Tag Archives: Adult Movies

Golf And An Adult Movie (Madagascar III)

We played golf with James, Bunny, and Charlotte. Everyone did well but Paul could not hit the side of a barn. We returned to the clubhouse to have a snack before heading to the adult movies to see Madagascar III.  … Continue reading

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Adult Movie Night At The Marigold Hotgel!!

We played golf a bit early and Bunnaford joined us!  We then had a drink before meeting the Kuhn’s and Cathey’s plys Nancy for the “Adult Movies”*  Off we go to see “The Most Exotic Marigold Hotel“.  Summary: British retirees … Continue reading

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Visiting And The Adult Movies

We visited Kat today and she is doing OK.  She no longer knows us but seems to be happy when we visit her. We then headed for the movies to see “Mirror Mirror” with Vicky and Del with James and … Continue reading

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It Rained And We Went To The Adult Movies And Danced

Rainy day and we cancelled golf today and instead got our car serviced, went to lunch at California Pizza Kitchen,  and went to see “Puss In Boots“.  Summary: A story about the events leading up to the sword fighting cat’s … Continue reading

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Adult Movies On A Rainy Wednesday Eve

The day was started with Paul’s annual physical and all news was excellent. We celebrated at George’s Greek Restaurant in Belmont Shores for lunch and tried the “flaming cheese” . The rest of the day was chores and shopping.  It … Continue reading

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It’s Been Almost Two Weeks And Sue Is At Week Six

Can’t keep Grandma Sue down…. Geeze!  Paul works in the yard and he sees a blurr pass by… a plane? a bird? No, it’s Super Sue doing her “walking” exercises. Today was a “Dave Day” as we are the executors … Continue reading

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Yes, we played golf but then we did ADULT MOVIE NIGHT…. No no, it’s really OK.  The adults went to the movies.  Bunnaford, Nancy, Carri, Greg and us went to the early bird movies at Four Star and saw Jonny … Continue reading

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Tuesday Was Golf And Adult Movie Night

Ed, the bachelor for two more days, joined us at Old Ranch for a good round of golf. After golf, we head for the adult movies. (Oops!  I mean adults go to the movies) The adult movie for today is … Continue reading

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Busy Day: Golf & Adult Movie Gnomeo & Juliet

We began the day EARLY by taking Dave to the doctor for was to have been cancer biopsy at 6:00 am.  Due to an emergency room problem, we wasn’t seen until 9:00 and then we discovered the lymph nodes were … Continue reading

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Adult Movie Night: Toy Story 3

Yup!  James & Linda, Del and Vicky joined us (Paul & sue) for adult night at the movies.  We decided to see Toy Story 3 and it was great!!!!  We went to Preveza afterwords for a late dinner!  Great fun! … Continue reading

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