Estimated reading time: 5 minutes

Day 9 – The Day Was Magnificent

Our Irish Holiday: Day 1Day 2Day 3Day 4Day 5Day 6
Day 7Day 8Day 9Day 10Day 11Day 12 

Estimated reading time: 5 minutes

It was a beautiful Irish morning with the sun shining and not a rain cloud in the sky.  We had breakfast in our room and then got ready about an hour ahead of schedule.  We wanted just to sit and watch the cows graze in the fields.

We are ready!

We decided to add some color to our surroundings.

Color us in love!

Mary watches the doggy reels on Facebook, and I can tell when she comes across a good reel—the whole room lights up!

Someone has the giggles.

See what I mean!  Her laughter was contagious, so the whole room was giggling with her.

Her Facebook Dashounds had Mary in stitches.

The view is very soothing to the soul. It makes you want to wander the field with the cows.

Did you hear about the cow that tried to jump a barbwire fence? It was an udder disaster.

Enjoying a glass of wine and watching the pasture.

At 2:00 pm, Mary went upstairs to assist Becky in getting ready.  They visited for a while, and then Mary returned to the lounge, where we met up with Geoff.

We polished off one more drink before heading to the bus that will take us to the wedding site.

Mom helped Becky get ready at 2:00 pm

We met Dan’s folks, who turned out to be delightful and funny!  Patty and I took a load of pictures on our way to the bus.

Patty, the groom’s mother, was a kick in the pants!

At 2:20 pm, we were all bussed out to the lawn where the Moon Gate is located.  It was a short ride and that made sure everyone was in place and ready for the ceremony to begin!

Last minute coordination was underway!  Dan’s son did the officiating which was a nice touch!

Dan, his two sons Liam and Connor, and the wedding coordinator are in serious discussions.

Becky made her way to her intended via the Moon Gate.  The gate was designed to frame the setting sun, giving it a magical appearance, ever changing as the seasons progress.

It was a stunning entrance.

As the bagpipes played in the background, Becky came to the front of the tent where Dan and his son were waiting.

We were bussed to the wedding site.

The wedding party requested no pictures during the ceremony (a good idea) so we honored their request and put the iPhones away!

When they exchanged their vows, there was not a dry eye in the house!

After the ceremony and short bus ride to the Manor House, we had champagne in the front lawn and awaited the arrival of the bride and groom (who were taking some photo ops).

Geoff and David, Mary’s two sons.

The happy couple arrives to a thunderous applause.

The bride and groom arrive.

The picture of happiness.

Looking good.

The wedding was a black-tie event, and everyone was dressed to the nines.

May you both live as long as you want, and never want as long as you live.

A more handsome group you will not find.

Dan’s children were out in full force.

Dan’s children were there.  Liam, Emma, and Connor.

The moms were partying heartily!

The moms were also celebrating.

As everyone enjoyed their dinner, the newlyweds were beaming at the front of the hall, basking in the joy of the moment.

Dinner room.was served in the Lady Helen dining.

The moms discovered Becky right before the dancing commenced.


This afternoon, Dan’s family was absolutely ecstatic!

Dan’s parents.

After our delightful dinner, we made our way into the adjacent room where lively dance music filled the air. We couldn’t resist the temptation and decided to join in for a couple of dances. However, we soon realized that the music was so loud that it almost overwhelmed our hearing aids, making it quite a challenge to fully enjoy the experience.

Dancing got underway right after dinner.

We went to the 1757 Lounge and joined a group of older individuals who wanted the noise level reduced. After having a couple of drinks, we went upstairs around midnight.

We escaped into the relative quiet of the 1757 patio.

May you two always be as as happy as us!

About Paul

Just an old retired guy trying to finish out my last years on this planet. I lost my best friend and wife in early 2020. I was blessed again by reconnecting with Dr. Mary Côté, a long-time friend. Mary and I got married July 28th, 2021, and are enjoying life together and plan to spend the rest of our lives being a blessing to our friends and family.
This entry was posted in Adventures, Dancing, Dining Out, Family, Friends, Memories. Bookmark the permalink.

2 Responses to Day 9 – The Day Was Magnificent

  1. George s Ennis says:

    Outstanding photos’ Everyone in the wedding part is included. Great experience.

  2. Wil Tomkiel says:

    TY for the beautiful pictures of the setting and groups of good looking people.

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