Mama is cooking again!

Well, what a fine way to start the day! My hearing aids disappeared last night because they were not in the charger this morning. We looked everywhere for them, but alas, nothing!

We used the iPhone locator, and it told us they were in the kitchen/family room, so we looked high and low.  Everything was moved around like a game of furniture Tetris gone horribly wrong. I swear, our couch is now in a committed relationship with the fridge, and the chair is plotting a coup against the coffee table for hogging the remote!

Honestly, the dog was the only thing not on the move—he was treating the whole chaos like his personal amusement park.

He actually smiles!

We had one last place to look: the TRASH.  So, being a good troubleshooter, I placed the trash bags outside near the trash cans, approximately 150 feet and five walls away from the iPhone.  When I attempted to connect the iPhone to the hearing aids,  there was no signal, meaning they were in the trash.

Back inside came the trash, and Mary and I went through every piece.  Mary found them, but we had no idea how they got there or why I had taken them off in the kitchen instead of the bedroom near the charger!  It is a spooky mystery, for sure.

OK, time for lunch!

We went to The Farmhouse at Roger’s Gardens to meet up with Becky and Dan, who were in town for a wedding.

We are at the Farmhouse.

We had a great seat overlooking the people shopping for their next backache. We then enjoyed a lovely lunch, complete with a cheese board and four glasses of wine!

Becky and Dan joined us at about 2:30 pm.

On our way out, we stopped for a photoshoot. You know, just casually pretending we aren’t totally awkward in front of the camera. Who doesn’t love capturing their best “deer in headlights” look?

We departed around 4:30 pm.

The valet asked if we wanted our picture taken together, and he did well! Notice that no feet or heads were cut off!

We had a wonderful lunch!

We chose a sunny spot, and it was bright! We told Dan to remove his shades and not squint. This is one picture out of 50 we took!

Dan and Becky depart the Farmhouse.

The valet tried again and did great, ensuring his shadow was not in the picture.

Good looking group!

When they departed, we went shopping for winter veggies.  We mainly were after lettuce for our salads and found all sorts of interesting varieties.

We went shopping.

While strolling through the garden, a lovely lady offered to take our picture; she liked our Halloween outfits.  Well done, but notice that we have no feet!!

We head home.

At home, we worked around the house.  Mary continued to watch “Lost” while I worked on repairing little odds and ends with my super glue.  The cooking bug bit her and she was off like a flash and started making hard-boiled eggs and applesauce.

Applesauce requires apples to be peeled which means we can try the dehydration function of the new air fryer.  We will see tomorrow morning how it worked.

We crashed around 10:00 pm and dreamed all night about the Elks Halloween Ball planned for tomorrow.

About Paul

Just an old retired guy trying to finish out my last years on this planet. I lost my best friend and wife in early 2020. I was blessed again by reconnecting with Dr. Mary Côté, a long-time friend. Mary and I got married July 28th, 2021, and are enjoying life together and plan to spend the rest of our lives being a blessing to our friends and family.
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