Estimated reading time: 2 minutes
May all your troubles last as long as your New Years resolutions?
Today I fussed getting preparations underway for this evening. Last minute people [uts/takes plus going to ORCC to assure the band was set up and tables were OK. Finally all was OK.
God gave me a signal as I back out of the driveway on the way to ORCC for the second time… All will be OK!

We got gussied up and headed over at 7:20 PM only to find out our dancers were already there…we forgot, dancers are ALWAYS on time or ahead of time. The girls had set up shop and were checking people in using my informal rag-tag sheet (I had new alphabetical ones in my hands).

The party got under. See the BIG WEBSITE to watch the evening unfold. We had a great time and we believe everyone else did also!

We all danced until about 1:00 AM and then headed home. We got home about 2:15 AM after assuring all was OK and all the guests were safe and sound!