Estimated reading time: 3 minutes

Mid Week And Mary Is Still Recovering!

Estimated reading time: 3 minutes

I stealthily escaped from the clutches of my cozy bed at 7:30 am, trying not to wake up the blankets that were clearly plotting to keep me hostage. I tiptoed to the office like a ninja on a mission, ready to face the day—armed with caffeine and a questionable amount of optimism!

I plan to get a recipe for scalloped potatoes, one of Mary’s favorites. While she is down and out, I have been attempting to feed her with minimal poisoning; so far, so good! Today, we are having hamburgers with chili and onions (sometimes called chili size), and this evening, I plan to have chicken with scalloped potatoes. I may have to get out my chef’s hat.

Yummy for the tummy!!

At 1:00 pm, I decided to go to the market and get supplies so MAry could eat.  Without Mary there to control me, I racked up $500 in groceries, and it took an hour to put everything away!

Oh my!!! It took five trips to bring everything inside!

After many trips, I finally got everything inside. I had about an hour to unpack it and move it to a storage area.

I got my exercise in!!

As I was putting things away, the doorbell rang. It was Dianne who had brought her version of Jewish penicillin. Dianne worked hard to find the ingredients, getting up early to collect them from the neighbor’s trees. She also brought focaccia bread! The soup and pasta looked amazing!

The dough was flattened on stone slabs and often cooked under hot ashes. In fact, the Latin name is panis focacius, or hearth bread. In Italy, focaccia might be referred to as classica or pizza Genovese, and is considered an iconic food of Liguria, particularly associated with Genoa, Liguria’s capital.

Oh Dear!!

Dianne and Mary visited for quite a while while I finished the “stuffing” of our kitchen.  Every available space is now bulging with food! Bring on a rainstorm; we can eat for a month!

After Dianne left, I warmed the soup, added her pasta, and finished the focaccia bread. I then delivered Dr. Mary’s meal along with some sliced pears and, of course, her “Two Buck Chuck.”  I did not wear my required French Maid outfit because I wanted her meal to be warm, and it takes me time to put on the outfit!!

Dang! My tushie gets cold!

Mary and I talked about our upcoming trip and I reminded Mary that she had to practice her penmanship!

After dinner, I prepared a meal for Luigi! I made him the fanciest dish I could think of: five-star spaghetti from a to-go box! But let’s be honest: My cooking skills are more “one-star in a food fight.”

So, I put the pasta in his bowl and added a sauce that could double as a science experiment.

Luigi took one bite, and his eyes looked like he’d just seen a ghost—it turns out my secret ingredient was way too much ‘whoops’ and not enough ‘whoo-hoo!’ I Can’t wait to hear his review on Yelp!

He got back at me, getting up twice before midnight and wanting “outside water.”

We hit the sack at 10:00 p.m., and it was lights out.  Mary is feeling better, so all I have to do now is keep her from doing too much!


About Paul

Just an old retired guy trying to finish out my last years on this planet. I lost my best friend and wife in early 2020. I was blessed again by reconnecting with Dr. Mary Côté, a long-time friend. Mary and I got married July 28th, 2021, and are enjoying life together and plan to spend the rest of our lives being a blessing to our friends and family.
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