Day 2 – Sailing Sailing Over The Bounding Main

The ocean was choppy today!

We woke up early and left our room around 8:00 am to find breakfast.  Our destination was the DaVinci Dining Room, where we were seated in the Suite guest area.  The ambiance was peaceful, and the table settings were beautiful.  We chose a table by the window and enjoyed a light breakfast.  Mary’s tummy was a little out of sorts as the ocean was giving the ship a few bounces; we had never seen so many drunks walking in the public areas before, and they we all falling over.

How low can you go?  How about Deck 6?  The little green dot is where we sat in the dining area.

Mary chose a light meal because her stomach wasn’t feeling quite settled.  They scrounged around the kitchen and brought her some apple sauce.  They get two points for that!!   In contrast, I decided to have the lox and bagels.  Lox is a salmon fillet that’s been brined and sometimes smoked.  It’s commonly served on a bagel with cream cheese and often accompanied by tomato, sliced onion, cucumbers, and capers.

We were satisfied with the menu options provided.  However, most individuals opted for the buffet, which had abundant food but was noisy and overcrowded.

As suite guests, we had breakfast at the Italian restaurant on the 16th floor.  It was a special breakfast that we wanted to try.  Interestingly, we recognized the Maître d’ as our friend from the previous night.  To add to our delight, our waiter from the grille last night was also present.

Breakfast #2 began at 9:00 am!

From Deck #6 to Deck #16

Mary stayed with easy food, but I ordered the lox and bagels special; this time, it was with trout instead of salmon.

Yes, this is breakfast #2

Mary got her latte.  A latte or caffè latte is a milk coffee made up of one or two shots of espresso, steamed milk, and a final, thin layer of frothed milk on top.

Being a creature of habit, I redid breakfast #1, only ten floors up!

The ocean gods were angry, and the ship had to close the promenade deck because the water splashed to the sixth floor.

Dramamine was now a requirement.

We stopped at the pharmacy and got some Dramamine.  You probably didn’t know this: Benadryl and Dramamine are the same drugs.  Keep reading.  Dramamine has a different generic name (dimenhydrinate).  Since its active component is Benadryl, it is also a first-generation antihistamine and H1-receptor antagonist.

It’s nearly 10:00 am, and it’s time for us to head to the Spa.  I have an acupuncture session scheduled for my thumbs, while Mary has booked a facial treatment.  If her skin looks any younger, people might think I’m dating someone much younger than me!

As someone who trusts easily and has never tried acupuncture before, I followed the doctor into a dimly lit room.  He spoke in Chinese, and I pretended to understand.  Suddenly, he brought out a bag of needles that looked like they could have been used on a tyrannosaurus rex.  These needles were nine inches long, and he stuck them in places I never thought possible.  I screamed and yelled so loudly that the ship’s security staff rushed in, worried that a crime was being committed.

I wasn’t aware that Mary had called the Spa on their private line to add an acupuncture procedure just for me.  She said I’ve been overeating.

Only time will tell.

I have to confess the session turned out better than I expected.  By the end, my thumb felt noticeably improved, which was a pleasant surprise.  I plan to schedule some appointments with him for my sciatica.

Mary’s facial treatment went smoothly.  A facial includes a range of facial skincare procedures, such as steam, exfoliation, extraction, creams, lotions, facial masks, peels, and massage.  These treatments are usually offered in beauty salons and spas and are beneficial for overall skin health and addressing specific skin concerns.

The first set of appointments was completed at noon, and Mary decided to take another treatment at 1:00 pm, which lasted two hours.  So we stopped at the local saloon and had a drinky-poo.

I told Mary, “Why mess with perfection?”

We enjoyed a glass of wine while admiring the overhead lighting in the central courtyard.  At 12:55 pm, I accompanied her to the Spa, her home away from home, and then returned to the cabin to work on the daily diary.  It is 1:30 pm, and I intend to locate a bar and wait until 3:00 pm to collect her so we may have tea before dancing for an hour and concluding with dinner.  These days at sea are tough!

The saloon overlooked the center court.

I rushed to the Spa at 3:00 pm, like Mary’s second home.  I asked about the head transplant progress, but my question was met with laughter.  However, Mary soon emerged from the procedure and looked amazingly different.  I hardly recognized her!

Hubba, Hubba, Hubba!

We went to an afternoon tea and enjoyed meeting some friendly individuals.  Even though the tea wasn’t exactly what we were used to, it was still reasonably good.  At present, we’re back in our room, eagerly anticipating the next activity.

Mary and I attended a gathering of veterans at 4:00 pm.  There were around fifty people present, with Mary being the only female and the highest-ranking officer there.  She shared her story of working at the VA for thirty years and the level of an eighteen-year-olds discharge, which the group enjoyed.  Afterward, several guys approached her to express their gratitude.

Stories were told1

We encountered some amiable people and extended an invitation for them to dine with us.  They shared our conservative views and regaled us with numerous anecdotes that kept us laughing throughout the meal.

We had planned to attend the 9:30 pm dance, followed by the 10:30 comedy show, and then head up to the 18th-floor lounge for the 11:30 pm dance.  However, due to our age catching up with us, we decided to return to our cabin instead.  Mary quickly fell asleep.

She did NOT need her beauty sleep; she was beautiful already!

Tomorrow at 8:00 am, I am going to the Spa for another acupuncture treatment; why not?  9:00 am breakfast, and then the day begins.

About Paul

Just an old retired guy trying to finish out my last years on this planet. I lost my best friend and wife in early 2020. I was blessed again by reconnecting with Dr. Mary Côté, a long-time friend. Mary and I got married July 28th, 2021, and are enjoying life together and plan to spend the rest of our lives being a blessing to our friends and family.
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