Estimated reading time: 3 minutes

Green Weekend Ahead!

Irish music all day long!

Click the arrow to listen to Danny Boy.

We were up and ready for the torture session at the gym.  We arrived at 8:30 sharp to begin our bicycle ride.  At 10:00 am, we exited the front door in severe pain and exhaustion!  We ran to Ralph’s Market for some last-minute pre-Friday night dinner items.

Below is a new photo gallery “add-in” I discovered for WordPress; it looks like it might be fun. Click the image and it gets bigger.  You can use the tiny right-left arrows adjacent to the enlarged picture to move between photos.

When we got home, Mary made me lunch, and at 12:30 pm, we were in the garden working our little fingers to the bone.  I went to the He Shed and drug out the nuclear-powered Black & Decker rototiller, connecting it to the wall outlet via a two-guage 440 VAC power source.  When it started, the lights in the city dimmed.

The big digger!

The roaring noise and dirt being thrown behind the machine was just like the Apollo Moon Rocket taking off!  The sky became empty of birds, and John Wayne Airport changed its flight pattern!

The machine kicks up a lot of dirt.

According to Amazon, it was last purchased Feb 19, 2014, so it has lasted ten years.  It is no longer available as it was replaced with a cordless tiller that connects to the internet and automatically calls 911 when needed.

Turns the soil eight inches deep!

It was time for a rest.  I watched Mary lovingly plant the peas, string beans, and cucumbers, and she got the spaghetti squash and zucchini ready for me to plant.

When I was gardening, I created a system that would water our plant towers automatically when we were not around. The system consists of a hose with a battery-operated timer (provided by Colleen), and a U-shaped 3/4″ fitting that hangs over the top of the tower.  I checked it out and adjusted the water pressure and time so it will go off every day in the morning!

Farmer Paul resting.

The Alexa Studio we have in the back yard to entertain us while we work announced, “Someone is at the front door”.   I was closest so I went and there was David, about two hours early.  He had had a doctor’s appointment and decided to come over early.  He got to see us in action. He’s like Mary’s brother and part of David and Dianne.

David joins us for dinner.

We shared stories for nearly three hours and devoured several corned beef and cabbage servings. The centerpiece was Irish soda bread and two flavors of green ice cream!

We had a wonderful meal!

David departed around 8:30 pm, and we cleaned up the kitchen and watched three more episodes of Resident Alien.  We finally crashed at 11:00 pm.

Good night all!

Scout was not interested in going outside, so I awaited his call early in the am.

About Paul

Just an old retired guy trying to finish out my last years on this planet. I lost my best friend and wife in early 2020. I was blessed again by reconnecting with Dr. Mary Côté, a long-time friend. Mary and I got married July 28th, 2021, and are enjoying life together and plan to spend the rest of our lives being a blessing to our friends and family.
This entry was posted in Friends, Gardening, Gym, Vegetable Garden. Bookmark the permalink.