T=0; We Are Off

Hang on; we are off on a fantastic adventure!

At 6:00 a.m., the Liles’ household is bustling with last-minute packing and unpacking as they try to fit everything into their suitcases like bees in a hive.  However, we found time to walk the garden and brought in a cantaloupe, which we opened and devoured.

It tastes like real cantaloupe, not what you get in the market!

Our house/dog sitter and Robin will arrive at 9:00 a.m.  We will load the van up and head toward San Pedro.

Remember: Never stop doing things for the first time.

At 10:00 a.m., we left home and arrived at 11:08 a.m., thanks to our careful planning.  However, during check-in, I made a mistake and left my passport in the carry-on bag that was supposed to be delivered to our room.  It was a “Bob Duda” moment.

I had to locate the head porter to explain my mistake.  He had a good laugh, and we found the bag after three attempts.  However, I couldn’t find my passport inside, which frustrated me.  Fortunately, Mary reached in and found it.  Now, we can continue on our journey.

We went to our suite and had no baggage yet, so we began to explore the ship, which is a lot of walking.  I needed a drink, so we stopped at the closest lounge.

First stop: the bar!

Mary loves the word “spa,” so we went to the spa lady on the ship’s front 18th floor.  Mary and the spa lady became friends and signed us up for all the activities.  She even convinced me to take a yoga class.  Oh my!

We will be seeing a lot of her.

She signed us up for “one of each,” including a mani/petti at 4:00 pm (both of us)

We had a late lunch before exploring the ship!

Before my first manicure, I needed to walk to build my courage.  I drank!  The outside temperature is a balmy 78 degrees, not a cloud in the sky!

We are off at 5:30 pm sharp!

Charlie and his family are having a fun evening swim party at home!  Irene happily joined in and got to meet the other guests.  Everyone seems to be having a great time!

Meanwhile, Charlie and his friends were having a swimming party at home to celebrate his 16th birthday!

I have new toes and fingernails; therefore, I wanted to test them, so we walked.  The wind was perfect as it dried her nails just right.

It’s windy!

When Mary came back to the room, her luggage had arrived.  It was so much that two porters had to help fit all her suitcases in the space.  The porters even joked, asking if she was going on a world cruise.

We got most everything put away; my clothes are sitting on the chair on the balcony.

It was time to dance, and we had the floor to ourselves.

Time to dance

We did some business at the Service Desk before going to dinner.

We took care of business at the Passenger Service Desk

We had a wonderful time at the Crown Grill restaurant.  Since we were suite passengers, we were given a free dinner, but the food was so excellent that we booked several more reservations during my trip.  My steak was exceptional, and Mary indulged in the enormous and delicious 12,000-pound lamb chop.

Dinner at the Grill was terrific!

The restaurant manager was delightful; we are confident he will recall us for future occasions.

The restaurant manager liked Mary (what’s not to like?)

After dinner, we went to a comedy show, which was a lot of fun.  The comedian was clever, and the content was suitable for all ages.  We enjoyed ourselves.  Since it was already 11:00 p.m., we decided to call it a night and go to bed.

About Paul

Just an old retired guy trying to finish out my last years on this planet. I lost my best friend and wife in early 2020. I was blessed again by reconnecting with Dr. Mary Côté, a long-time friend. Mary and I got married July 28th, 2021, and are enjoying life together and plan to spend the rest of our lives being a blessing to our friends and family.
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