Tag Archives: Reirement

We Have Been Retired 1,111 Days! Yeah!

Remember: The trouble with retirement is that you never get a day off.  ~Abe Lemons

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1,000, 1K, M, 1E+3, 1 Kiloday Means 1,000 Days Of Retirement

Celebration time… We have been retired one thousand days! We celebrated by playing golf and then dining at OC Pavillion and seeing a live performance of Peter Pan!  Our 2,000th day celebration will be Tuesday September 11th, 2012!  Thanks to … Continue reading

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We Are Outta Here!

How can you tell that you’re getting old? You go to an antique auction, and three people bid on you! Today is our last day of work! We decided to pull the plug!  It was mostly because the company had … Continue reading

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