Estimated reading time: 5 minutes
Estimated reading time: 5 minutes
Well, Sleeping Beauty is doing just that! So I went to the kitchen, made myself a Cup ó Joe, and returned to the office to play on the computer. Working on the computer does two things for me: 1) it keeps the grey matter occupied, so there is no time for dementia, and 2) it builds on my rather large vocabulary of nasty words!While I have been “alone” for the last week, I have had much time to consider how fortunate I am! God has given me a beautiful family with Robin, Joe, Michele, and Colleen, as well as amazing nine grandbabies (the oldest is 35!) and six great-grandbabies (thank you, Colleen!).
We could not ask for a nicer family. There is Jeanette, but there must be a black cloud in everyone’s life.
I have had two extraordinary loves in my life. Sue was a fantastic partner and best friend for over thirty years. Her loss was devastating, but unbeknownst to me, God had a plan!
Little did I know that God would allow me to join with the fantastic Dr. Mary, who I adore with all my heart. She is the cat’s meow! Every day with her by my side is a notch in my life belt, and I plan to make it a large belt! She has brought happiness into the family and is a bright light in this sometimes dark world.
In addition, my parents’ teachings have paid off in that at the ripe old age of 80; I have financial security, a partner in life who I enjoy sharing everything with, a fantastic house that Mary has transformed into a warm and loving home, and a group of friends we love dearly.
As Dad always said, “Do unto others as you want to be done upon!” Mom always said, “You have two choices for dinner: Take It or Leave It.”
I got Scout out of the master bedroom without a sound but carrying his doggie treats in my teeth and crawling on my hands and knees backward is something I do not recommend you do on a daily basis. Once in the hallway, we was off like a shot; his potty needs was waiting in the yard!
She didn’t even move!
I observed his majesty basking in the lovely warm sun a few minutes later. I wanted to borrow his fur coat because it was cold in the house, and I did not want to turn on the furnace for fear of awakening the grouchy bear.
NOTE: At 2:30 am this morning, she woke up and was in pain. She could NOT go to sleep, so she went into the TV room and got on the couch (being in the TV room always makes us go to sleep). I covered her up, and then I sat next to her. She settled down and went to sleep; I laid there freezing my patootie off as I did not want to cover myself and chance wake her up.
For two hours, I shivered and shook, making the couch look and sound like a vibrating bed. (Maybe that’s why she could sleep.)
Finally, at 4:30 am, with my feet as blue as the ocean water, I got up to seek warmth–she also arose, without pain, and followed me back to bed. She has been comatose ever since. After putting them on Mary’s heating pad for a half-hour, my feet finally warmed up.

Another Sleeping Beauty (at least according to him!)
It was a beautiful day, which reminded me I must replace the cover on the gazebo. Thanks to Amazon, I ordered two replacements, which will arrive tomorrow.

It was a fantastic day, albeit cold!
Back inside, I stirred the stew and decided to put it in separate containers after Mary got up! Some go into the frig, some in the freezer, and some go across the street.

We can hardly wait for lunch!
We were supposed to have lunch with a recent retiree, but Mary couldn’t sit up very long, so it was a no-go.
Robin decided to come over at 11:30, and indeed she did, BUT I was helping Mary in the shower, and Robin could not get anyone to answer the door. The van was gone (Joe has been using it), so she thought we were gone!
I served Salmon fillets with roasted asparagus, a fruit cocktail, and freshly baked dinner rolls for lunch. It was pretty good!
At 5:30 pm, I took a container of beef stew to Jeff so he would not have to cook dinner! As I visited him, I recanted the Inaugural Ball visit with the Republican Committee of Long Beach at The Grand. We had a ball, celebrating all night long! I ran across a Google Photos prepared series of photos taken that evening.

This afternoon, I watched the White House Press Briefing, and it was like another world from the past four years. Instead of a mop-headed moron reading from a large book of pre-prepared talking points, we had a young, very well-prepared person giving and taking with the press off the top of her head! No more long delays or “non-answers”; this lady, Karoline Leavitt, is a rock star!!
I spent the rest of the evening planning tomorrow’s menu and working on the website, getting ready for St. Patrick’s Day and Valentine’s Day.
At 8:30, I did my daily 30-minute breathing exercise with the new meds; so far, so good!