New Years 2010 Celebrations (Page One)

Be so busy loving your life that you have no time for hate, regret or fear.

New Years 2010

The Porter's joined us for the new years celebrations.  Of course, Fiorito's was first up! We spent New Years Eve going to lunch at One Hung Lows, to the movies to see The Princess and the Frog, and then to the Santa  Ana Elks Lodge.  On New Years  Day we ate our way through a big prime rib and crashed early.

On the second, we went to the Rose Parade Float (the Porter's left from there to go home) viewing area and then to Disneyland to see the Christmas Parade with just Hannah.

Fiorito's Italian Food

Dinner at Fioriot's

Dinner at Fioriot's

Dinner at Fioriot's

Dinner at Fioriot's

Dinner at Fioriot's

Dinner at Fioriot's

Dinner at Fioriot's

Dinner at Fioriot's

Dinner at Fioriot's

Panda Palace On New Years Eve Before The Movie

Panda Palace

Panda Palace

Panda Palace

Panda Palace

Panda Palace

We Headed For The Princess And The Frog

Off To The Elks In Santa Ana To Celebrate The New Year

We enjoyed the whole evening! Please see Page One and Page Two .

Off To The Rose Parade Floats

Please join us for a three hour walk around the floats!

A Little Humor

I am passing this on to you because it definitely worked for me today, and we all could probably use more calm in our lives!

Some doctor on the TV this morning said that the way to achieve inner peace is to finish all the things you have started. So I looked around my house to see things I'd started and hadn't finished and, before leaving the house this morning, I finished off a bottle of Merlot, a bottle of shhhardonay, a bodle of Baileys, abutle of vocka, a pockage of Pringlies, the res of the Chesescke a n a box a chocolets. Yu haf no idr ow frigin gud I fel. Peas sen dis orn to anyy yu
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