What do Black Friday shoppers and the Thanksgiving turkey have in common? They know what it’s like to be jammed into a small place and stuffed!
It’s the truth…I decided Ralph’s was my target and I was amazing at the number of people in the shopping center…there were so many I opted out and stayed on the west side of Los Alamitos Blvd!
A three mile walk in an hour and a half is not too bad for an ol’ fart! I take the time and enjoy the sights!
I made a wine run and stopped by the hardware store. I got a heavy duty five shelf mobile rack for the garage goodies My goal is to be able to wash out the garage anytime with simply moving of a few racks around. So far, we are doing well!
We watched three Christmas movies and a couple of othjer shows before crashing. We were going to go to the GG Elks but alas, the ol’ arm was acting up. We see the doctor next week and determine a course of action. We are going to go Saturday for sure even if we have to sit and watch all night!