New Years Eve 2019 At Old Ranch

"It wouldn't be New Year's if I didn't have regrets." - William Thomas

We Are Doing It Again!

Page Created December 29th 2018- Last Updated: 01/02/2025 13:40:PM

We arranged with Old Ranch last year to allow us to join their "private club event" New Years Eve. We bring our own band (and we are pretty good members) and take care of all the administrative's a win-win!

We are doing it again this year. We hired "Nine Carat Gold" to play at Old Ranch Country Club because they were such a hit! We have known the guys for 15+ years and they know of the modern gadget called a volume control! OMG! We can dance, dine, and talk at the same time!

We also invited their wives or significant others to be our guests for the evening so they could enjoy a great meal and lot of fun along with the rest of us!

As of today, December 29rd, we are "SOLD OUT" with 107 people joining us for the evening... For those who waited too long, we are sorry but the event appears to be fairly popular! Perhaps next year?

There will be a mix of our family,friends and a few of the Old Ranch "Old Timers" who enjoy good music and dancing. We have representatives from Nightlighters, Starlighters, and Topper's Dance Clubs with us also!

Several of the members of Old Ranch are going to join us for the festivities because they are "older" and appreciate good music and real dancing!

The Country Club party can join our area (seating permitting). You are welcome to join their casino on the banquet rooms next door. They are bringing a couple of "gambling" tables into our area so we do not have to walk so far!

This is the second time we have done this so we are excited to see how it is going to work out. Only time will tell! Perhaps we have a tradition started!

Remember Last Year? A Short Video Might Help!

The Theme Is "Havana Nights"

New Years Eve 2018 at Old Ranch Country Club

"Havana Nights" Came From The 1930's - 1960

It was during the presidency of Gerardo Machado in the '20s that Cuba's tourist trade really took off. Hotels, restaurants, night clubs, golf clubs and casinos sprung up in Havana catering to the rich jet-setters seeking luxury. Socialites, debutantes, celebrities like Ava Gardner and Frank Sinatra, and American mobsters came to play in the Cuban paradise.

Tourism, and the growing and selling of sugar, was making some Cubans rich, but not all Cubans. What the tourists didn't see, or didn't want to, was the underclass, people of poverty like the macheteros — sugarcane cutters — who worked only during the four month season, and the rest of the year were unemployed, and angry.

That degree of income inequality as well as accusations of corruption within the government of President Fulgencio Batista laid the groundwork for the Cuban Revolution, prompting an enduring economic embargo by the United States and the rapid end of Havana's high-life.

So It Be Told...

New Years Eve 2018 at Old Ranch Country Club

New Years Eve 2018 at Old Ranch Country Club

Thank You Old Ranch

As usual, the wait staff were masterful at gliding around the tables and dancers, bringing those special requests, and serving with a smile! They did a masterful job. To the management... "WELL DONE"