Day 4; Half Way There

The sea makes me quite dumb!  I departed quickly for the 8:00 am appointment, sat there for ten minutes, and was told I was an hour early; the time had changed last night.

As a thoughtful husband, I treated my wife to a delicious breakfast buffet.  I filled my plate with breakfast goodies like banana nut bread, beef, bananas, coffee, milk and cream and headed to our cabin, excited to surprise my lady.  But unfortunately, I completely forgot that we had already ordered breakfast to be delivered to our room.  Now, we have so much food that it could easily feed an entire army!

It’s currently 7:21 am, and Dr. Mary has finished her shower. We’re now sitting down to tackle the piles of food, which means lunch won’t be a concern for us.

According to the ship’s time, I went for my acupuncture appointment at 8:00 am and finished by 9:00 am.  Upon my return to the cabin, the ship’s doctor contacted Dr. Mary to come and examine the patient.

Mary was getting things in order so she could go out in public.

This amazingly beautiful lady does not require much preparation.

We are scheduled to visit the medical facilities on deck four at 10:00 am.  The doctor found a “slit lamp,” but she was unsure how to operate it, so she called the cabin, and we went a little early to check it out.

It was dusty but usable!

A slit lamp is a microscope with a bright light used during an eye exam.  It gives your ophthalmologist a closer look at the different structures at the front of the eye and inside the eye. It’s a vital tool in determining the health of your eyes and detecting eye disease.

We went to vegetable and fruit carving as soon as the exam was over.  Great fun!

Amazing what they can do with veggies.

After the veggie chopping, we went for a drink and headed upstairs to our sanctuary on the 18th floor, where it’s quiet.  I decided to try out the “order from your phone” feature of the Medallion application, and within seven minutes, we had a mojito and a glass of wine delivered to us.

The noon announcement from the Captain named “Dr. Mary Côté” as the hero of the boat for coming to the rescue of the passenger in need.  The captain also announced (due to Mary’s diagnosis) the ship is increasing speed, and we will arrive in Hilo sixteen hours early.

You go, girl!!

We went back to our cabin after lunch because the surrounding areas were too noisy. It was amusing to see the people grazing at the buffet; they seemed like pros.

We took a short break before our scheduled activities and contacted the mainland via phone. We talked to Colleen, Dianne, and Irene. We had hula lessons at 2:00 pm, wine tasting at 3:00 pm, line dancing at 4:00 pm, and pre-dinner dancing at 5:00 pm. Dinner was served at 6:00 pm. There was never a dull moment on the ship!

Hands up, step left!

Now we get serious and go for wine tasting.  I told Mary that she should not gargle, but she did anyway.  They had a nice selection of wines, and we even found some reds that we will try late on in our voyage.  We still like our two-buck Chuck!

Wine improves with age. The older I get, the better I like it.

Like an ophthalmology office, glasses are everywhere!!

Then off to line dancing class, but the line dancing was not what we were used to, so we quit after a half-hour.  We tried to follow the lead, but our old bones do not do well jumping up and down on hard surfaces.

“Enough!  I give up!!”

After enjoying acoustic guitar music and a glass of wine at the Salty Dog upstairs, we headed to the Bonnatelli Restaurant.  On the way, we stopped to talk to the photo people and learned that we had purchased the premium voyage package, which includes all of our photos downloaded to our computer for “free.”

Just us!

Dang! She has a bad case of pretty! We call this photo, “Beauty And The Beast”

It’s dinner time, and although we’re already full from our visit to the buffet, we ordered anyway.

Dinner in Italy!

Dinner at sea a hundred years ago was not like this. Mary had cod, I went for the beef Wellington,  and we opted to shared a sugar-free dessert.

Roast beef!

After dinner, we went to the show via the onboard library because our handheld electronic books would not join the Wifi!  Why did the book join the police? She wanted to go undercover.

Decisinos decisions!

The show was good but I kind of checked for light leaks during most of the performance.  I was overdosed on food.  Note to self:  Call Irene and have her hide the bathroom scales before we arrive home.

Why did the book join the police?  He wanted to go undercover.

At the theater, we sat next to a comedian we had seen the day before.  We complimented him on his hilarious and clean performance.

Upon returning to our suite, we were pleasantly surprised by the two bottles of champagne, a beautifully decorated bed, and strawberries dipped in chocolate!

Gifts from the medical staff

The card was from the medical staff.

Card from the medical staff

Mary was the hero of the boat!  She is now well known by many of the staff members.

As we entered the cabin, we noticed flickering lights.  The interior was beautifully decorated.  Tonight, Paul will have to sleep on the couch!

Oh My!!

We had planned to go out again, but once we sat down, we realized how beautiful the day was and how tired we were.  By 10:30 pm, we were exhausted.  A glass of champagne and soft music had put us to sleep.


About Paul

Just an old retired guy trying to finish out my last years on this planet. I lost my best friend and wife in early 2020. I was blessed again by reconnecting with Dr. Mary Côté, a long-time friend. Mary and I got married July 28th, 2021, and are enjoying life together and plan to spend the rest of our lives being a blessing to our friends and family.
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