I stealthily escaped from the clutches of my cozy bed at 7:30 am, trying not to wake up the blankets that were clearly plotting to keep me hostage. I tiptoed to the office like a ninja on a mission, ready to face the day—armed with caffeine and a questionable amount of optimism!
I plan to get a recipe for scalloped potatoes, one of Mary’s favorites. While she is down and out, I have been attempting to feed her with minimal poisoning; so far, so good! Today, we are having hamburgers with chili and onions (sometimes called chili size), and this evening, I plan to have chicken with scalloped potatoes. I may have to get out my chef’s hat.
At 1:00 p.m., I decided to go to the market to get supplies so Mary could eat. Without Mary there to control me, I racked up $500 in groceries, and it took an hour to put everything away!
I brought my baby some roses to cheer her up! But honestly, I think she just wanted to use them as a hat. Now she’s thinking about strutting around, looking like the queen of the garden!
I had to sneak the roses in because, after four trips from the garage, Mary was getting worried about what I had bought without her adult supervision!
It took me a good 45 minutes to a) unpack the groceries and b) attempt to squeeze them into the frig and storage areas! We can eat for a month now!
Around 4:00 p.m., the doorbell rang, and I knew it was our dear friend Dianne, who had brought her version of penicillin soup! Dianne is a super chef and very creative. I forgot the soup’s name, but she had to get up early in the morning to capture the ingredients from the neighbor’s trees. It was still warm, as she had just finished it. She even brought focaccia bread!
Dianne and Mary visited for quite a while, and Mary even came to the kitchen, albeit limping like she had just been in a battle.
After Dianne left, I heated up the bread and served Mary the soup along with a small bowl of sliced pears. Yes, I also brought Mary a glass of Two-Buck Chuck! I did not wear my French Maid costume this evening; it was cool in the house! Mary was disappointed!
Mary and I talked about our upcoming voyage to Mexico with Sarah and Jon, and I reminded her she needed to practice her penmanship, just in case!
I sat with Mary while she ate in case she needed something. I nibbled as I cooked all day and was not hungry.
After dinner, Mary watched TV while I was working in the office, reviewing the latest mail. We both crashed at 10:00 p.m.
Scout had dinner, and when he saw the spaghetti and meatballs on top of his food, he went wild! He is definitely a “Luigi.”