We Gardened Until We Needed To Ready For The Elks & Dancing!

Finally, it is Saturday, and we are back to “normal.”

Since we put in the front yard fence, I told Mary we could keep the curtains pulled in the front room and allow more light to come inside.  When I got up this morning, I remembered the conversation and went into the room to pull the curtains, and she had already pulled the curtains.  Do great minds think alike or not?  Wow!!

Wide open!

We worked in the yards for about five hours and showed Scout, The Wonder Dog, that he could go from front to back via the western side of the house.  He was amazed, and we think he thought he was in trouble for being in the front yard.  We finally convinced him that being in the front yard was OK as long as the new gate was closed.

Mary fixed breakfast, and we enjoyed it on the new fenced-in patio!

Breakfast out front!

The view was nice, plus we were in the shade until about noon when the sun was overhead1

Privacy but not isolation!

We overheard Scout bragging to his little friends down the street…

Scout is at it again!

Our artwork from Mexico got put on the side of the garage wall this morning, and we added a parrot Mary found on Amazon.

Wall art is now up and looks good!

The wind was blowing, and the wind chimes were singing their sweet song.  We enjoyed just sitting and watching the world go by!

It gives the house a new look!

The sunflowers in the foreground will soon be ten feet tall if all goes according to plan!

This giant among sunflowers is a fast grower whose single stalk can reach 12′ tall and produces one 10″-12″ flower!  Not fussy about soil, it’s easy to grow and drought tolerant.

Mammoth sunflowers originated in North America and were cultivated by Native Americans.  However, Eastern Europe made this plant even more popular in the eighteenth century.  Mammoth sunflowers were used during this period to meet the rising demand for sunflower seed oil.

Perfect for our needs!

We are done gardening and have to sit and scratch the baby!  Him needs his lovin’ for sure!

Mary trims the Fushia, and Scout looks for attention!

Carlos planted the two beautiful Geraniums that Becky brought to her mother for her birthday.  One is pink and the other blue.

Mary’s birthday flowers are now planted1

Mary worked inside the new fence, and I worked outside digging into the front garden with fresh peat moss and soil conditioners.  I even transplanted three red sunflowers.

We took a thirty-minute nap before getting ready for the Elks.  Tonight is “Dancing With The Stars,”  and the gang will be there to root our own “Bob & Donna” to victory!

We danced with the stars!

We danced with each other, not with the stars!  We do it for fun and do not mind missing a step or two along the way!

Great fun!

We stopped at Jan’s before going home.  We asked her to call us tomorrow and come by and visit; we shall see what happens, although I doubt if the phone will ring.

We visited Jan on the way home!

The house and new fence look great with the blue lights we have dialed in this week.

Home at 10:30 pm, and all is well!

We crashed as tomorrow we will start the Battle Of The Office, attempt to dig our desks, and maybe even pay the bills; what a novel idea!

About Paul

Just an old retired guy trying to finish out my last years on this planet. I lost my best friend and wife in early 2020. I was blessed again by reconnecting with Dr. Mary Côté, a long-time friend. Mary and I got married July 28th, 2021, and are enjoying life together and plan to spend the rest of our lives being a blessing to our friends and family.
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