Estimated reading time: 4 minutes

Happy Mother’s Day!

Estimated reading time: 4 minutes

So very true!

We are having family and friends over to celebrate at 11:00 am, so we needed to be up and get things ready!  We called Colleen to thank her for Mary’s Mother’s Day gift; Mary loves frogs!

Colleen sent Mary a present: Frogs that light up at night!

By 10:00 am, we had almost everything ready.  Robin came early and brought a homemade Charcuterie Board.  It was beautiful!  We had bagels for every description and two different kinds of quiches.  While out this morning, I got fresh orange juice and a box of Kristy-Creme donuts, which went fast, BTW.

We could have fed a small army.

Every family get-together usually begins with a garden tour.  Lisa brought Toby to meet Scout.  Both dogs are fourteen years old, so the running around was slow-motion, punctuated with frequent rest stops!

What kind of flowers are best for Mother’s Day?  Mums.

Pete, Lisa, and Toby came from San Diego to join the fun!

Everyone visited the garden.  The dogs chased each other all afternoon!

The dinner bell rang, and everyone came running.  Our family was NOT bashful; food was flying in all directions.   Plates were filled, and plates were emptied.

Moms don’t wish they could sleep like a baby.  They wish they could sleep like a dad.

Come and get it.  Irene joined right in and filled her plate.

Making at least two complete circles around the island is essential so you do not miss anything.  Mary also made Jalapeno Poppers for those who like spicy things!

Silence is golden.  Unless you have kids, then silence is suspicious.

Plates were filled.

What did the digital clock say to its mother?  “Look, Ma!  No hands!”

Lisa kept an eye on Toby because he was much smaller than Scout.

We even had fresh-picked oranges courtesy of Paul’s long arms and our next-door neighbor’s permission.  Mary picked the Sweet Peas this morning.  Donna brought some red wine to have with breakfast!  All together, we had a feast!

Mary and Donna make their selections.

I asked everyone to tell us something funny or memorable about their mothers.

One person mentioned that while shopping at Zody’s (that will date the event), she saw her mother changing price tags on clothes!

Donna also told us about eating grass; ask her for the details.

I told the story of my mother running away from home because I opened a Christmas present early.  I can still see the image of me chasing Mom down the street, yelling, “I promised NEVER to do that again.”  To this day, I will not touch a wrapped present.

Bob tells a story!

Since we travel so much, Robin got Mary a travel purse that fits ID, money, and a cell phone and goes around the neck.  This keeps pickpockets and purse snatchers away.

Robion told the story of Sue, who was on an alcohol-free diet wanting champagne at Old Ranch.  When Paul turned around to get a soft drink for her, Miss Prim and Proper flipped him off.  The family nearly died laughing.

Robin also got one, so they will match when we travel together.

Bob Z. and I kibitzed all day, which usually goes down some bunny trail with no end.  He is my brother by another mother.

Bob and Paul cavorting as usual.

It is just us!  It was a wonderful day, and Mary’s daughter called to wish her a Happy Mother’s Day, which made Mary very happy!

Just us!

The day was beautiful, and we had time to visit everybody.  The girls cleaned up everything, so Mary and I could only remove the dishes from the dishwasher and put them away.  They are good kids.

We talked to Colleen and shared her day, which began with a gourmet dinner courtesy of her son (our grandson) Jon and Sarah.  Colleen then went to Cassie’s in-laws to celebrate some more.  All is good.

About Paul

Just an old retired guy trying to finish out my last years on this planet. I lost my best friend and wife in early 2020. I was blessed again by reconnecting with Dr. Mary Côté, a long-time friend. Mary and I got married July 28th, 2021, and are enjoying life together and plan to spend the rest of our lives being a blessing to our friends and family.
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