Estimated reading time: 8 minutes

Day #2 Sailing The Coast Of Bah-Haw Mexico!

Well, things are going OK now that I have managed to avoid a disaster!  What do I mean by disaster, well it is a “situation” that could be embarrassing..

Knock knock!  As the loving husband that I am, I offered to go to the cafeteria to grab some coffee and snacks for my wife, Dr.  Mary.  After carefully selecting the items, I balanced two cups of coffee, an orange juice, and a plate of treats.

With great skill, I managed to transport the items from the 15th-floor cafeteria down to the 9th-floor where we live.  However, when I arrived at our suite, my key failed to work, and I could not enter.  I knocked on the door, but there was no answer.  I hit harder, but still no response.  I pounded on the door, but there was still no answer.

Finally, the cabin steward came by and asked if she could help.  Frustrated, I explained that my key was not working and that I had been standing there for twenty minutes.

She laughed and said, “Mr. Paul, your suite is four doors down the hall!” I was relieved that the people in the cabin were not present, or else it would have been a very embarrassing situation!

I packed for two months but couldn’t find the wall plug for my MacBook Pro’s battery charger.  I had to search all my bags but found nothing, and I was worried I’d have to go into Cabo San Lucas to find an Apple store.  Then, I remembered my CPAP machine had a matching plug, and I could use it to charge my MacBook Pro.

Did you hear the latest trend is installing trampolines on cruise ships?  Now, everyone is jumping on board.

Mary talked me into going to a Yoga class.  It was the best five minutes ever.  The instructor said it was easy, ha!  I bent myself into a pretzel and heard something go SNAP; it was my backbone.  I got up, left the floor, and went to the treadmill, where I did thirty minutes at three miles per hour, getting my old heart rate to 106.

Proof I made it to the yoga class.

We saw the Crown Grill advertising its wares on our way to breakfast after the gym.  We decided to have one of each before the cruise ends.

I had a thought: What would you call the Bermuda triangle if it had 4 corners?  The Bermuda Wreck-Tangle.

This was quite an advertisement for the Crown Grill Steakhouse!

The seafood on board is also excellent, and there is a wide selection to choose from.

It’s all good!

We have not gone to the Crab Shack yet, but we still have fourteen days to go there.

I had seafood for dessert!

After a light breakfast at the trough, we returned to our room.  At the buffet (which I refer to as the trough), we jostled with the hippos and rhinos for scrambled eggs, cheese slices, and other delicious treats.  After sipping two cups of coffee and orange juice, we needed to rest.

Mary got me a new T-shirt!

We went to the room for a while and then ventured out again to go shopping.  Mary found some goodies to bring home to our family and friends.  I made sure we did not have to water or feed it.

Mary attempted to haggle.

She was happy, and the sales lady was delighted.

A pirate walks into a bar with a paper towel on his head.  The bartender asks, “Hey, what’s with the paper towel?” The pirate says, “Argh, I’ve got a Bounty on my head.”

I love this girl!

It was almost 1:00 pm, so we went to have an authentic, non-trough lunch, but there was a line.  However, if you were willing to sit with someone else, you could go to the front of the line.  We decided to meet new people and sat with a couple and their little girl at the window seat overlooking the fantail.  Lunch was great, and I had a hamburger again!

We had another decision to make.  Our couples massage is right in the middle of the formal night.  After considering various options, we ultimately decided to dress up early at 5:00 pm, get our photographs taken, and then hurry up the stairs to change into our gym clothes before the couples massage.

I decided to keep my observations to myself!

Someone took a nap!  I worked on the Daily Diary.  At 3:30 pm, we dropped everything and got ready for the evening activities.  We jumped into the shower and put on fresh new clothes.  We changed from grubbies to formal attire.  I must say, we looked dashing!


We visited five different locations for formal photos (there were seven photo locations sprinkled on decks 5,6 and 7) and then took a break.  While waiting for a drink, Mary took a picture of me.  Afterward, I tested the lens, and it did not crack!

Handsome devil!

At 6:00 pm, we ran to the room, threw off the formal attire, and returned to grubbies as we had to be in the SPA by 6:30 pm.  We made it with just minutes to spare.

She was ready for the SPA.

Then, just before we left, someone came to the door and delivered roses for M’Lady.   I arranged for them several weeks ago and almost forgot about them.  Mary was pleased as they were quite beautiful.

You are looking good!

Up to the 15th floor, we waited in the anti-room until our technicians gained enough courage to come out and face us.  I got the same lady who was with us on the August Hawaii cruise; we hugged and talked about her going home to Jamaica at the end of this cruise.

The massage was an hour long, and we were done for the evening!  We were as loose as a goose!  Being tough old birds, we resisted the urge to go to the cabin and crash!

Massage minus two minutes!

We didn’t want to go to a dining room, so we went to “The Trough,” which was actually pretty good.  Mary had healthy food while I indulged in seafood stew, Indian curry, and cold pasta salad and topped it off with  Jello!

We also managed to get the drink of the day, something called an eclipse (that sucker was all booze).  Needless to say, I got one and a half drinks as Mary just sipped her drink and made strange faces!

It was a bit windy but pleasant.

I “needed” an ice cream, so we stopped, and I got a Leonardo DaVinci, a tall glass of ice cream with various goodies.  We had time to kill, so Mary brought out her marked cards and beat me in Crazy-8!

We still had some energy, so we walked outside and decided to go to the production show, a tribute to soul music.  The show’s name was “Sweet Soul Music”.  It was pretty good.

We had great seats since we had a suite, we had seats reserved for us.  The show was good, and the costumes and dance routines were well done.

Excellent seats in the fifth row!

After the show, we took the express elevator to the 9th floor and got ready for bed.  It was a super day to share with my best friend.  With the suite sliding door wide open and the fresh air and sounds of the sea, we dropped off immediately.  I managed almost seven hours of sleep.

Tomorrow, Cabo San Lucas!

About Paul

Just an old retired guy trying to finish out my last years on this planet. I lost my best friend and wife in early 2020. I was blessed again by reconnecting with Dr. Mary Côté, a long-time friend. Mary and I got married July 28th, 2021, and are enjoying life together and plan to spend the rest of our lives being a blessing to our friends and family.
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