Fact: In 1519, the Spanish found out that emperor Moctezuma enjoyed drinking a beverage prepared with chocolate and sweetened with honey. It later found worldwide acceptance known as “milkshakes.”
We departed the house in Precious this morning so she could get out and run a little bit. We stopped at CVS and the dry cleaners before getting to the Elks. The regulars were there and we shot arrows back and forth several times.
We stopped at Jan’s to say hello and drop off some goodies and then headed home. We contacted my doctor and we got the green light to use the Swim Spa. We stayed in a good hour and then rest of the night was the sweet sound of z-z-z-z-z-z-z-z-z’s
I hope your feeling much better. Happy to read the updates. I’m pleased and thankful that the procedures you endured, the surgery, and recovery went well. Life is precious and I live vicariously through you and Mary. God Bless both of you and your entire family.
p.s I’m not on here enough to keep up with the Liles but I’m happy that your doing well. Keep marching forward.
God Bless,
Traci Jordan