It’s Thursday And All Is Well!

What do you get when you cross a vampire and a snowman? Frostbite.

You know the drill, we are up at them early! We went into the swim spa to get the day started; Colleen was asleep, and staying outside was good.

We have a “family wall,” and we plan to put our kids, grandkids, and great-grandkids on display!  Mary had pictures of her kids at the old house, so we put a few of them on a convenient bookshelf.

Mary’s kids are now on display; I am arranging for mine.

I still have my bronze shoes, and they are 75 years old!

The fall flowers are beautiful, and they decorate all around the house.  We have yet to put up the garlands, but that will be on Saturday,

Need I say more?

Fall flowers light the place up!

Every room is decorated, including the exercise room with Witchy rides the elliptical instead of a broom!

The witch gets some exercise!

It is Thursday, and that means Girls Night Out at the Elks.  We had a load of fun, and the hat prize was awarded to Linda.  Check out the side of the hat carefully; such boney fingers you have!

Linda has a great hat; look carefully.

The usual suspects were in attendance, although the Sea Booger Lady was not there; Iris had a card game, and there was no Sea Boogers to be had!

Girls Night Out is becoming popular.

After lunch, we stopped by Mary’s work to get a stamp so the new doctor taking her practice over could send out announcements, and with Mary’s name on the envelope, people will open it.   Then we drove to his offices in Irvine and delivered the stamp to his office.

Back home, we did some chores; Mary dead-headed the roses again while I took out the trash.  We had another six large 90-gallon cans of refuse!  Where is it all coming from!

Back home, we do some gardening.

By dusk, we were tired and decided it was Halloween movie time.  Colleen, Mary, and I found comfortable spots to crash in the TV Room and watched Hocus Pocus all the way through and then Haunted Mansion!

After the movie, we again hit the swim spa because Mary has to work tomorrow and a good night’s sleep is helpful!

Upon arriving at the hot tub/swim spa I realized that Mary had redecorated the tub!  I think I will let her go in first!

M-m-m-m-m-m; I may have to reconsider!

Just before crashing, we went upstairs to see our handiwork in the dark.  We have done an excellent job!

Mary had a great idea; we put the orange lights OVER the white lights.  It gave the tree a candy-corn look!

Our Halloween tree is decorated!

The decorations are fun, and we will change the tree to a Thanksgiving tree in a month!

Look closely, and you will see.

I use my LIFX bulbs all over the house to change colors and be programmed to go through a sequence of effects.  Well, we chose a simple pumpkin color for the lights upstairs.

My lights can change colors, almost 64,000,000 different colors!

Now it is time to crash as tomorrow is another busy day!

About Paul

Just an old retired guy trying to finish out my last years on this planet. I lost my best friend and wife in early 2020. I was blessed again by reconnecting with Dr. Mary Côté, a long-time friend. Mary and I got married July 28th, 2021, and are enjoying life together and plan to spend the rest of our lives being a blessing to our friends and family.
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