clean up the HeShed. I needed to be able to get inside without having to do the twist! I finally came in at about 5:30 p.m.  Mary had just completed her packing list for the Caribbean.  I got on Amazon and ordered two additional suitcases.

We had a light dinner and binge-watched “The Good Doctor” until 10:00 pm when my eyes decided to close!

About Paul

Just an old retired guy trying to finish out my last years on this planet. I lost my best friend and wife in early 2020. I was blessed again by reconnecting with Dr. Mary Côté, a long-time friend. Mary and I got married July 28th, 2021, and are enjoying life together and plan to spend the rest of our lives being a blessing to our friends and family.
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