Monthly Archives: March 2024

Off To Girls Night Out!

The bronchitis was taking its toll, so we went out for lunch and returned home, where Dr. Mary doctored me.   I felt “pooped out” all day and did not do very much, not even taking a snapshot! I sat in … Continue reading

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The Shock Is Wearing Off!

We went to the gym and worked out for 90 minutes, hopefully relieving some of the anguish from yesterday’s visit to the tax man!  After the gym, we came home and worked a little in the garden. I keep mulling … Continue reading

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It Was A Taxing Situation!

We woke early to make our 9:00 am appointment with Mary’s contact specialist in Tustin. Since we’re always on the go, she needed a spare pair of contacts. We took a quick garden walk as it was a glorious morning!  … Continue reading

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Hello Week! We Are Ready!

It’s Monday, so you will hear one of my favorite tunes when I was growing up. We were up at 5:30 am this fine morning as we needed to be at the surgeon’s office at 8:00 am to get a … Continue reading

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St Paddy’s Has Arrived!!

We have nothing planned until 5:00 pm when we are headed to the Elks Lodge for the bi-monthly Starlighter’s Dance Club.  We got up early and headed to the garden/backyard, where we attempted to prepare things for our extended vacation.  … Continue reading

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Out And About!

Take a minute and listed to “The Carlton Weaver” Did You Know? In the summer of 1787, the journeymen weavers of the Calton started to agitate for a wage increase. The dispute grew bitter, with the strikers cutting the webs … Continue reading

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Green Weekend Ahead!

Click the arrow to listen to Danny Boy. We were up and ready for the torture session at the gym.  We arrived at 8:30 sharp to begin our bicycle ride.  At 10:00 am, we exited the front door in severe … Continue reading

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Off And Running!

Last night, the wind started, sounding like a freight train coming down the street.  The house moaned, and pots fell on the patio.  I glanced at the new gazebo cover, which was withstanding the onslaught.  Around 2:00 am, I closed … Continue reading

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A Mid-Week Crrisis?

Who, me getting grumpy?  In a single word, yes!  When I get up in the morning, that is the best I will feel all day! Today, we had a free morning and afternoon, and we knew that our cleaning staff … Continue reading

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We were up at dawn and needed to be in Huntington Beach to see Dr. Anne by 8:30 am sharp.  One of my implants came “loose,” and after a lot of research dating back twenty years, Dr. Anne ordered the … Continue reading

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