Estimated reading time: 5 minutes
I had difficulty sleeping last night because I was going for a blood test at 10:00 am, so I decided to study to ensure I passed. Mary got me up early, had me shower, and changed my underwear; she said, “You never know!”
What do you say when two red blood cells get married? Coagulations!
After the blood test, which, by the way, I passed with flying colors, we passed the pharmacy, and it had an amazing display of what they say is old stuff. Hells Bells, I recognized each one and used the products over my lifespan! “Old Stuff,” phooey!
Just a few years ago, when I was young, I used to mix Phillips Mike Of Magnesia with Vodka to make a Phillips Screwdriver.

The local pharmacy has a great display!
We departed the testing facility quickly before he discovered I substituted Josh Cellars Cabernet Sauvignon for y blood.
Laguna Hills Nursery is interesting as they always have an eclectic mix of veggies, and we have several plants to take home.

We needed some last-minute supplies.
When we walked into the house, Scout was cowering behind the sofa, staring at the squash, which he thought would attack him. We assured Scout that there was nothing to fear. This week, we shall be cooking a lot of squash (and this is after deliveries to friends of an equal amount!).

We picked, and OMG, we are overloaded.
We made an amazing, astonishing, astounding, fabulous, fantastic, fantastical, incredible, miraculous, phenomenal, prodigious, stupendous, unbelievable, wonderful, wondrous breakfast. Mary had fresh greens and fried three beautiful rooster eggs. I, on the other hand, prepared two breakfast steaks!
We dined and talked and just planned out the day.
Afterward, the kitchen looked like a crime scene from a spaghetti western. I bravely volunteered for cleanup duty since it seemed like a job for someone with a strong stomach. Meanwhile, Mary transformed into a gardening superhero with her outfit complete with a cape made of leaves.

Right AFTER breakfast!
We worked in the garden from noon until almost 5:00 p.m., planting, and mulching where the sun had reduced the straw to dust. At 5:00 p.m., we declared victory and went VFR to the patio for vino!
Mary bugged me about washing my hands, and I reminded her that germs were healthy!

Gloves? What are gloves?
After a swig of wine, the iPhone and I returned to the crime scene. The iPhone insisted on using its “find my wine” feature, but all it kept locating was a bunch of grapes.
The green beans are snaking up their support and blossoming like mad. The watermelon is beginning to spread, so we will keep an eye on it so it does not become too leggy.

How does our garden grow?
“Attention, peas and cucumbers! Please remember to climb the trellis in an orderly manner, if you don’t mind. No pushing or shoving; we want hanging vegetables, not a vegetable brawl. I appreciate your cooperation!”

It looks really good; we will be full of tomatoes in another month.
And one of our favorite beds, the berries. They got so big that they took over the strawberry patch, so maybe next year, we will move the strawberries somewhere else.

Turn black!
Returning to the patio, Scout (aka Luigi) was lounging around like a furry diva, getting pampered by Mommy, who was busy brushing him and collecting enough hair to knit a new cat on the side.

Spoiled baby!
After the brushing, Mary and I again visited the garden and set up the rabbit trap. If that little turd shows up again, I am going into the garage and get the electric fence which will light up his life with 25,000 volts of electricity. You have been warned!

Fried green tomatoes are in the future.
What is the history of fried green tomatoes? – Fried green tomatoes are usually associated with the South, but if you were to look in Southern newspapers or cookbooks before the 1970s, you wouldn’t find mention of them anywhere. Jewish immigrants brought This dish to the US in the 19th century, later appearing in Northeastern and Midwestern cookbooks.
The bird machines are working well; we have had zero bird issues. However, we are looking for a bunny wheel!

We need one of these to scare the rabbits away!
We were aching, and that meant going to the swim spa. We entered the water aching and departed refreshed. It was 8:00 p.m., so Mary decided to assist me with finishing off our Ireland Adventure website.
She read and suggested/corrected while I feverishly attempted to keep up with the iMac’s overload. It took us an hour, but all is well. PLEASE JOIN US!