Day 3; The Angry Seas Subside

We woke up at around 3:00 am and spent half an hour deliberating on what to do for the day.  However, I went back to sleep as I needed to rest before my 8:00 am appointment.

What vegetable isn’t allowed on cruise ships?  Leeks

At 7:00 am, there was a knock at the door.  Initially, I was worried that something was wrong, but it was a surprise breakfast I had ordered for us.  The breakfast included hot coffee, croissants, apple juice, and grapefruits.  Despite my disheveled appearance, I went to the door, and the waiter jumped backward and screamed in some foreign language.  He was surprised by my appearance.  Once the waiter had recovered, he set up the meal in our living room and left.

Breakfast is served!

What would you call the Bermuda Triangle if it had 4 corners? The Bermuda Wreck-Tangle!

When I uncovered the meal, it was NOT what I ordered.  Mary intercepted my order and replaced it with healthy stuff.  Below is what I thought we were getting.

The breakfast I tried to order, Mary canceled it!

It is 8:00 am, and I am off, heading to Mary’s favorite spot, the Spa.  They will give her a complementary key to the facility if she purchases one more item.

I am getting poked again, experiencing sciatica, and I am willing to try any treatment that may alleviate my pain.  Mary informed me that she arranged a meeting with Ed, who has promised to provide us with significant savings on the treatments.  What can Ed do differently?

After getting acupuncture yesterday, my chronic muscle pain was gone entirely.  That proves the point that the pin really is mightier than the sore.

We made a yoga appointment at 9:00 am, but my treatment lasted too long.  Mary went by herself.  It was fortunate that I left a trail of breadcrumbs for her to follow.   I returned to the room, showered, and got ready to go out and about.

Her class was over at 9:50 am, and I gave her some sage advice when I picked her up after her yoga class to go to Breakfast #2.

Advice on request!

After finishing our yoga session, we headed to the 16th floor for a delicious breakfast in the suite guest-only dining area.  This morning, everything was calm and still, including the hanging lamps, which were dancing all over yesterday morning.

We ate lightly so we could go to lunch around noon.  This is a formal night, and we have reservations at the Grille at 6:00 pm.  We asked Dave and Linda to join us so the evening will be fun.

Mary asked me not to play with my food.  I am a husband; I did not listen!

After lunch, Mary and I went to the future cruise desk and changed Mary’s profile.  We also checked on our next Mexican cruise and the upcoming Panama Canale cruise.

It’s nearly time for lunch, and we’ve decided to skip a meal to enjoy the steak we have planned for dinner tonight.  We went out on the Promenade Deck and walked the ship’s length, so small endeavor.  It usually extends from bow to stern on both sides and includes areas open to the outside, resulting in a continuous outside walkway suitable for promenading, thus the name.

We are on the promenade deck.

We decided to go inside where it was not windy; I was afraid it would mess up my do!

It was in the high 60s and windy (we were moving at 20 knots)

We stopped for a quick drink and met some funny folks.  Then we went to our room to prepare for the couple’s massage.  Mary has new flowers awaiting her.

Flowers for M’Lady!

We received a 45-minute massage this time, but we plan to extend it to 75 minutes next time.  The experience was incredibly soothing, and we enjoyed being attended by two excellent technicians.  Paul kept them entertained throughout the entire session with his witty remarks.

It’s NOT what you think; we did a couples massage!

We quickly returned to our room to prepare for the formal night.  I needed to assemble my tuxedo while Mary attended to her grooming routine.  She looked stunning, and I felt fortunate to be her companion for the evening, enjoying each other’s company and dancing the night away.

We had canapes waiting when we returned.

We had a dinner reservation at the Grille for 6:00 pm.  I’m excited to try the ribeye steak again – it was terrific last time!  We dressed up nicely for the formal evening.  Mary looked stunning, and before we left, I playfully chased her around the bed three times (luckily, her youth allowed her to stay ahead of me).

How did I ever get so lucky??

Dressed in our finest attire, we stopped at two places to have formal portraits taken on our way to dinner.

Before dinner, we stopped by the Salty Dog Cafe for a glass of wine.  Afterward, we headed to the Grille and met with David and Linda.

Dinner was fine until…..

Just us

As soon as we placed our meal orders, an emergency announcement came over the PA system from the Captain.  A medical situation required an ophthalmologist, and he urgently requested assistance.

I calmed Mary down and assured her that what had happened wasn’t a joke.  We quickly made our way to the doctor’s station on deck four.  With Mary’s assistance, the onboard physicians could adjust the medication and recommend bringing in a specialist to meet us at the next port or fly out to the ship.  The Captain even contemplated turning the ship around and heading back to LA!

The Captain and the onboard MD stood in the doctor’s office with Mary.  It was an interesting way to meet the Captain.

Ophthalmologist on demand.

After returning to our dinner, we relished a delicious meal.  I managed to surprise David with four lobsters, which left him pleasantly astonished.

We departed the Grille and went to the 18th floor to dance.  We were able to dance once, but the music was not our style.  We may see the Cruise Director tomorrow and get some changes made!

We walked outside on our way back to the cabin where they had “Movies Under The Stars.”  There we a few hearty soles outside this evening but not us.

Movies under the stars!

We were exhausted and crashed when we arrived home at around 11:15 pm.  The day had been long, but we were looking forward to an even better one tomorrow.

About Paul

Just an old retired guy trying to finish out my last years on this planet. I lost my best friend and wife in early 2020. I was blessed again by reconnecting with Dr. Mary Côté, a long-time friend. Mary and I got married July 28th, 2021, and are enjoying life together and plan to spend the rest of our lives being a blessing to our friends and family.
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