Busy Day: Golf & Adult Movie Gnomeo & Juliet

We began the day EARLY by taking Dave to the doctor for was to have been cancer biopsy at 6:00 am.  Due to an emergency room problem, we wasn’t seen until 9:00 and then we discovered the lymph nodes were fine, no biopsy needed.  We canceled out golf lesson but did manage to get to Old Ranch for Lunch!  Bunnaford joined us for eighteen holes  (we only did 14 because of time) and it was a beautiful winter day… a little cool but pretty!

The temperature was in the low 60’s but manageable

After a quick drink on the 18th hole, we headed for home to meet up with Nancy and Greg so we could go to the adult movies….  No, not that kind… Adult night AT the movies.  We saw Gnomeo & Juliet. Summary: Garden gnomes Gnomeo (voice of McAvoy) and Juliet (voice of Blunt) have as many obstacles to overcome as their quasi namesakes when they are caught up in a feud between neighbors. But with plastic pink flamingos and lawnmower races in the mix, can this young couple find lasting happiness?

Funny funny funny!

We then headed for Fio Rito’s for dinner and Ernie & John plus Vicky & Del joined us!  Quite amazing, Herb & Irene were there and we had their usual table.

Bunnaford does magic

It was Greg’s birthday so the place because a minor riot!

Stories to tell about Craig’s List

Time to head for home….

Sue and Bunnaford make a final check on the table to see what the guys left behind!

We ended the evening by watching three saved-up NCIS episodes… We are now caught up!


About Paul

Just an old retired guy trying to finish out my last years on this planet. I lost my best friend and wife in early 2020. I was blessed again by reconnecting with Dr. Mary Côté, a long-time friend. Mary and I got married July 28th, 2021, and are enjoying life together and plan to spend the rest of our lives being a blessing to our friends and family.
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