We Vegetated Today!

We were not up late last night, but neither of us wanted to move this morning!  We were up early and called Colleen while enjoying our cup of coffee.  We each had a bagel and watched a series called “The English.”

Summary: Englishwoman Lady Cornelia Locke comes to the West in 1890 looking for revenge on the man she sees as responsible for the death of her son.  She meets Eli Whipp, ex-cavalry scout and member of the Pawnee Nation by birth.  Eli is on his way to Nebraska to claim the land he is owed for his service in the US Army, despite having been told that the white men will not honor their debt.  Cornelia and Eli discover a possible shared history.

I worked on my tan in the garden, and Mary stayed indoors and did chores around the house. At 3:00 p.m., we started getting ready to go to Campus Jax to see a Michael Bublé look-alike with Vicky and Jim.   Feelin’ Good: The Ultimate Michael Bublé Experience is a dynamic show that delivers the essence of a Michael Bublé concert at an affordable price. Ith interactive elements woven into its scripted format, the energy is high throughout.   backed by an 11-piece orchestra, the focus is on Bublé’s contemporary persona, moving beyond Sinatra’s influence to embrace his modern song choices.

We arrived just a little 6:30 pm6:30 pm and immediately went for some appetizers as we were starved.

We skipped lunch; Mary was starved!

We will never figure out how they got eleventh musicians onto that small stage, but they did it.  The brass section made the music jump out at you.

The band was set up when we arrived.

Vicky entertained us with stories.    I noticed she had her Michael Bubbles shirt on.    thought about stopping and getting some bubbles for Vicky, but we decided we were too hungry.  Also, Vicky would have been blowing bubbles all night long!

We had great seats, and Jack, the owner, visited since we were regulars.

The girls got the best seats.

Jim and the Roberts sat across, but turning the chairs 180 degrees was easy when the music began!

The Roberts joined u5:40 pm 5:40 pm.

Mary and I got up and danced, but our end of the table did not have much room.   ob and Dopnna had more room.

Paul looked sad because the bottle was empty!   Oh, Dear, what to do?   I yelled, “Uno Mas,” and as if by magic, a fresh bottle appeared.

We had a wonderful time.

We all left at 10:00 pm and headed home for tomorrow. It is a big day for Mothers everywhere. We are having ten friends and family over for brunch.

About Paul

Just an old retired guy trying to finish out my last years on this planet. I lost my best friend and wife in early 2020. I was blessed again by reconnecting with Dr. Mary Côté, a long-time friend. Mary and I got married July 28th, 2021, and are enjoying life together and plan to spend the rest of our lives being a blessing to our friends and family.
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