Estimated reading time: 5 minutes

Thursday Has Arrived!

Estimated reading time: 5 minutes

Estimated reading time: 5 minutes

Speedy is a relative term!  It’s been since Tuesday a week ago that Mary has been down and out, but she is a trooper, never complaining unless it’s about a) the food service, b) me NOT wearing the French Maid’s outfit, or c) the food service!

This morning, she did not wake until past 10:00 am.  I put a mirror on her nose to make sure she was breathing!

To keep her from waking up, I had to go into the master bedroom, scoop up Luigi, and carry him outside so he would not whimper when Mother Nature called. That puppy is heavy—I think it’s all the spaghetti he has been eating!

When she finally woke up, I attempted to talk to her, but I got this response!

So, I ran to the kitchen and got her a chocolate as fast as my wobbly old legs could move!  I threw it in the door, awaiting the rustling of paper and foil and the eventual purring that comes with chocolate!

Mary has taken several “pain-related” pills, so I decided to go to the pharmacy and make her life simple!

Mary went back to sleep until 10:00 am and then walked to the patio door and called for me; she wanted to place her breakfast order!

I was in the garden on the phone, trying to be very quiet!  I fixed her breakfast per her instructions.  I needed a thermometer to get the toast at precisely 114 degrees. The banana had to be at 65.5 degrees exactly. Her orange juice had to be picked fresh so I am, an old man, climbing onto an 80′ rickety old termite infested wooden ladder leaning over into my neighbor’s yard picking his oranges making sure they were ripe and ready. Now, breakfast can be served!

When I returned to pick up the dishes, seeing me caused her to say, “Hello you SOB!”  Dang I must have missed a seed in her orange juice!  I asked what was wrong and she said, “Nothing Sweetie”.  I am now officially confused.  So I asked why she called me an SOB.  She laughed and said, “SOB means SPECIALIST ON BREAKFAST, I was saying thank you!”

In the afternoon, I got busy making beef stew, which went into the crock pot around 3:00 pm and needs at least eight hours, meaning I will be up late tonight checking on it!  Below I am browning the meat, it look amazing!

Two pounds of Choice beef cooks down pretty fast!

I went to Dr. Mary’s room and asked her a question, and she responded, “You’re SOL!”  I was taken aback after everything I had been doing, so I wondered why she had responded in such a mean manner.  She said, “Mean, what do you mean??”  I said, “SOL is not nice,” and she replied that she was saying hello.  She told me SOL means Short Order Liles, a new term of endearment!

At 3:00, I took Scout to his hairdresser’s appointment. He will be challenging to live with tonight!!  He prances around, waiting for us to make lovely comments.

At 5:00 pm, I took a pot of beans over to Jeffs, who responded a few minutes later, “Loved the chili!”.

The beans make a meal in and of themselves!!

The rest of the evening, Mary watched TV, and I worked on my computer and read the latest news.  I had to get my mind off the senate hearings that happened today.  The liberals were just wound up like an eight-day clock, and old Pencil Neck Schiff made a fool out of himself…a naturally occurring event!

A stunning new poll this week found that a mere 31% of Americans have a favorable view of the Democratic Party, with a whopping 57% viewing it negatively, and if you want to know why, look no further than the shameful antics of lefty senators in this month’s confirmation hearings.

The house smelled great, and the beef stew was about to be finished. The “keep warm” light was on when I checked, so I left it on until morning.

I felt pretty good when cooking, especially for my bride who usually does the cooking!

While making it, I recalled my mother-in-law’s words: cooking is NOT a precise science.  Put in what is generally in the recipe, but you can add, subtract, and modify at will.   I did that today because Rita said, “Go ahead, add onion soup mix and forget the cornstarch; you can use Wondra instead.”

If this concoction tastes half as good as it smells, we might have the world’s next gourmet dish—or a new way to set the fire alarm!

Many meals are ready to go now!!

I told Mary I missed her in the kitchen because after I made something, I looked back and saw that the kitchen looked like a tornado had hit it!  Where is my Sous Chef??

We crashed around 10:00 pm!

About Paul

Just an old retired guy trying to finish out my last years on this planet. I lost my best friend and wife in early 2020. I was blessed again by reconnecting with Dr. Mary Côté, a long-time friend. Mary and I got married July 28th, 2021, and are enjoying life together and plan to spend the rest of our lives being a blessing to our friends and family.
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